Streets for a Pandemic Recovery
MTC is helping Bay Area cities and counties develop new ways to use the region’s streets.
Visit the Technical Assistance portal for additional resources.
MTC is involved in helping cities think about how they can use their streets and sidewalks more creatively — to serve more people and more purposes.
These examples of Complete Streets projects that have been implemented in the Bay Area are models for cities who want to take on similar projects:
- Streatery Parklet and Pick-Up Zone: Reuse of parking spaces adjacent to the sidewalk for outdoor dining space, and designated curbside zones for people picking up for takeout or delivery. For example: The City of San Mateo's Outdoor Dining program.
- Open Streatery and Parking Lot Dining: Outdoor dining space on streets and/or parking lots that are closed to vehicular traffic, including those in new dining zones in the City of Alameda.
- Bikeway: Safe space for biking and rolling that is separated from vehicle traffic, such as the City of San Francisco’s Fell Street temporary bikeway.
- Open Curb: Additional space next to the sidewalk to encourage physical distancing, shared by people walking and slowly biking or rolling, such as those on designated roads in Foster City.
- Open Street: Street closed to all vehicle traffic, providing car-free space for people to move and recreate safely using physical distancing, like the City of San Jose's Al Fresco - Bring It Outside program.
- Shared/Slow Street: Street with only local vehicle traffic, providing space for people to move and recreate safely using physical distancing, including streets in the City of Petaluma.
- Essential Places: Traffic safety improvements that provide safe pedestrian access to essential services such as grocery stores and medical offices, including designated areas in the City of Oakland.
MTC is assisting Bay Area cities and counties evaluate the effects of the strategies related to social distancing for complete streets. The Oakland Slow Streets Interim Findings Report is one of these evaluations.
MTC’s Bay Area Social Distancing Implemented Actions table includes an updated list of local agency strategies and projects related to social distancing for complete streets.
Staff Contacts
Nicola Szibbo
Phone: 415-778-6720
Toshi Shepard-Ohta
Phone: 415-778-5280