Regional Early Action Planning Grant Program (REAP 2)
The Regional Early Action Planning Grant Program (REAP 2) is a key part of the state of California's strategic investments toward a more sustainable, resilient and inclusive future.
The Regional Early Action Planning Grant Program (REAP 2) is a one-time $600 million state grant to advance implementation of adopted regional plans by funding programs that:
- Accelerate infill housing development;
- Reduce per capita vehicle miles traveled (VMT); and
- Affirmatively further fair housing.
Initially launched in 2021, the program is administered by the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD), in collaboration with California Office of Planning and Research (OPR), Strategic Growth Council (SGC) and California Air Resources Board (CARB).
MTC was allocated $102.8 million in REAP 2 funds for projects and subgrantees throughout the Bay Area. HCD approved MTC's REAP 2 application in November 2023 and executed a standard agreement with MTC in January 2024.
Prioritized Programs
MTC’s REAP 2 funds are focused into three program areas that align with both state and regional objectives:
- Accelerating the implementation of the Plan Bay Area 2050 Growth Framework:
- Delivering near-term priorities from the Transit Transformation Action Plan:
- Augmenting the Community Action Resource & Empowerment (CARE) program to invest in additional local projects and programs prioritized by residents of Equity Priority Communities:
- Community-Based Transportation Plan Implementation
- Participatory Budgeting Project Implementation
- Community Power-Building and Engagement
MTC Resolution No. 4650 documents the specific REAP 2 projects approved by MTC to date.
Staff Contact
Valerie Coleman, REAP 2 Program Coordinator
The Plan Bay Area 2050 Vehicle Miles Traveled map shows the VMT generation patterns of the Bay Area.