2017 TIP Revisions
TIP Revision 2017-01
Revision (PDF): 17-01
Status: Approved
Type: Administrative Modification
Number of Projects: 61
Net Funding Change: -$3,823,767
MTC Approval Date: 12-21-16
Caltrans Approval Date: N/A
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: N/A
TIP Revision 2017-01 is an administrative modification that revises 61 projects with a net funding decrease of approximately $3.8 million. Among other changes, this revision: updates the funding plans of 32 Surface Transportation Program/Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (STP/CMAQ) funded projects to reflect planned obligations and other programming decisions, including the programming of $110 million in CMAQ funds and $40 million in Regional Measure 2 funds to BART’s Rail Car Procurement Program to reflect the programming in the OBAG 2 funding framework; updates the funding plans of five projects to reflect the repurposing of unused earmark funds; updates the funding plans of eight individually-listed Highway Bridge Program funded projects to reflect the latest information from Caltrans; splits the Incident Management Program project into two projects to separate the current and future phases of the program; updates the funding plan of the Caltrain Electrification project to reflect recent programming decisions and funding agreements; updates the funding plan of SFMTA’s Van Ness Bus Rapid Transit project to reflect the latest schedule including reprogramming approximately $60 million in Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Small Starts funding from prior years to fiscal year 2017; and updates the funding plan and back-up listing of the Mandates Program within the State Highway Operations and Protection Program (SHOPP) to reflect the latest information from Caltrans including the addition of $7.3 million in SHOPP funds. The administrative modification is financially constrained by year and MTC relies on the State’s programming capacity in the amount of approximately $60 million in FTA Small Starts funds, $7.3M in SHOPP funds, $17,489 in repurposed earmark funds, and $1.9 million in Transportation Fund for Clean Air funds. MTC’s 2017 TIP, as revised with Revision No. 2017-01, remains in conformity with the applicable State Implementation Plan (SIP) for air quality and the revision does not interfere with the timely implementation of the Transportation Control Measures contained in the SIP.
TIP Revision 2017-02
Revision (PDF): 17-02
Status: Approved
Type: Administrative Modification
Number of Projects: 6
Net Funding Change: $544,852
MTC Approval Date: 1-31-17
Caltrans Approval Date: N/A
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: N/A
TIP Revision 2017-02 is an administrative modification that revises 6 projects with a net funding increase of approximately $544,852. Among other changes, this revision: updates the funding plans of five federally funded projects to reflect actual and planned obligations and Federal Transit Administration grants; and updates the funding plan and back-up listing of the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) funded grouped listing to reflect the latest programming information from Caltrans related to projects that had unobligated funding from federal fiscal year 2015-16, including the addition of $399,340 in HSIP funds and $145,512 in local funds. The administrative modification is financially constrained by year and MTC relies on the State’s programming capacity in the amount of $399,340 in HSIP funds. MTC’s 2017 TIP, as revised with Revision No. 2017-02, remains in conformity with the applicable State Implementation Plan (SIP) for air quality and the revision does not interfere with the timely implementation of the Transportation Control Measures contained in the SIP.
TIP Revision 2017-03
Revision (PDF): 17-03
Status: Approved
Type: Amendment
Number of Projects: 69
Net Funding Change: $819,826,956
MTC Approval Date: 12-21-16
Caltrans Approval Date: 1-19-17
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: 2-8-17
TIP Revision 2017-03 is an amendment that revises 69 projects with a net funding increase of approximately $820 million. Among other changes, this revision: amends four exempt and four non-exempt, not regionally significant projects into the TIP to reflect the adoption of the Bay Bridge Forward Program; updates the funding plan of the Golden Gate Bridge Suicide Deterrent project to reflect additional funding commitments, including the addition of $40 million in Highway Bridge Program (HBP) funds, $40 million in Surface Transportation Block Grant Program funds and $40 million in Golden Gate Bridge toll funds; updates the funding plans of six additional individually-listed HBP funded projects, updates the funding plan and back-up listing of the HBP funded grouped listing, and combines one individually-listed HBP funded project with the grouped listing to reflect the latest information from Caltrans, including the addition of approximately $109 million in HBP funds; deletes two projects and updates the funding plans of two other projects to reflect the repurposing of prior year federal earmark funds; adds one new State Highway Operations and Protection Program (SHOPP) funded grouped listing and updates the funding plans and back-up listings of five existing SHOPP funded grouped listings to reflect the latest information from Caltrans, including the addition of approximately $369 million in SHOPP funds; adds one new Recreational Trails Program funded grouped listing into the TIP; carries forward two exempt and one non-exempt project into the 2017 TIP from the 2015 TIP as these projects were not originally included in the 2017 TIP as adopted; adds one new exempt project to the TIP and updates the scope and funding for an existing project to reflect the award of Federal Transit Administration (FTA) discretionary funds through the FTA Section 5339 Discretionary Program and Transit Oriented Development Planning Pilot Program; adds one new exempt Surface Transportation Block Grant Program/Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (STP/CMAQ) funded project and updates the funding plans of 18 other STP/CMAQ funded projects to reflect obligations, past funding decisions in the One Bay Area Grant (OBAG) Cycle 1 Transit Performance Initiative program, and the selection of projects in OBAG Cycle 2; and adds one new exempt Transit Capital Priority (TCP) funded project, deletes one existing TCP funded project and updates the funding plans of seven other TCP funded projects. Changes made with this revision do not affect the air quality conformity finding or conflict with the financial constraint requirements.
TIP Revision 2017-04
Revision (PDF): 17-04
Status: Approved
Type: Administrative Modification
Number of Projects: 15
Net Funding Change: -$111,504
MTC Approval Date: 3-6-17
Caltrans Approval Date: N/A
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: N/A
TIP Revision 2017-04 is an administrative modification that revises 11 projects with a net funding decrease of $111,504. Among other changes, this revision: updates the funding plans of five Surface Transportation Program/Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (STP/CMAQ) funded projects to reflect programming decisions and past and planned obligations; updates the funding plans of three other federally funded projects to reflect planned obligations; updates the funding plan of the Sonoma County Transportation Authority’s portion of the US 101 Marin/Sonoma Narrows project to reflect the programming of $15 million in repurposed federal earmark funds; splits out the I-880 Integrated Corridor Management project from the region-wide Incident Management Program; and updates the funding plan and back-up listing of the Caltrans managed Highway Maintenance Program grouped listing to reflect the latest information from Caltrans. The administrative modification is financially constrained by year and MTC relies on the State’s programming capacity in the amount of $2 million in High Priority Project Earmark funds, $15 million in repurposed earmark funds, $665,042 in Federal Highway Administration Ferry Boat Program funds, and $3 million in Trade Corridors Improvement Fund funds. MTC’s 2017 TIP, as revised with Revision No. 2017-04, remains in conformity with the applicable State Implementation Plan (SIP) for air quality and the revision does not interfere with the timely implementation of the Transportation Control Measures contained in the SIP.
TIP Revision 2017-05
Revision (PDF): 17-05
Status: Approved
Type: Administrative Modification
Number of Projects: 12
Net Funding Change: +$22,741,790
MTC Approval Date: 4-5-17
Caltrans Approval Date: N/A
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: N/A
TIP Revision 2017-05 is an administrative modification that revises 12 projects with a net funding increase in funding of $22,741,790. Among other changes, this revision: updates the funding plans of seven projects to reflect the programming of funds for FY2016-17 in the Transit Capital Priorities program; updates the funding plans of two Surface Transportation Block Grant Program/Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (STP/CMAQ) funded projects to reflect planned obligations; updates the funding plan of the Metropolitan Transportation Commission’s Clipper Fare Collection System project to reflect the programming of $7.4 million in bridge toll funds; and updates the funding plan and back-up listing of the Caltrans managed State Highway Operation and Protection Program (SHOPP) Emergency Response grouped listing to reflect the latest information from Caltrans, including the addition of $5.3 million to the SHOPP. The administrative modification is financially constrained by year and MTC relies on the State’s programming capacity in the amount of $5.3 million in SHOPP funds. MTC’s 2017 TIP, as revised with Revision No. 2017-05, remains in conformity with the applicable State Implementation Plan (SIP) for air quality and the revision does not interfere with the timely implementation of the Transportation Control Measures contained in the SIP.
TIP Revision 2017-06
Revision (PDF): 17-06
Status: Approved
Type: Amendment
Number of Projects: 11
Net Funding Change: $68,189,237
MTC Approval Date: 2-22-17
Caltrans Approval Date: 2-24-17
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: 3-14-17
TIP Revision 2017-06 is an amendment that revises 11 projects with a net funding increase of approximately $68 million. Among other changes, this revision: updates the scope and funding plan of the Central Contra Costa Transit Authority’s Replace 18 30-foot Buses project to reflect the award of approximately $2.7 million in FTA Low or No Emission Vehicle Deployment Program funds; amends the City of Palo Alto’s exempt Bay Area Fair Value Commuting Program into the TIP to reflect the award of approximately $1 million in FTA Mobility on Demand Sandbox Program funds; amends two additional exempt projects into the TIP; and updates the funding plan of one individually listed Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) funded project and updates the funding plan and back-up listing of the HSIP grouped listing to reflect the latest information from Caltrans, including the addition of approximately $25.5 million in HSIP funds. Changes made with this revision do not affect the air quality conformity finding or conflict with the financial constraint requirements.
TIP Revision 2017-07
Revision (PDF): 17-07
Status: Approved
Type: Administrative Modification
Number of Projects: 15
Net Funding Change: -$8,341,530
MTC Approval Date: 4-28-17
Caltrans Approval Date: N/A
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: N/A
TIP Revision 2017-07 revises 15 projects with a net decrease in funding of $8.3 million. Among other changes, this revision: updates the funding plans of three projects to reflect the programming of funds for the Federal Highway Administration’s 2016 Earmark Repurposing transfer requests; updates the funding plan and back-up listing of the Caltrans managed Local Highway Bridge Program (HBP) grouped listing to reflect the latest information from Caltrans, including the addition of $476,000 for two HBP projects in Santa Clara County; updates the funding plan and back-up listing of the Caltrans managed State Highway Operation and Protection Program (SHOPP) Pavement Resurfacing/Rehabilitation grouped listing, including the removal of $7.5 million from the SHOPP; updates the funding plans of five Surface Transportation Block Grant Program/ Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (STP/CMAQ) funded projects to reflect the latest programming decisions and obligations; and reprograms $20 million in Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Small Starts program funds for the Sonoma Marin Area Rail Transit Corridor project from prior years to fiscal year 2016/17 to reflect a planned FTA grant. The administrative modification is financially constrained by year and MTC relies on the State’s programming capacity in the amount of $20 million in FTA Small Starts funds, $476,000 in HBP funds, and $7.5 million in State STP funds. MTC’s 2017 TIP, as revised with Revision No. 2017-07, remains in conformity with the applicable State Implementation Plan (SIP) for air quality and the revision does not interfere with the timely implementation of the Transportation Control Measures contained in the SIP.
TIP Revision 2017-08
Revision (PDF): 17-08
Status: Approved
Type: Amendment
Number of Projects: 73
Net Funding Change: $840,375,166
MTC Approval Date: 3-22-17
Caltrans Approval Date: 3-29-17
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: 4-14-17
TIP Revision 2017-08 is an amendment that revises 73 projects with a net funding increase of approximately $840 million. Among other changes, this revision: amends 37 new exempt projects into the TIP and updates the funding plans of 35 existing projects to reflect the programming of funds for FY2016-17 in the Transit Capital Priorities program; and archives one project as it has been completed. Changes made with this revision do not affect the air quality conformity finding or conflict with the financial constraint requirements.
TIP Revision 2017-09
Revision (PDF): 17-09
Status: Approved
Type: Administrative Modification
Number of Projects: 24
Net Funding Change: $17,810,414
MTC Approval Date: 6-9-17
Caltrans Approval Date: N/A
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: N/A
TIP Revision 2017-09 revises 24 projects with a net increase in funding of $17.8 million. Among other changes, this revision: updates the funding plan of the Caltrain Electrification project to reflect the award of $100 million in Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Capital Investment funds; updates the funding plans of seven Surface Transportation Block Grant Program/ Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (STP/CMAQ) funded projects to reflect the latest programming decisions and obligations; updates the funding plan of the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority’s Standard and Small Bus Replacement Project to reflect the award of $2.5M in FTA Low or No Emissions Vehicle Deployment Program (LoNo) funds; and updates the funding plan and back-up listing of MTC’s Lifeline Transportation Program 5307 Job Access and Reverse Commute Set Aside Program –Cycle 4 grouped listing to reflect the latest programming decisions. The administrative modification is financially constrained by year and MTC relies on the State’s programming capacity in the amount of $100 million in FTA Capital Investment funds, $2.5 million in FTA LoNo funds, $1.4 million in High Priority Project funds, and $3.3 million in Low Carbon Transit Operations Program funds. MTC’s 2017 TIP, as revised with Revision No. 2017-09, remains in conformity with the applicable State Implementation Plan (SIP) for air quality and the revision does not interfere with the timely implementation of the Transportation Control Measures contained in the SIP.
TIP Revision 2017-10
Revision (PDF): 17-10
Status: Approved
Type: Amendment
Number of Projects: 14
Net Funding Change: $101,213,635
MTC Approval Date: 4-26-17
Caltrans Approval Date: 5-11-17
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: 6-8-17
TIP Revision 2017-10 is an amendment that revises 14 projects with a net funding increase of approximately $101 million. Among other changes, this revision: amends three new exempt Transit Performance Initiative Program funded projects into the TIP; updates the funding plans of two projects to reflect the programming of funds from fiscal year 2016-17 of the Transit Capital Priorities program; updates the funding plans and back-up listings of two grouped listings and adds one new grouped listing to reflect the latest information from Caltrans including the addition of $55.8 million in State Highway Operation and Protection Program funds and $3.8 million in Section 130 Railroad/Highway Crossing funds; amends AC Transit’s Five Battery-Electric Bus Purchase project into the TIP to reflect the recent award of $1.5 million in Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Low or No Emission Vehicle Deployment Program funds; amends Bay Area Rapid Transit’s Integrated Carpool to Transit Access Program into the TIP to reflect the award of $358,000 in FTA Mobility on Demand Sandbox Program funds; and amends one new exempt and one previously archived project into the TIP. Changes made with this revision do not affect the air quality conformity finding or conflict with the financial constraint requirements.
TIP Revision 2017-11
Revision (PDF): 17-11
Status: Approved
Type: Administrative modification
Number of Projects: 4
Net Funding Change: -$1,360,312
MTC Approval Date: 7-6-17
Caltrans Approval Date: N/A
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: N/A
TIP Revision 2017-11 revises 4 projects with a net decrease in funding of $1.4 million. Among other changes, this revision: updates the funding plans of two Surface Transportation Block Grant Program/ Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (STP/CMAQ) funded projects to reflect the latest programming decisions; and updates the funding plan and back-up listing of Caltrans’s Section 130 – Railroad/Highway Crossing Projects grouped listing to reflect the latest programming decisions. The administrative modification is financially constrained by year and MTC relies on the State’s programming capacity in the amount of $1.4 million in Section 130 – Railroad/Highway Crossing funds. MTC’s 2017 TIP, as revised with Revision No. 2017-11, remains in conformity with the applicable State Implementation Plan (SIP) for air quality and the revision does not interfere with the timely implementation of the Transportation Control Measures contained in the SIP.
TIP Revision 2017-12
Revision (PDF): 17-12
Status: Approved
Type: Administrative modification
Number of Projects: 20
Net Funding Change: -$6,802,149
MTC Approval Date: 8-2-17
Caltrans Approval Date: N/A
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: N/A
TIP Revision 2017-12 revises 20 projects with a net decrease in funding of $6.8 million. Among other changes, this revision: updates the funding plans of two Surface Transportation Program (STP) funded projects to reflect the latest programming decisions; updates the funding plan and back-up listing of the Section 130 – Railroad/Highway Crossing Projects grouped listing to reflect the latest information from Caltrans; updates the funding plan of 14 Federal Transit Administration formula funded projects to reflect changes in the fiscal year 2016/17 Transit Capital Priorities Program; and updates the funding plan of one Highway Bridge Program funded project to reflect planned reimbursements for advanced construction. The administrative modification is financially constrained by year and MTC relies on the State’s programming capacity in the amount of $1.4 million in Section 130 funds. MTC’s 2017 TIP, as revised with Revision No. 2017-12, remains in conformity with the applicable State Implementation Plan (SIP) for air quality and the revision does not interfere with the timely implementation of the Transportation Control Measures contained in the SIP.
TIP Revision 2017-13
Revision (PDF): 17-13
Status: Approved
Type: Amendment
Number of Projects: 48
Net Funding Change: $221,344,142
MTC Approval Date: 6-28-17
Caltrans Approval Date: 7-17-17
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: 8-3-17
TIP Revision 2017-13 is an amendment that revises 48 projects with a net funding increase of approximately $221 million. Among other changes, this revision: Amends 13 new exempt projects and one new non-exempt, not regionally significant project into the TIP and updates the funding plans of two existing projects to reflect the programming of Cycle 3 of the Active Transportation Program; amends four new Surface Transportation Block Grant Program/Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (STP/CMAQ) funded exempt projects into the TIP, updates the funding plans of three other STP/CMAQ funded projects and deletes one STP/CMAQ funded project to reflect changes in the One Bay Area Grant programs; amends three new grouped listings into the TIP to reflect the programming of Federal Transit Administration Section 5310, 5311 and 5311(f) funds. The FTA Section 5310 listing is contingent upon the California Transportation Commission approval on June 28 & 29, 2017; updates the funding plan and back-up listing of the Highway Bridge Program grouped listing to reflect the latest information from Caltrans; splits two projects out of the Highway Safety Improvement Program grouped listings and updates their project scopes to include road diet elements; updates the scope of the City/County Association of Governments of San Mateo County’s US-101 High Occupancy Vehicle/High Occupancy Toll Lane project to change the northern project limit to match the most recent cooperative agreement; splits the Bay Area Rapid Transit District’s Go Uptown project out of their Station Modernization Program; amends one new San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency project into the TIP to reflect the award of $11 million in Advanced Transportation and Congestion Management Technologies Deployment Program funds; amends one new exempt project into the TIP and updates the funding plan on one existing project to reflect changes in the Transit Capital Priorities program; amends two additional exempt projects in the TIP; and archives six projects as they have been completed. Changes made with this revision do not affect the air quality conformity finding or conflict with the financial constraint requirements.
TIP Revision 2017-14
Revision (PDF): 17-14
Status: Approved
Type: Amendment
Number of Projects: 61
Net Funding Change: $3,846,016,088
MTC Approval Date: 7-26-17
Caltrans Approval Date: 8-2-17
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: 8-23-17
Amendment 2017-14 serves to conform the 2017 TIP to Plan Bay Area 2040. It makes revisions to 61 projects with a net increase in funding of approximately $3.8 billion. Among other changes, the revision: revises 41 existing projects in the 2017 TIP; adds 14 new projects to the 2017 TIP; archives three projects as they have been completed and are not included in Plan Bay Area 2040 as ongoing projects; and deletes three projects as they will not move forward. This amendment also includes a supplemental listing of the remaining projects currently included in the 2017 TIP and their corresponding Plan Bay Area 2040 projects. The project changes in TIP Amendment 2017-14 and the supplemental listing together demonstrate that the 2017 TIP, as revised, is consistent with Plan Bay Area 2040. The Transportation-Air Quality Conformity Analysis: Plan Bay Area 2040 and Amended 2017 TIP that accompanies the TIP amendment demonstrates that the amended TIP is consistent with ("conform to") the federal air quality plan known as the State Implementation Plan (SIP), as required by federal conformity regulations. The Transportation-Air Quality Conformity Analysis is posted on the Plan Bay Area 2040 web site at 2040.planbayarea.org/reports. In accordance with MTC's public participation plan, TIP Amendment 2017-14 and the accompanying Transportation-Air Quality Conformity Analysis were released for public review and comment on May 3, 2017, and the review period closed on June 1, 2017. No significant comments were received on TIP Amendment 2017-14.
TIP Revision 2017-15
Revision (PDF): 17-15
Status: Approved
Type: Administrative Modification
Number of Projects: 16
Net Funding Change: +$12,22,353
MTC Approval Date: 9-20-17
Caltrans Approval Date: N/A
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: N/A
TIP Revision 2017-15 is an administrative modification that revises 16 projects with a net funding increase in funding of $12,22,353. Among other changes, this revision: updates the funding plans of six Surface Transportation Block Grant Program/ Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (STP/CMAQ) funded projects to reflect the latest programming decisions; updates the funding plan and back-up listing of one grouped listing to reflect the latest information from Caltrans regarding the State Highway Operations and Protection Program (SHOPP), including the addition of $4.8 million in SHOPP funds; updates the funding plan of one Federal Transit Administration (FTA) formula funded project to reflect changes in the fiscal year 2016-17 Transit Capital Priorities Program; and splits the El Cerrito del Norte BART Station Modernization project out of BART’s system-wide Station Modernization program along with $21.5 million in Proposition 1B funds. The administrative modification is financially constrained by year and MTC relies on the State’s programming capacity in the amount of $4.8 million in SHOPP funds and $21.5 million in Proposition 1B funds. MTC’s 2017 TIP, as revised with Revision No. 2017-15, remains in conformity with the applicable State Implementation Plan (SIP) for air quality and the revision does not interfere with the timely implementation of the Transportation Control Measures contained in the SIP.
TIP Revision 2017-16
Revision (PDF): 17-16
Status: Approved
Type: Amendment
Number of Projects: 13
Net Funding Change: $19,557,138
MTC Approval Date: 7-26-17
Caltrans Approval Date: 8-7-17
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: 9-5-16
TIP Revision 2017-16 revises 13 projects with a net increase in funding of approximately $20 million. Among other changes, this revision: adds one new exempt project, deletes one existing project and updates the funding plans of seven projects to reflect changes in the FY2016-17 Transit Capital Priorities Program; updates the funding plan of the Fairfield-Suisun Intercity/Local Bus Replacement project to reflect the programming of funds available through the Transit Performance Initiative Incentive and Investment Programs; and archives two projects as they have been completed. Changes made with this revision do not affect the air quality conformity finding or conflict with the financial constraint requirements.
TIP Revision 2017-17
Revision (PDF): 17-17
Status: Approved
Type: Administrative Modification
Number of Projects: 20
Net Funding Change: -$336,931
MTC Approval Date: 10-12-17
Caltrans Approval Date: N/A
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: N/A
TIP Revision 2017-17 is an administrative modification that revises 20 projects with a net decrease in funding of $336,931. Among other changes, this revision: updates the funding plans of 16 Surface Transportation Block Grant Program/ Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (STP/CMAQ) funded projects to reflect the latest programming decisions, updates the funding plan and back-up listing of one grouped listing to reflect the latest programming decisions regarding the FTA Section 5310 - Elderly and Persons with Disabilities Transit Program, including the addition of $4.2 million in FTA Section 5310 funds, updates the funding plan of one Federal Transit Administration (FTA) formula funded project to reflect changes in the fiscal year 2016-17 Transit Capital Priorities Program, updates the funding plan of one State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) funded project to reflect the latest programming decisions. The administrative modification is financially constrained by year and MTC relies on the State’s programming capacity in the amount of $4.2 million in Section 5310 funds. MTC’s 2017 TIP, as revised with Revision No. 2017-17, remains in conformity with the applicable State Implementation Plan (SIP) for air quality and the revision does not interfere with the timely implementation of the Transportation Control Measures contained in the SIP.
TIP Revision 2017-18
Revision (PDF): 17-18
Status: Approved
Type: Administrative Modification
Number of Projects: 5
Net Funding Change: -$466,894
MTC Approval Date: 11-6-17
Caltrans Approval Date: N/A
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: N/A
TIP Revision 2017-18 is an administrative modification that revises five projects with a net decrease in funding of $466,894. Among other changes, this revision: updates the funding plans of four federal earmark funded projects to reflect the repurposing of earmarked funds; and updates the funding plan and back-up listing of the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) grouped listing to reflect the latest information from Caltrans, including the addition of $208,500 in HSIP funds. The administrative modification is financially constrained by year and MTC relies on the State’s programming capacity in the amount of $208,500 in HSIP funds and $69,840 in repurposed federal earmarked funds. MTC’s 2017 TIP, as revised with Revision No. 2017-18, remains in conformity with the applicable State Implementation Plan (SIP) for air quality and the revision does not interfere with the timely implementation of the Transportation Control Measures contained in the SIP.
TIP Revision 2017-19
Revision (PDF): 17-19
Status: Approved
Type: Amendment
Number of Projects: 31
Net Funding Change: $4,412,223,691
MTC Approval Date: 9-27-17
Caltrans Approval Date: 10-9-17
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: 10-25-17
TIP Revision 2017-19 revises 31 projects with a net increase in funding of approximately $4.4 billion. Among other changes, this revision: amends four new exempt, three new non-exempt, and three new non-exempt-not regionally significant Surface Transportation Block Grant Program/Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (STP/CMAQ) funded projects into the TIP and updates the funding plans of five existing STP/CMAQ funded projects to reflect changes in the One Bay Area Grant 1 (OBAG1) County Program, the OBAG2 Program, and the Transit Performance Initiative Program; amends Bay Area Rapid Transit’s (BART) Transbay Core Capacity Improvements project into the TIP with $931 million in local funds and $2.6 billion in uncommitted funds; updates the funding plan of Caltrain’s Positive Train Control (PTC) System project to reflect the award of approximately $22 million in Federal Railroad Administration PTC Implementation grant funds; updates the funding plans of five State Highway Operations and Protection Program (SHOPP) funded grouped listings, the Section 130 – Railroad/Highway Crossing Projects funded grouped listing, and the Highway Maintenance Program funded grouped listing to reflect the latest information from Caltrans, including the addition of $412 million in SHOPP, $3.8 million in Section 130 funds and $15 million in Highway Maintenance funds; and amends one new locally-funded exempt project and one new locally-funded non-exempt project into the TIP. Changes made with this revision do not affect the air quality conformity finding or conflict with the financial constraint requirements.
TIP Revision 2017-20
Revision (PDF): 17-20
Status: Approved
Type: Administrative Modification
Number of Projects: 18
Net Funding Change: +$4,097,482
MTC Approval Date: 11-21-17
Caltrans Approval Date: N/A
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: N/A
TIP Revision 2017-20 is an administrative modification that revises 18 projects with a net funding increase in funding of $4,097,482. Among other changes, this revision: updates the funding plans of 11 Surface Transportation Block Grant Program/ Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (STP/CMAQ) funded projects to reflect the latest programming decisions; updates the funding plan of one federal earmark funded project to reflect the latest programming decisions; updates the funding plans of four individually-listed Federal Highway Bridge Program (HBP) funded projects to reflect the latest information from Caltrans; and updates the funding plan and back-up listing of the HBP funded grouped listing to reflect changes to Contra Costa County’s Marsh Creek Rd bridge replacement project, including the addition of $2.2 million in HBP funds. The administrative modification is financially constrained by year and MTC relies on the State’s programming capacity in the amount of $ $2.1 million in HBP funds to reflect the net change in HBP funding over the four years of the TIP. MTC’s 2017 TIP, as revised with Revision No. 2017-20, remains in conformity with the applicable State Implementation Plan (SIP) for air quality and the revision does not interfere with the timely implementation of the Transportation Control Measures contained in the SIP.
TIP Revision 2017-21
Revision (PDF): 17-21
Status: Approved
Type: Administrative Modification
Number of Projects: 14
Net Funding Change: +$30,249,023
MTC Approval Date: 12-21-17
Caltrans Approval Date: N/A
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: N/A
TIP Revision 2017-21 is an administrative modification that revises 14 projects with a net funding increase in funding of $30,249,023. Among other changes, this revision: updates the funding plans of seven Surface Transportation Block Grant Program/ Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (STP/CMAQ) funded projects to reflect the latest programming decisions; updates the funding plan of one federal earmark funded project to reflect the latest programming decisions; updates the funding plans of three Active Transportation Program (ATP) funded projects to reflect the latest programming decisions; updates the funding plan and back-up listing of the State Highway Operations and Protection Program (SHOPP) - Safety Improvements funded grouped listing to reflect the addition of $7.5 million in SHOPP funds; updates the funding plan and back-up listing of the SHOPP Bridge Rehabilitation funded grouped listing to reflect the addition of $9 million in SHOPP funds; and updates funding plan and back-up listing of the Federal Highway Bridge Program (HBP) funded grouped listing to reflect the use of advanced construction for Contra Costa County’s Marsh Creek Rd bridge replacement project. The administrative modification is financially constrained by year and MTC relies on the State’s programming capacity in the amount of $16.5 million in SHOPP funds to reflect the net change in SHOPP funding over the four years of the TIP. MTC’s 2017 TIP, as revised with Revision No. 2017-21, remains in conformity with the applicable State Implementation Plan (SIP) for air quality and the revision does not interfere with the timely implementation of the Transportation Control Measures contained in the SIP.
TIP Revision 2017-22
Revision (PDF): 17-22
Status: Approved
Type: Amendment
Number of Projects: 19
Net Funding Change: $66,639,5663
MTC Approval Date: 11-15-17
Caltrans Approval Date: 1-9-18
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: 2-8-18
TIP Revision 2017-22 revises 19 projects with a net increase in funding of approximately $66.6 million. Among other changes, this revision: adds five exempt and one non-exempt, not regionally significant Surface Transportation Block Grant Program/Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (STP/CMAQ) funded projects to the TIP and updates one existing STP/CMAQ funded project to reflect the latest programming decisions; splits out two State Highway Operations and Protection Program (SHOPP) funded projects from the SHOPP Mobility grouped listing to the new Alameda County-Traffic Operations Systems/Mobility Program grouped listing, transfers two project segments and $20 million in CMAQ funds from the Freeway Performance Initiative (FPI) program to the new grouped listing, and adds one new project to the new grouped listing along with $40.4 million in SHOPP funds; adds one new SHOPP funded grouped listings for the Marin County-Traffic Operations Systems/Mobility Program with $13 million in SHOPP funds; and archives eight projects as they have been completed. Changes made with this revision do not affect the air quality conformity finding or conflict with the financial constraint requirements.
TIP Revision 2017-23
Revision (PDF): 17-23
Status: Approved
Type: Administrative Modification
Number of Projects: 45
Net Funding Change: +$74,465,507
MTC Approval Date: 2-14-18
Caltrans Approval Date: N/A
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: N/A
TIP Revision 2017-23 is an administrative modification that revises 45 projects with a net funding increase in funding of $74,465,507. Among other changes, this revision: updates the funding plan of 23 Federal Transit Administration (FTA) formula funded projects to reflect changes to the Transit Capital Priorities Program; updates the funding plans of 19 Surface Transportation Block Grant Program/ Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (STP/CMAQ) funded projects to reflect the latest programming decisions; and updates the funding plans of three Active Transportation Program (ATP) funded projects to reflect the latest programming decisions. The administrative modification is financially constrained by year and MTC relies on the State’s programming capacity in the amount of $5.7 million in ATP funds to reflect the net change in ATP funding over the four years of the TIP. MTC’s 2017 TIP, as revised with Revision No. 2017-23, remains in conformity with the applicable State Implementation Plan (SIP) for air quality and the revision does not interfere with the timely implementation of the Transportation Control Measures contained in the SIP.
TIP Revision 2017-24
Revision (PDF): 17-24
Status: Approved
Type: Administrative Modification
Number of Projects: 10
Net Funding Change: +$12,999,000
MTC Approval Date: 3-9-18
Caltrans Approval Date: N/A
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: N/A
TIP Revision 2017-24 is an administrative modification that revises 10 projects with a net funding increase in funding of $12,999,000. Among other changes, this revision: updates the funding plans of four Surface Transportation Block Grant Program/ Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (STP/CMAQ) funded projects to reflect the latest programming decisions; updates the funding plan and back-up listing of two grouped listings to reflect the latest information from Caltrans regarding the State Highway Operations and Protection Program (SHOPP), including the addition of $11.5 million in SHOPP funds; and updates the funding plans of two Regional Measure 2 (RM2) funded projects to reflect the latest programming decisions. The administrative modification is financially constrained by year and MTC relies on the State’s programming capacity in the amount of $11.5 million in SHOPP funds to reflect the net change in SHOPP funding over the four years of the TIP. MTC’s 2017 TIP, as revised with Revision No. 2017-24, remains in conformity with the applicable State Implementation Plan (SIP) for air quality and the revision does not interfere with the timely implementation of the Transportation Control Measures contained in the SIP.
TIP Revision 2017-25
Revision (PDF): 17-25
Status: Approved
Type: Amendment
Number of Projects: 134
Net Funding Change: $581,480,200
MTC Approval Date: 1-24-18
Caltrans Approval Date: 2-1-18
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: 2-26-18
Amendment 2017-25 makes revisions to 134 projects with a net funding increase of approximately $581 million. Among other changes, this revision: amends six new Active Transportation Program (ATP) funded projects into the TIP and revises the funding plans of six existing ATP funded projects; updates the funding plans and back-up listings of three grouped listings to reflect the latest information from Caltrans; amends 103 new projects into the TIP and updates the funding plans of seven existing projects to reflect the adoption of the One Bay Area Grant 2 (OBAG2) County Program; amends four new projects into the TIP to reflect recent changes to the OBAG2 Regional Active Operations Management and Climate Initiatives Programs; amends three new projects into the TIP to reflect previously approved changes to the One Bay Area Grant 1 (OBAG1) Transit Performance Initiative and Climate Change Initiatives Programs; and updates the funding plan of one project to reflect recent changes to the Transit Capital Priorities program. Changes made with this revision do not affect the air quality conformity finding or conflict with the financial constraint requirements.
TIP Revision 2017-26
Revision (PDF): 17-26
Status: Approved
Type: Administrative Modification
Number of Projects: 37
Net Funding Change: $22,469,792
MTC Approval Date: 3-29-18
Caltrans Approval Date: N/A
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: N/A
TIP Revision 2017-26 is an administrative modification that revises 37 projects with a net funding increase in funding of approximately $22.5 million. Among other changes, this revision: updates the funding plans of 12 Surface Transportation Block Grant Program/ Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (STP/CMAQ) funded projects to reflect the latest programming decisions; updates the funding plans of 20 State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) funded projects to reflect the adoption of the 2018 STIP; and updates the funding plans of one State Highway Operations and Protection Program (SHOPP) funded grouped listing, the Section 130 – Railroad/Highway Crossing Projects funded grouped listing, and the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) grouped listing to reflect the latest information from Caltrans, including the addition of $1.9 million in SHOPP, $2.7 million in Section 130, and $87,000 in HSIP funds. The administrative modification is financially constrained by year and MTC relies on the State’s programming capacity in the amount of $2.7 million in Section 130 funds, $1.9 million in SHOPP funds and $87,000 in HSIP funds to reflect the net change in funding over the four years of the TIP. MTC’s 2017 TIP, as revised with Revision No. 2017-26, remains in conformity with the applicable State Implementation Plan (SIP) for air quality and the revision does not interfere with the timely implementation of the Transportation Control Measures contained in the SIP.
TIP Revision 2017-27
Revision (PDF): 17-27
Status: Approved
Type: Amendment
Number of Projects: 93
Net Funding Change: $3,540,181,459
MTC Approval Date: 2-28-18
Caltrans Approval Date: 3-19-18
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: 4-30-18
Amendment 2017-27 makes revisions to 93 projects with a net funding increase of approximately $3.5 billion. Among other changes, this revision: amends 38 new exempt projects into the TIP and updates 50 existing projects to reflect the programming of funds for FY2017-18, FY2018-19 and FY2019-20 in the Transit Capital Priorities (TCP) program including the programming of $473 million in FTA Section 5307, $612 million in FTA Section 5337 and $35 million in FTA Section 5339 funds. The TCP program was approved by the Commission in December, 2017; updates the funding plan of the Napa Valley Transportation Authority’s Replacement Rolling Stock project to reflect the award of approximately $1 million in FTA Low or No Emissions Bus Program discretionary funds; and updates the City of Vallejo’s Sonoma Blvd. Improvements project to reflect the latest information from Caltrans regarding the Highway Safety Improvement Program. Changes made with this revision do not affect the air quality conformity finding or conflict with the financial constraint requirements.
TIP Revision 2017-28
Revision (PDF): 17-28
Status: Approved
Type: Amendment
Number of Projects: 1
Net Funding Change: $362,998,000
MTC Approval Date: 3-28-18
Caltrans Approval Date: 4-9-18
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: 5-17-18
TIP Revision 2017-28 revises the U.S. Highway 101 Managed Lanes Project in San Mateo County to maintain consistency with the Amended Plan Bay Area 2040, including a net increase in funding of approximately $363 million. Changes made with this revision do not conflict with the financial constraint requirements. The revision of this project to the 2017 TIP requires a new Transportation-Air Quality Conformity Analysis on the Amended Plan Bay Area 2040 and the Amended 2017 TIP. In accordance with MTC’s public participation plan, this amendment and conformity analysis were released for public review on January 22, 2018 and the review period closed on February 21, 2018. Further details on TIP Revision 2017-28, the Conformity Analysis and related documents are available under Agenda Item 5 of the Joint MTC Planning Committee with the ABAG Administrative Committee meeting on March 9, 2018.
TIP Revision 2017-29
Revision (PDF): 17-29
Status: Approved
Type: Administrative Modification
Number of Projects: 6
Net Funding Change: +$7,811,000
MTC Approval Date: 4-25-18
Caltrans Approval Date: N/A
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: N/A
TIP Revision 2017-29 is an administrative modification that revises 6 projects with a net funding increase in funding of $7,811,000. Among other changes, this revision: combines two existing projects on the US 101 corridor in San Mateo County into the US 101 Holly St Interchange Modification and Bike Pedestrian Overcrossing project to expedite project delivery; updates the funding plan of San Francisco’s US 101 Doyle Drive Replacement project to reflect the latest programming decisions, including the programming of $15 million in Surface Transportation Block Grant Program (STP) funds; updates the funding plans of two other STP funded projects to reflect the latest programming decisions; and updates the funding plans of one State Highway Operations and Protection Program (SHOPP) funded project to reflect the latest information from Caltrans, including the addition of $1.8 million in SHOPP funds. The administrative modification is financially constrained by year and MTC relies on the State’s programming capacity in the amount of $1.8 million in SHOPP funds to reflect the net change in SHOPP funding over the four years of the TIP. MTC’s 2017 TIP, as revised with Revision No. 2017-29, remains in conformity with the applicable State Implementation Plan (SIP) for air quality and the revision does not interfere with the timely implementation of the Transportation Control Measures contained in the SIP.
TIP Revision 2017-30
Revision (PDF): 17-30
Status: Approved
Type: Amendment
Number of Projects: 51
Net Funding Change: $74,051,359
MTC Approval Date: 3-28-18
Caltrans Approval Date: 4-10-18
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: 5-17-18
Amendment 2017-30 makes revisions to 51 projects with a net funding increase of approximately $74 million. Among other changes, this revision: amends 34 new projects into the TIP and updates the funding plans of three existing projects to reflect the adoption of the One Bay Area Grant Program 2 (OBAG2) County program; amends two other new projects into the TIP; archives two projects as they have been completed; splits the Port of Oakland’s 7th St. Grade Separation and Port Arterial Improvements project into three separate projects; and add $25.8 million to the cost of the Contra Costa Transportation Authority’s I-680/SR-4 Interchange Reconstruction–Phase 3 project to reflect the full project cost. Changes made with this revision do not affect the air quality conformity finding or conflict with the financial constraint requirements.
TIP Revision 2017-31
Revision (PDF): 17-31
Status: Approved
Type: Administrative Modification
Number of Projects: 11
Net Funding Change: $18,774,525
MTC Approval Date: 6-5-18
Caltrans Approval Date: N/A
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: N/A
TIP Revision 2017-31 is an administrative modification that revises 11 projects with a net increase in funding of $18.8 million. Among other changes, this revision: updates the funding plan of Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transit District’s Golden Gate Bridge Seismic Retrofit project to reflect the latest earmark programming decisions; updates the funding plan of two Transit Capital Priorities (TCP) projects to reflect the programming of funds for FY2018-19 and FY2019-20, including the programming of $3 million in FTA Section 5307 funds; updates the funding plan of Contra Costa Transportation Authority’s I-680 / SR 4 Interchange Reconstruction project to reflect the latest programming decisions, including the programming of $38.4 million in Senate Bill 1 Local Partnership Program (SB1) funds, and $21.6 million in State Highway Operations and Protection Program (SHOPP) funds; updates the funding plan of Alameda County Transportation Commission’s Freight Intelligent Transportation System project to reflect the latest programming decisions, including the programming of $12.5 million in Senate Bill 1 Local Partnership Program (SB1) funds; and updates the funding plans of one State Highway Maintenance Program funded grouped listing to reflect the latest information from Caltrans, including the addition of $6 million in Highway Maintenance funds. The administrative modification is financially constrained by year and MTC relies on the State’s programming capacity in the amount of $51 million in SB1 funds, $21.6 million in SHOPP funds, $6 million in FTA Passenger Ferry Grant Program funds, $1 million in FHWA Ferry Boat Program funds, $6 million in Highway Maintenance funds and $1.3 million in Proposition 1B funds to reflect the net change in funding over the four years of the TIP. MTC’s 2017 TIP, as revised with Revision No. 2017-31, remains in conformity with the applicable State Implementation Plan (SIP) for air quality and the revision does not interfere with the timely implementation of the Transportation Control Measures contained in the SIP. The investments described in MTC’s 2017 TIP, as revised with TIP Revision No. 2017-31, make progress toward achieving the performance targets set by the region in accordance with the applicable provisions and requirements of 23 CFR Part 450.
TIP Revision 2017-32
Revision (PDF): 17-32
Status: Approved
Type: Amendment
Number of Projects: 46
Net Funding Change: $951,855,579
MTC Approval Date: 4-25-18
Caltrans Approval Date: 5-24-18
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: 6-21-18
Amendment 2017-32 makes revisions to 46 projects with a net funding increase of approximately $952 million. Among other changes, this revision: amends 11 new exempt projects into the TIP and updates the funding plan of one project to reflect programming decisions in the One Bay Area Grant Program 2 (OBAG2) County, Priority Conservation Area and Community-Based Transportation Plans programs; amends four new exempt projects into the TIP and updates nine existing projects to reflect the recent adoption of the 2018 State Transportation Improvement Program; updates the funding plans of three projects to reflect changes in MTC’s Regional Exchange program; combines three existing managed lane projects on the I-680 corridor in Contra Costa County into the I-680 North Bound Express Lane Conversion/High Occupancy Vehicle Extension and Operational Improvements project and splits out the Freeway Performance Initiative Program for the I-680 Corridor project into its component pieces to facilitate the delivery of the projects and phases of the Contra Costa Transportation Authority’s Innovate 680 Program; and updates the funding plans and back-up listings of six State Highway Operations and Protection Program (SHOPP) funded grouped listings to reflect the recent adoption of the 2018 SHOPP, including the addition of approximately $724 million in SHOPP funds. Changes made with this revision do not affect the air quality conformity finding or conflict with the financial constraint requirements.
TIP Revision 2017-33
Revision (PDF): 17-33
Status: Approved
Type: Administrative Modification
Number of Projects: 50
Net Funding Change: +$21,413,677
MTC Approval Date: 8-1-18
Caltrans Approval Date: N/A
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: N/A
TIP Revision 2017-33 is an administrative modification that revises 50 projects with a net funding increase in funding of $21,413,677. Among other changes, this revision: updates the funding plan of thirty six projects to reflect updates to the FY2016-17, FY2017-18, FY2018-19 and FY2019-20 Transit Capital Priorities (TCP) program approved by the Commission in June, 2018, including the programming of $7.3 million in FTA Section 5337 and $4.5 million in FTA Section 5339 funds; updates the funding plan of WETA’s Ferry Major Component Rehabilitation and Replacement project to reflect changes in the TCP program and the award of $5 million in FTA Passenger Ferry Grant Program (PFGP) funds; updates the funding plan of the Caltrain Electrification project to reflect an award of $100 million in FTA FY2017-18 Capital Investment Grant (CIG) funds; updates the funding plan of the US-101 Managed Lanes in San Mateo County project to reflect the award of $221 million in Road Repair and Accountability Act (SB1) funds and $52 million in State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) funds; updates the funding plans of two Surface Transportation Block Grant Program/ Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (STP/CMAQ) funded projects to reflect the latest programming decisions; updates the funding plan of one additional STIP funded project to reflect the latest programming decisions; and updates the funding plans of five State Highway Operations and Protection Program (SHOPP) funded grouped listings and the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) grouped listing to reflect the latest information from Caltrans, including the addition of $40,260 in HSIP and $7.4 million in SHOPP funds. The administrative modification is financially constrained by year and MTC relies on the State’s programming capacity in the amount of $7.4 million in SHOPP, $40,620 in HSIP, $100 million in CIG, $353,050 in High Priority Project, $5 million in PFGP, $222 million in SB1 and $34.7 million in STIP funds to reflect the net change in funding over the four years of the TIP. MTC’s 2017 TIP, as revised with Revision No. 2017-33, remains in conformity with the applicable State Implementation Plan (SIP) for air quality and the revision does not interfere with the timely implementation of the Transportation Control Measures contained in the SIP.
TIP Revision 2017-34
Revision (PDF): 17-34
Status: Approved
Type: Amendment
Number of Projects: 9
Net Funding Change: $33,415,888
MTC Approval Date: 5-23-18
Caltrans Approval Date: 6-20-18
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: 7-17-18
Amendment 2017-34 makes revisions to 9 projects with a net funding increase of approximately $33.4 million. Among other changes, this revision: adds one new exempt project, deletes one project, and updates the funding plan of one project to reflect changes in the One Bay Area Grant Programs 1 and 2 Regional and County Programs; updates two projects to reflect the adoption of the 2018 State Transportation Improvement Program; and updates the funding plans and back-up listings of three grouped listings to reflect the latest information from Caltrans. Changes made with this revision do not affect the air quality conformity finding or conflict with the financial constraint requirements.
TIP Revision 2017-35
Revision (PDF): 17-35
Status: Approved
Type: Administrative Modification
Number of Projects: 8
Net Funding Change: $11,020,156
MTC Approval Date: 9-13-18
Caltrans Approval Date: N/A
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: N/A
TIP Revision 2017-35 is an administrative modification that revises eight projects with a net funding increase of approximately $11 million. Among other changes, this revision: updates the funding plans and back-up listings of three Caltrans managed grouped listings to reflect the latest programming decisions, including the addition of $9.4 million in State Highway Operations and Protection Program (SHOPP) funds; and updates the funding plans of five Surface Transportation Block Grant Program/ Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (STP/CMAQ) funded projects to reflect planned obligations. The administrative modification is financially constrained by year and MTC relies on the State’s programming capacity in the amount of $9.4 million in SHOPP funds to reflect the net change in funding over the four years of the TIP. MTC’s 2017 TIP, as revised with Revision No. 2017-35, remains in conformity with the applicable State Implementation Plan (SIP) for air quality and the revision does not interfere with the timely implementation of the Transportation Control Measures contained in the SIP.
TIP Revision 2017-36
Revision (PDF): 17-36
Status: Approved
Type: Administrative Modification
Number of Projects: 69
Net Funding Change: +$10,199,190
MTC Approval Date: 11-2-18
Caltrans Approval Date: N/A
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: N/A
TIP Revision 2017-36 is an administrative modification that revises 69 projects with a net funding increase in funding of $10,199,190. Among other changes, this revision: updates the funding plans of 64 Surface Transportation Block Grant Program/ Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (STP/CMAQ) funded projects to reflect planned obligations; updates the funding plan of two Transit Performance Initiative (TPI) projects to reflect the programming of funds for FY2017-18; updates the funding plan of Sonoma–Marin Area Rail Transit’s Sonoma Marin Area Rail Corridor project to reflect the latest programming decisions, including the programming of $21 million in Senate Bill 1 (SB1) Transit and Intercity Rail Capital Program (TIRCP) funds; and updates the funding plan of Contra Costa Transportation Authority’s I-680 North Bound Express Lane Conversion project to reflect the latest programming decisions, including the programming of $2.3 million in SB1 Local Partnership Program Formula funds. The administrative modification is financially constrained by year and MTC relies on the State’s programming capacity in the amount of $23 million in SB1 funds to reflect the net change in funding over the four years of the TIP. MTC’s 2017 TIP, as revised with Revision No. 2017-36, remains in conformity with the applicable State Implementation Plan (SIP) for air quality and the revision does not interfere with the timely implementation of the Transportation Control Measures contained in the SIP.
TIP Revision 2017-37
Revision (PDF): 17-37
Status: Approved
Type: Amendment
Number of Projects: 23
Net Funding Change: $134,440,778
MTC Approval Date: 7-25-18
Caltrans Approval Date: 8-2-18
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: 8-16-18
Amendment 2017-37 makes revisions to 23 projects with a net funding increase of approximately $134 million. Among other changes, this revision: updates the funding plan of the Transportation Authority of Marin’s US 101 HOV Lanes – Marin-Sonoma Narrows (Marin Segment) project to reflect expected project development expenditures; amends two new exempt projects into the TIP to reflect the award of $1.6 million in Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Section 5339 Discretionary funds; amends two new grouped listings into the TIP to reflect the programming of FTA Section 5311 funds and Cycle 5 of the Lifeline Transportation Program; amends one new exempt Active Transportation Program funded project into the TIP; amends two new exempt projects into the TIP and updates the funding plans of three existing projects to reflect the award of $87.6 million in Road Repair and Accountability Act (SB1) funds through the Trade Corridor Enhancement Program (TCEP), the Transit and Intercity Rail Capital Program (TIRCP), and the State-Local Partnership Program (LPP); amends four new exempt projects into the TIP and updates the funding plan of one additional project to reflect the programming decisions in the One Bay Area Grant Program 2 (OBAG2); and amends two new exempt projects into the TIP, updates the scope of one project, and updates the funding plans of two other projects to reflect changes in the Transit Capital Priorities Program. Changes made with this revision do not affect the air quality conformity finding or conflict with the financial constraint requirements.