
Transportation Electrification

MTC supports increasing access to clean mobility options through the electrification of transportation systems.

Noah Berger

Transportation electrification (TE) is the replacement of fossil fuels in the transportation sector with electrical power: the inside of vehicles themselves, as well as the power networks that vehicles depend on.

TE, when paired with electricity generated from renewable resources in California plays a key role in helping reduce pollution from the largest source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions: transportation.

Electrification to Reach Regional Goals

TE is a key strategy in Plan Bay Area 2050, the long-range regional plan. It helps to achieve the Plan Bay Area 2050 target of a 19% reduction in GHG emissions for transportation by 2035, compared to 2005. To support transportation electrification in the Bay Area, MTC has committed $65 million in funding for the following new TE Initiatives: 

Description of Initiatives & Investment Amount in Millions of Dollars
MTC Transportation Electrification Initiatives Investment

Charging Infrastructure


Electric Bikeshare

  • Bay Wheels Bikeshare E-bike Expansion (TE2a) – $16 million
  • Additional Bikeshare Investments (TE2b) – $4 million

Local Public Fleet Electrification


Transportation Electrification Planning and Program Strategy

Total $65M

These TE Initiatives include opportunities for capital project grant funding and planning and technical assistance for local agencies. This page will be updated with funding opportunities for the initiatives above as they become available. 

Sign up for email announcements at the bottom of the page to be notified when related funding opportunities are released. 

Staff Contact

James Choe, Climate Program Manager
Phone: 415-778-6664
Email: jchoe@bayareametro.gov

Current Transportation Electrification Strategies

To meet regional goals, MTC is working with the Bay Area Air District (Air District), local governments and other partners to develop and support electrification strategies, including:

Bay Area EV Coordinating Council

MTC, in partnership with the Air District, organizes quarterly meetings of the Bay Area EV Coordinating Council. The EV Council is a peer-to-peer forum of stakeholders to share information, provide input, and communicate updates to EV Resources.

What are Electric Transportation Options?

EV's are cars and trucks that run partially or completely using an electric propulsion system, reducing their reliance on fossil fuels. Electrified public transit and other shared vehicle options offer even more environmental, health, safety and economic benefits by reducing the number of vehicles on the road and the cost of getting around. Newer electric mobility (e-mobility) options, including electric bicycles, scooters and car share, also offer affordable ways to get around with an even lower impact on the environment.

Sign Up for Updates on MTC’s Transportation Electrification Assistance Programs

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