MTC is offering high school students around the Bay Area the opportunity to gain professional experience in transportation planning, engineering and related fields through its paid High School Summer...
News and Stories
Plan Bay Area 2040 marked a major milestone with the approval of the Final Preferred Scenario by MTC and ABAG. The Preferred Scenario provides a roadmap for accommodating household and employment...
OAKLAND, CA — The Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) this week unveiled a new interactive, web-based lens for viewing the effects of the Bay Area’s booming economy on jobs, home prices...
OAKLAND, CA — Did you know that the Bay Area outpaced every one of the other Top 10 U.S. metro areas except Houston for job growth from 2010 through 2013? Or that more new housing units were permitted...
MTC and ABAG invite the public to a pair of open houses in Pleasanton and in Walnut Creek on Wednesday, Apr. 29, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. to learn about an update to the region’s long-range...