
Countywide Transportation Plans

Some counties develop their own long-range plans – countywide transportation plans – to guide transportation decisions in their communities. MTC helps them with cross-regional coordination.

Peter Beeler

Because each Bay Area county is unique, there is no “one-size-fits-all” approach to transportation planning. Some counties develop their own long-range plans – countywide transportation plans – which are regularly updated to reflect new priorities and new financial estimates.

These plans serve as essential building blocks for the development of MTC’s larger regional transportation plan, Plan Bay Area

While MTC is required by law to adopt a plan, county congestion management agencies (CMAs) develop their plans voluntarily. And not all Bay Area counties choose to do so.

Countywide Coordination

MTC has created guidance for consistency between the counties’ transportation planning work and the work of Plan Bay Area.

Read the Guidelines for Countywide Transportation Plans.
Strong Participation

County Transportation Agencies (CTAs) in eight of the nine Bay Area counties have adopted countywide transportation plans:

  • Alameda County Transportation Commission
  • Contra Costa Transportation Authority
  • Napa Valley Transportation Authority
  • San Francisco County Transportation Authority
  • City/County Association of Government of San Mateo County
  • Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority
  • Solano Transportation Authority
  • Sonoma County Transportation Authority

MTC works with local CTAs to support their work.

Efficient Planning

MTC works with county transportation agencies to help them reduce duplication of local planning efforts.

Work on countywide transportation plans is coordinated with related work on congestion management plans.

Six of the nine Bay Area counties submit congestion management plans to MTC for approval.