Coordinated Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Plan
MTC has adopted a plan to better meet the transportation needs of older adults, people with disabilities and populations with low incomes, so that all Bay Area residents can get to where they need to go.
The draft 2024 Coordinated Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Plan Update was released for public comment over the summer. The final draft incorporates public comment received during public comment period of July 5 -August 7, 2024. The Commission will consider this final draft plan for adoption in December 2024.
The Coordinated Plan is the region’s blueprint for planning, funding and coordinating transportation for older adults, people with disabilities and low-income populations. The Coordinated Plan identifies transportation gaps, identifies solutions to address those gaps, and provides recommendations to improve mobility and coordination.
Draft 2024 Coordinated Plan Update
The Draft 2024 Coordinated Plan Update includes:
- An updated demographic profile of the region;
- An inventory of types of transportation resources available in the Bay Area;
- A summary of transportation gaps for low-income, older adults and people with disabilities; and
- Recommendations to improve mobility for transportation-disadvantaged populations.
The Draft Coordinated Plan also includes projects eligible for funding under the Section 5310 Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities program. These projects, as well as general feedback on barriers faced by transportation-disadvantaged populations, were provided by stakeholders from around the region during outreach and engagement in 2020-2024.
Production of the final Coordinated Plan Update has begun, and incorporates public feedback received during the summer.
Staff Contact
Drennen Shelton, Regional Network Management
Phone: 415-778-5309
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Coordinated Plan Document
- View the currently adopted Coordinated Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Plan Update (2018)
- View the Draft 2024 Coordinated Plan Update
Goals of the Coordinated Plan
- Identify transportation gaps faced by transportation-disadvantaged populations
- Establish priorities for funding decisions
- Focus on a broad range of mobility strategies to improve coordination among public transit agencies and human services transportation providers
Elements of the Plan
The Coordinated Plan includes:
- Bay Area demographics
- Regional transportation resources
- Summary of transportation gaps
- Recommended strategies for improved transportation
The Coordinated Plan Update was developed with assistance from a technical advisory committee that includes representatives from:
- Bay Area transit agencies
- Nonprofit transportation providers
- City and community-based transportation services
- County-based mobility managers