Streets for a Pandemic Recovery

MTC is helping Bay Area cities and counties develop new ways to use the region’s streets.

Technical Assistance Resources

Visit the Technical Assistance portal for additional resources.


MTC is involved in helping cities think about how they can use their streets and sidewalks more creatively — to serve more people and more purposes.

These examples of Complete Streets projects that have been implemented in the Bay Area are models for cities who want to take on similar projects:

Slow Streets Program Evaluation

MTC is assisting Bay Area cities and counties evaluate the effects of the strategies related to social distancing for complete streets. The Oakland Slow Streets Interim Findings Report is one of these evaluations.

Read the report.
Strategies and Actions for Complete Streets

MTC’s Bay Area Social Distancing Implemented Actions table includes an updated list of local agency strategies and projects related to social distancing for complete streets.

See the list.

Staff Contacts

Nicola Szibbo
Phone: 415-778-6720

Toshi Shepard-Ohta
Phone: 415-778-5280