
2023 TIP Revisions

TIP Revision 2023-01

Revision (PDF): 2023-01
Status: Approved
Type: Administrative Modification
Number of Projects: 64
Net Funding Change: $436,237,661
MTC Approval Date: 1/10/2023
Caltrans Approval Date: N/A
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: N/A

TIP Revision 2023-01 is an administrative modification that revises 64 projects with a net funding increase of approximately $436 million. Among other changes, this revision : updates the funding plan of the Transit Preventive Maintenance group listing to program $7 million in Surface Transportation Block Grant (STP) funding and updates thirty-three projects to include changes in Surface Transportation Block Grant Program/Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (CMAQ) funding that reflect planned obligations, actual obligations, and programming decisions; updates the funding plans of nine individually listed projects to reflect the latest programming decisions in the Transit Capital Priorities (TCP) Program; updates the funding plan of the Napa Valley Transportation Authority’s Rolling Stock Replacement project to reflect the award of $6.3 million in Federal Transit Administration (FTA) discretionary funding; updates the funding plans and back-up listings of six State Highway Operation and Protection Program (SHOPP) funded group listings to reflect the latest information from Caltrans; updates the funding plan and back-up listing of the Local Highway Bridge Program (HBP) to reflect the latest programming changes; carries over six individual listed FTA funded projects and one FTA funded group listing from the 2021 TIP with no change in the scope, schedule, or funding; updates the funding plans of two projects to reflect programming changes in the Active Transportation Program (ATP) and State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP); and updates the funding plan of the SR 37 Interim Project – Sears Point to Mare Island project to reflect the programming of the National Highway Performance Program (NHPP) and STP funds. Changes made with this revision do not affect the air quality conformity finding or conflict with the financial constraint requirements.

TIP Revision 2023-02

Revision (PDF): 2023-02
Status: Approved
Type: Amendment
Number of Projects: 35
Net Funding Change: $86,050,958
MTC Approval Date: 12/21/2022
Caltrans Approval Date: 1/9/2023
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: 1/27/2023

TIP Revision 2023-02 is an amendment that revises 35 projects with a net funding increase of approximately $86 million. Among other changes, this revision: amends three new Surface Transportation Block Grant Program/Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (STP/CMAQ) funded projects into the TIP, carries forward one existing STP funded project from the 2021 TIP, and updates the funding plans of 21 STP/CMAQ funded projects to reflect recent obligations and programming decisions; amends one new project into the TIP and updates the funding plan of one existing project to reflect changes in the Transit Capital Priorities Program; and adds three new projects to reflect awards of Community Project Funding grants, repurposed earmark funds, and other federal program funds. Changes made with this revision do not affect the air quality conformity finding or conflict with the financial constraint requirements.

TIP Revision 2023-03

Revision (PDF): 2023-03
Status: Approved
Type: Administrative Modification
Number of Projects: 4
Net Funding Change: $26,192,990
MTC Approval Date: 2/10/2023
Caltrans Approval Date: N/A
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: N/A

TIP Revision 2023-03 is an administrative modification that revises four projects with a net funding increase of approximately $26.2 million. Among other changes, this revision: updates the funding plans of San Francisco’s Folsom Streetscape project and Yerba Buena Island Ramp Improvements project to reflect the awards of Federal Earmarks; and updates the funding plan of the Treasure Island Mobility Management Agency project to reflect changes in schedule and the programming of Affordable Housing Sustainable Communities (AHSC) funds. Changes made with this revision do not affect the air quality conformity finding or conflict with the financial constraint requirements.

TIP Revision 2023-04

Revision (PDF): 2023-04
Status: Approved
Type: Administrative Modification
Number of Projects: 3
Net Funding Change: $2,673,000
MTC Approval Date: 3/16/2023
Caltrans Approval Date: N/A
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: N/A

TIP Revision 2023-04 is an administrative modification that revises three projects with a net funding increase of approximately $2.7 million. Among other changes, this revision: updates the funding plan of SolTrans Bus Replacement project to reflect the award of Community Project Funding/Congressionally Directed Spending (CPFCDS) funds and programming changes in Congestion Management and Air Quality Improvement Program funds; and updates the funding plan of Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority’s LAVTA and CCCTA Hydrogen Fueling Stations project to reflect the fund source change from the FHWA Highway Infrastructure Program (HIP) to Any Area State-Carbon Reduction Program (State-CRP) funds. Changes made with this revision do not affect the air quality conformity finding or conflict with the financial constraint requirements.

TIP Revision 2023-05

Revision (PDF): 2023-05
Status: Approved
Type: Amendment
Number of Projects: 7
Net Funding Change: $10,070,346
MTC Approval Date: 2/22/2023
Caltrans Approval Date: 4/24/2023
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: 4/28/2023

TIP Revision 2023-05 is an amendment that revises seven projects with a net funding increase of approximately $10 million. Among other changes, this revision will: update the funding plan of Union City Transit’s Electric Bus Procurement Program to reflect the award of $9.3 million in Federal Transit Administration Low or No Emissions Vehicle Program discretionary funding; and update the funding plans of six projects to reflect past or planned obligations of federal funding or changes in the project schedule. Changes made with this revision do not affect the air quality conformity finding or conflict with the financial constraint requirements.

TIP Revision 2023-06

Revision (PDF): 2023-06
Status: Approved
Type: Administrative Modification
Number of Projects: 18
Net Funding Change: $117,220
MTC Approval Date: 4/21/2023
Caltrans Approval Date: N/A
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: N/A

TIP Revision 2023-06 is an administrative modification that revises 18 projects with a net funding increase of $117,220. Among other changes, this revision: updates the funding plan or implementing agency of five projects with Surface Transportation Block Grant/Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (STP/CMAQ) funds; updates the funding plan of BART’s Transbay Core Capacity Improvements project to reflect the award of $39.8 million in Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Capital Investment Grant (CIG) funding; updates the funding plan of WETA’s Ferry Major Component Rehab/Replacement project to reflect the award of $2.1 million in repurposed earmark funding; updates the funding plans and back-up listings of two grouped listings and updates the funding plans of four individually-listed projects to reflect the latest programming decisions in the Transit Capital Priorities (TCP) Program; and updates the funding plans and back-up listings of three State Highway Operation and Protection Program (SHOPP) funded group listings to reflect the latest information from Caltrans. Changes made with this revision do not affect the air quality conformity finding or conflict with the financial constraint requirements.

TIP Revision 2023-07

Revision (PDF): 2023-07
Status: Approved
Type: Amendment
Number of Projects: 3
Net Funding Change: $56,362,031
MTC Approval Date: 3/22/2023
Caltrans Approval Date: 5/8/2023
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: 5/12/2023

TIP Revision 2023-07 is an amendment that revises three projects with a net funding increase of approximately $56 million. Among other changes, this revision will: add the Napa Valley Vine Trail from Yountville to St. Helena project to reflect the award of $3.2 million in Community Project Funding/Congressionally Directed Spending; add the Central Contra Costa Transit Agency’s Replacement Diesel Bus Program to reflect the programming of $18 million in Federal Transit Administration (FTA) formula funds available through the Transit Capital Priorities Program; and add the Bay Bridge Forward – West Grand HOV/Bus Only Lane back into the TIP and expand the description and funding of the project. Changes made with this revision do not affect the air quality conformity finding or conflict with the financial constraint requirements.

TIP Revision 2023-08

Revision (PDF): 2023-08
Status: Approved
Type: Amendment
Number of Projects: 8
Net Funding Change: $186,954,363
MTC Approval Date: 4/26/2023
Caltrans Approval Date: 5/24/2023
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: 5/26/2023

TIP Revision 2023-08 is an amendment that revises eight projects with a net funding increase of approximately $187 million. Among other changes, this revision will: update the funding plan of Contra Costa County’s Byron Highway – Vasco Road Connection project to reflect the latest cost and schedule; add the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority’s Cerone Operations Command and Control Center project to the TIP; and add the Promoting Resilient Operations for Transformative, Efficient, and Cost-saving Transportation (PROTECT) Planning Studies grouped listing to the TIP. Changes made with this revision do not affect the air quality conformity finding or conflict with the financial constraint requirements.

TIP Revision 2023-09

Revision (PDF): 2023-09
Status: Approved
Type: Administrative Modification
Number of Projects: 37
Net Funding Change: $93,772,479
MTC Approval Date: 5/12/2023
Caltrans Approval Date: N/A
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: N/A

TIP Revision 2023-09 is an administrative modification that revises 37 projects with a net funding increase of $93.8 million. Among other changes, this revision: updates the funding plans of twenty-one projects with Surface Transportation Block Grant/Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (STP/CMAQ) funds; updates the funding plan of ACTC’s East Bay Greenway Multimodal project to reflect the fund code change from RTP-LRP to $19.5 million in Active Transportation Program (ATP) funding; updates the funding plan of SFCTA’s Yerba Buena Island (YBI) Ramp Improvements project to reflect the advance of $2.2 million in Community Project Funding/Congressionally Directed Spending (CPF/CDS) funds; updates the funding plans and back-up listings of two grouped listings and updates the funding plans of ten individually-listed projects to reflect the latest programming decisions in the Transit Capital Priorities (TCP) Program; updates the funding plan and back-up listing of the Local Highway Bridge Program (HBP) to reflect the latest programming changes; and updates the funding plan and back-up listing of the State Highway Operation and Protection Program (SHOPP) Safety Improvements – Collision Reduction group listing to reflect the latest information from Caltrans. Changes made with this revision do not affect the air quality conformity finding or conflict with the financial constraint requirements.

TIP Revision 2023-10

Revision (PDF): 2023-10
Status: Approved
Type: Amendment
Number of Projects: 65
Net Funding Change: $2,437,902,270
MTC Approval Date: 5/24/2023
Caltrans Approval Date: 6/6/2023
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: 6/9/2023

TIP Revision 2023-10 is an amendment that revises 65 projects with a net funding increase of approximately $2.4 billion. Among other changes, this revision will: add 48 new projects and update the funding plans of eight existing projects to reflect the programming of One Bay Area Grant (OBAG) 3 funds; add one new OBAG 2 funded project; reflect the award of federal earmark funding to Menlo Park’s Middle Ave Pedestrian and Bicycle Undercrossing, Caltrain’s Fencing for Right of Way, and Caltrain’s Electrification projects; add the Valley Link Rail System - Phase 1 project to the TIP, and update the funding plans of three Transit Capital Priorities funded projects. Changes made with this revision do not affect the air quality conformity finding or conflict with the financial constraint requirements.

TIP Revision 2023-11

Revision (PDF): 2023-11
Status: Approved
Type: Administrative Modification
Number of Projects: 12
Net Funding Change: $0
MTC Approval Date: 5/31/2023
Caltrans Approval Date: N/A
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: N/A

TIP Revision 2023-11 is an administrative modification that revises 12 projects with no net change in funding across all program years. Among other changes, this revision updates the funding plans of 11 projects to change the sources of funding between Surface Transportation Block Grant/Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement (STP/CMAQ) and Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSAA) of 2021 funds. Changes made with this revision do not affect the air quality conformity finding or conflict with the financial constraint requirements.

TIP Revision 2023-12

Revision (PDF): 2023-12
Status: Approved
Type: Administrative Modification
Number of Projects: 15
Net Funding Change: $37,038,153
MTC Approval Date: 6/8/2023
Caltrans Approval Date: N/A
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: N/A

TIP Revision 2023-12 is an administrative modification that revises 15 projects with a net funding increase of approximately $37 million. Among other changes, this revision: updates the funding plans of four projects with Surface Transportation Block Grant/Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (STP/CMAQ) funds; updates the funding plans of San Mateo CCAG’s Improve US 101 Operations near Route 92 and WETA’s Ferry Major Component Rehab/Replacement projects to reflect the addition of Community Project Funding/Congressionally Directed Spending (CPF/CDS) funds; and updates the funding plan and back-up listing of one grouped listing and updates the funding plans of six individually-listed projects to reflect the latest programming decisions in the Transit Capital Priorities (TCP) Program. Changes made with this revision do not affect the air quality conformity finding or conflict with the financial constraint requirements.

TIP Revision 2023-13

Revision (PDF): 2023-13
Status: Approved
Type: Amendment
Number of Projects: 12
Net Funding Change: $193,306,700
MTC Approval Date: 6/28/2023
Caltrans Approval Date: 7/20/2023
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: 7/21/2023

TIP Revision 2023-13 is an amendment that revises 12 projects with a net funding increase of approximately $193 million. Among other changes, this revision will: add two new projects into the TIP and update the funding plan of one existing project to reflect the award of federal discretionary funding; add four new One Bay Area Grant (OBAG) Program 2 and 3 funded projects into the TIP and update the funding plan of one existing OBAG2 funded project; and add two new projects and update the funding plan of one existing project to reflect the programming of funds through the Transit Capital Priorities (TCP) Program. One of the added projects is the Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transit District (GGBHTD) Replacement Ferry project, that will facilitate compliance with the California Air Resources Board’s Commercial Harbor Craft regulations and the eventual transition of GGBHTD’s fleet of ferries to compliant vehicles. Of the $125 million total project cost added to the TIP for this project, $5 million is programmed for FYs 2023 and 2024. Changes made with this revision do not affect the air quality conformity finding or conflict with the financial constraint requirements.

TIP Revision 2023-14

Revision (PDF): 2023-14
Status: Approved
Type: Administrative Modification
Number of Projects: 10
Net Funding Change: $14,370,797
MTC Approval Date: 7/12/2023
Caltrans Approval Date: N/A
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: N/A

TIP Revision 2023-14 is an administrative modification that revises 10 projects with a net funding increase of approximately $14.4 million. Among other changes, this revision: updates the funding plans of six projects with Surface Transportation Block Grant/Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (STP/CMAQ) funds; updates the funding plan of Water Emergency Transportation Authority’s (WETA) Fixed Guideway Connectors project to reflect the programming of $8.5 million in Ferry Boat Program (FBP) funds; and updates the funding plans of three individually-listed projects to reflect the latest programming decisions in the Transit Capital Priorities (TCP) Program. Changes made with this revision do not affect the air quality conformity finding or conflict with the financial constraint requirements.

TIP Revision 2023-15

Revision (PDF): 2023-15
Status: Approved
Type: Amendment
Number of Projects: 23
Net Funding Change: $421,405,440
MTC Approval Date: 7/26/2023
Caltrans Approval Date: 8/17/2023
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: 8/20/2023

TIP Revision 2023-15 is an amendment that revises 23 projects with a net funding increase of approximately $421 million. Among other changes, this revision will: adds seven new projects and updates one existing project to reflect the recent rounds of Active Transportation Program (ATP) grants; adds one new projects and updates the funding plans of three existing projects to reflect the latest One Bay Area Grant (OBAG 2 and 3) programming decisions; adds four new projects and updates one existing project to reflect recent changes in the Transit Capital Priorities (TCP) Program; adds the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority’s (VTA) Transit Reliability Improvement and Performance System (TRIPS) project to reflect the award of approximately $1.7 million in Strengthening Mobility and Revolutionizing Transportation (SMART) Grants Program funds; adds the Marin County Transit District’s Fixed Route EV Charging and Maintenance Facility project to reflect the award of approximately $31.5 million in FTA Bus and Bus Facilities Grant funding; and updates the funding plan and back-up listing of the Recreational Trails Program grouped listing to reflect the latest information from Caltrans. Changes made with this revision do not affect the air quality conformity finding or conflict with the financial constraint requirements.

TIP Revision 2023-16

Revision (PDF): 2023-16
Status: Approved
Type: Administrative Modification
Number of Projects: 13
Net Funding Change: $166,228,723
MTC Approval Date: 8/3/2023
Caltrans Approval Date: N/A
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: N/A

TIP Revision 2023-16 is an administrative modification that revises 13 projects with a net funding increase of approximately $166.2 million. Among other changes, this revision: updates the funding plans of four projects with Surface Transportation Block Grant/Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (STP/CMAQ) funds; updates the funding plans of two individually-listed projects to reflect the latest programming decisions in the Transit Capital Priorities (TCP) Program; and updates the funding plans and back-up listings of the Highway Bridge Program (HBP), Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) and four State Highway Operation and Protection Program (SHOPP)-funded group listings to reflect the latest information from Caltrans. Changes made with this revision do not affect the air quality conformity finding or conflict with the financial constraint requirements.

TIP Revision 2023-17

Revision (PDF): 2023-17
Status: Approved
Type: Administrative Modification
Number of Projects: 12
Net Funding Change: $13,460,752
MTC Approval Date: 8/30/2023
Caltrans Approval Date: N/A
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: N/A

TIP Revision 2023-17 is an administrative modification that revises 12 projects with a net funding increase of approximately $13.5 million. Among other changes, this revision: updates the funding plan of two projects to reflect changes in the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (CMAQ) and Active Transportation Program (ATP); updates the funding plan of five projects to reflect the addition of Community Project Funding/Congressionally Directed Spending (CPF/CDS) funds, Repurposed Earmark funds, and reprogramming of Ferry Boat Program (FBP) funds; updates the funding plans of two individually-listed projects to reflect the latest programming decisions in the Transit Capital Priorities (TCP) Program; and updates the funding plan and back-up listing of one State Highway Operation and Protection Program (SHOPP)-funded group listing to reflect the latest information from Caltrans. Changes made with this revision do not affect the air quality conformity finding or conflict with the financial constraint requirements.

TIP Revision 2023-18

Revision (PDF): 2023-18
Status: Approved
Type: Amendment
Number of Projects: 28
Net Funding Change: $216,840,460
MTC Approval Date: 9/27/2023
Caltrans Approval Date: 10/12/2023
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: 10/13/2023

TIP Revision 2023-18 is an amendment that revises 28 projects with a net funding increase of approximately $217 million. Among other changes, this revision will: add four new Active Transportation Program funded projects into the TIP; add six new projects and update the funding plans of two existing projects to reflect changes in the One Bay Area Grant (OBAG) 2 and 3 programs; add six new projects and update five existing projects to reflect changes in the Transit Capital Priorities Program; add Woodside’s Woodside Rd. Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements East of I-280 and Santa Clara’s Anna Dr. Neighborhood Flood Protection projects to the TIP to reflect the award of Community Project Funding/Congressionally Directed Spending funds; update the funding plan of Santa Rosa CityBus’s Electric Bus Replacement project to reflect the award of $9.9 million in FTA discretionary Low- and No-Emission Vehicle Program funds; and update the funding plan of the Contra Costa Transportation Authority’s I-80/San Pablo Dam Rd Interchange Reconstruction project to reflect the award of $19.7 million in Trade Corridor Enhancement Program funds. Changes made with this revision do not affect the air quality conformity finding or conflict with the financial constraint requirements.

TIP Revision 2023-19

Revision (PDF): 2023-19
Status: Approved
Type: Administrative Modification
Number of Projects: 10
Net Funding Change: $160,037,964
MTC Approval Date: 10/12/2023
Caltrans Approval Date: N/A
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: N/A

TIP Revision 2023-19 is an administrative modification that revises ten projects with a net funding increase of approximately $160 million. Among other changes, this revision: updates the funding plan of Alameda County Transportation Commission’s East Bay Greenway Multimodal project to change the fund source of $39.4 million in RTP-LRP to SB1 Solutions for Suggested Corridors Program (SCCP) funds; updates the funding plans of four individually-listed projects to reflect the latest programming decisions in the Transit Capital Priorities (TCP) Program; and updates the funding plans and back-up listings of five State Highway Operation and Protection Program (SHOPP)-funded group listing to reflect the latest information from Caltrans. Changes made with this revision do not affect the air quality conformity finding or conflict with the financial constraint requirements.

TIP Revision 2023-20

Revision (PDF): 2023-20
Status: Approved
Type: Administrative Modification
Number of Projects: 6
Net Funding Change: -$25,940,418
MTC Approval Date: 11/13/2023
Caltrans Approval Date: N/A
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: N/A

TIP Revision 2023-20 is an administrative modification that revises six projects with a net funding decrease of approximately $26 million. Among other changes, this revision: updates the funding plans of three projects with Surface Transportation Block Grant/Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (STP/CMAQ) funds; updates the funding plan of San Francisco County Transportation Authority’s (SFCTA) Yerba Beuna Island Ramp Improvements project with Highway Bridge Program (HBP) and Local Bridge Seismic Retrofit Account (LBSRA) funds; updates the funding plan of Oakland’s 7th Street Connection Improvements project to reflect the addition of Community Project Funding/Congressionally Directed Spending (CPF/CDS) funds; and updates the funding plan and back-up listing of the Promoting Resilient Operations for Transformative, Efficient, and Cost-Saving Transportation (PROTECT) Planning Studies funded group listing to reflect the latest information from Caltrans. Changes made with this revision do not affect the air quality conformity finding or conflict with the financial constraint requirements.

TIP Revision 2023-21

Revision (PDF): 2023-21
Status: Approved
Type: Amendment
Number of Projects: 13
Net Funding Change: $199,175,087
MTC Approval Date: 11/15/2023
Caltrans Approval Date: 1/4/2024
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: 1/5/2024

TIP Revision 2023-21 is an amendment that revises 13 projects with a net funding increase of approximately $199 million. Among other changes, this revision will: add three new projects to reflect changes in the One Bay Area Grant (OBAG) 2 and 3 programs and Carbon Reduction Program (CRP) funds; update Emeryville’s 40th Street Transit and Multi-Modal Enhancements project to reflect the programming of Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities (AHSC) and Transportation Fund for Clean Air (TFCA) funds; update Caltrans Solano Westbound I-80 Cordelia Truck Scales project to reflect the programming of Senate Bill 1 (SB1) Trade Corridor Enhancement Program (TCEP) and Bridge Toll – Regional Measure 3 (RM3) funds; update two existing projects to reflect recent changes in the Transit Capital Priorities (TCP) Program; and add six projects to the TIP to reflect the awards of Community Project Funding/Congressionally Directed Spending (CPF/CDS) funds. Changes made with this revision do not affect the air quality conformity finding or conflict with the financial constraint requirements.

TIP Revision: 2023-22

Revision (PDF): 2023-22
Status: Approved
Type: Administrative Modification
Number of Projects: 54
Net Funding Change: -$14,865,719
MTC Approval Date: 12/8/2023
Caltrans Approval Date: N/A
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: N/A

TIP Revision 2023-22 is an administrative modification that revises 54 projects with a net funding decrease of approximately $14.9 million. Among other changes, this revision: updates the funding plans of 47 regional Surface Transportation Block Grant/Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (STP/CMAQ) funded projects to reflect planned and actual obligations; updates the funding plans of three projects to reflect the addition of Repurposed Earmark funds, Caltrans Settlement fees, and reprogramming of Ferry Boat Program (FBP) funds; updates the funding plans of two individually-listed projects to reflect the latest programming decisions in the Transit Capital Priorities (TCP) Program; and updates the funding plans and back-up listings of the Highway Bridge Program (HBP) and the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) funded group listings to reflect the latest information from Caltrans. Changes made with this revision do not affect the air quality conformity finding or conflict with the financial constraint requirements.

TIP Revision: 2023-23

Revision (PDF): 2023-23
Status: Approved
Type: Amendment
Number of Projects: 10
Net Funding Change: $30,600,070
MTC Approval Date: 12/27/2023
Caltrans Approval Date: 2/1/2024
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: 2/2/2024

TIP Revision 2023-23 is an amendment that revises 10 projects with a net funding increase of approximately $30.6 million. Among other changes, this revision will: add seven new projects to reflect changes in the One Bay Area Grant (OBAG) 2 and 3 and Carbon Reduction Program (CRP) programs; Update Alameda County Transportation Commission’s (ACTC) 7th Street Grade Separation project to change the fund source of $55 million from Local Sales tax to Regional Measure 3 (RM3) funds and reflect the award of $13.5M in Port and Freight Infrastructure Program (PFIP) funds; and add one project to the TIP to reflect the award of Community Project Funding/Congressionally Directed Spending (CPF/CDS) funds and update one project to program Repurposed Earmark funds. Changes made with this revision do not affect the air quality conformity finding or conflict with the financial constraint requirements.

TIP Revision: 2023-24

Revision (PDF): 2023-24
Status: Approved
Type: Administrative Modification
Number of Projects: 25
Net Funding Change: $61,294,909
MTC Approval Date: 1/11/2024
Caltrans Approval Date: N/A
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: N/A

TIP Revision 2023-24 is an administrative modification that revises 25 projects with a net funding decrease of approximately $61.3 million. Among other changes, this revision: updates the funding plans of six regional Surface Transportation Block Grant/Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (STP/CMAQ) funds; updates the funding plans of four individually-listed projects to reflect the latest programming decisions in the Transit Capital Priorities (TCP) Program; updates the funding plan of the Golden Gate Bridge Seismic Retrofit project to reflect the award of a $400 million Bridge Investment Program (BIP) Grant; and updates the funding plans and back-up listings of the Federal Lands Highways Program and Tribal Transportation Program (FLHP-TTP) and three State Highway Operation and Protection Program (SHOPP)-funded group listings to reflect the latest information from Caltrans. Changes made with this revision do not affect the air quality conformity finding or conflict with the financial constraint requirements.

TIP Revision: 2023-25

Revision (PDF): 2023-25
Status:  Approved
Type: Amendment
Number of Projects: 23
Net Funding Change: $301,748,385
MTC Approval Date: 1/24/2024
Caltrans Approval Date: 2/15/2024
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: 2/16/2024

TIP Revision 2023-25 is an amendment that revises 23 projects with a net funding increase of approximately $301.7 million. Among other changes, this revision will: add six new projects to the TIP and update two existing projects to reflect changes in the One Bay Area Grant (OBAG) 2 and 3 programs and Transit Capital Priorities (TCP) program; add two Alameda Contra Costa County Transit District (AC Transit) projects to the TIP to reflect the award of FY23 FTA Bus Low- and No-Emission Grant funds; and add eight projects and revise two existing projects to reflect the award of Community Project Funding/Congressionally Directed Spending (CPF/CDS) funds, Repurposed Earmarks, Safe Streets For All (SS4A) grants, and Transit and Intercity Rail Capital Program (TIRCP) funds. Changes made with this revision do not affect the air quality conformity finding or conflict with the financial constraint requirements.

TIP Revision: 2023-26

Revision (PDF): 2023-26
Status: Approved
Type: Administrative Modification
Number of Projects: 21
Net Funding Change: $11,513,243
MTC Approval Date: 2/6/2024
Caltrans Approval Date: N/A
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: N/A

TIP Revision 2023-26 is an administrative modification that revises 21 projects with a net funding decrease of approximately $11.5 million. Among other changes, this revision: updates the funding plans of 19 regional Surface Transportation Block Grant/Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (STP/CMAQ) funds; updates the funding plan of MTC’s Lifeline Transportation Program Group Listing to reflect the latest programming decisions in the Transit Capital Priorities (TCP) Program; and updates the funding plan of MTC’s 511 Carpool and Vanpool Programs project to reflect a fund source change of $2.2 million from Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Urbanized Area Formula Grant funds (FTA 5307) to CMAQ funds. Changes made with this revision do not affect the air quality conformity finding or conflict with the financial constraint requirements.

TIP Revision: 2023-27

Revision (PDF): 2023-27
Status:  Approved
Type: Amendment
Number of Projects: 13
Net Funding Change: $189,141,961
MTC Approval Date: 2/28/2024
Caltrans Approval Date: 3/28/2024
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: 3/29/2024

TIP Revision 2023-27 is an amendment that revises 13 projects with a net funding increase of approximately $189.1 million. Among other changes, this revision will: add six new projects to the TIP and update three existing projects to reflect changes in the One Bay Area Grant (OBAG) 2 and 3 programs, Carbon Reduction Program (CRP), and Transit Capital Priorities (TCP) program; add Alameda County’s Lower San Lorenzo Creekway Trail project to the TIP to reflect the award of $17.2 million in Active Transportation Program (ATP) funds; add Alameda County Transportation Commission’s (ACTC) I-80 Gilman Interchange Improvements project to reflect the awards of $2 million in a Repurposed Earmark and $3.7 million in State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) supplemental funds; and add San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency’s (SFMTA) Howard Streetscape Improvement project to the TIP to reflect the award of $23 million in FY22 Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) grant. Changes made with this revision do not affect the air quality conformity finding or conflict with the financial constraint requirements.

TIP Revision: 2023-28

Revision (PDF): 2023-28
Status: Approved
Type: Administrative Modification
Number of Projects: 11
Net Funding Change: $44,151,747
MTC Approval Date: 3/21/2024
Caltrans Approval Date: N/A
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: N/A

TIP Revision 2023-28 is an administrative modification that revises 11 projects with a net funding increase of approximately $44.1 million. Among other changes, this revision: updates the funding plans of five regional Surface Transportation Block Grant/Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (STP/CMAQ) and Carbon Reduction Program (CRP) projects; updates the funding plans of three Community Project Funding/Congressionally Directed Spending (CPF/CDS) projects; and updates the funding plan of Metropolitan Transportation Commission’s (MTC) FTA 5310 Enhanced Mobility for Seniors and Persons with Disabilities Program group listing to reflect the latest programming decisions. Changes made with this revision do not affect the air quality conformity finding or conflict with the financial constraint requirements.

TIP Revision: 2023-29

Revision (PDF): 2023-29
Status: Approved
Type: Amendment
Number of Projects: 48
Net Funding Change: $494,964,925
MTC Approval Date: 4/24/2024
Caltrans Approval Date: 6/6/2024
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: 6/7/2024

TIP Revision 2023-29 is an amendment that revises 48 projects with a net funding increase of approximately $495 million. Among other changes, this revision will: adds five new projects to the TIP and updates six existing projects to reflect changes in the One Bay Area Grant (OBAG) 2 and 3 programs, and Carbon Reduction Program (CRP); adds eight new projects and updates two existing projects to reflect changes in Community Project Funding/Congressionally Directed Spending (CPF/CDS), Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A), Passenger Ferry Grant Program (PFGP), and Railroad Crossing Elimination (RCE) Program funds; adds 14 new projects and updates five existing projects to reflect changes in the Transit Capital Priorities (TCP) program; and adds four new projects and updates three existing projects to reflect changes in the Active Transportation Program (ATP), Local Partnership Program (LPP), and other locally funded projects. Changes made with this revision do not affect the air quality conformity finding or conflict with the financial constraint requirements.

TIP Revision: 2023-30

Revision (PDF): 2023-30
Status: Approved
Type: Administrative Modification
Number of Projects: 41
Net Funding Change: $192,777,068
MTC Approval Date: 5/17/2024
Caltrans Approval Date: N/A
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: N/A

TIP Revision 2023-30 is an administrative modification that revises 41 projects with a net funding increase of approximately $192.8 million. Among other changes, this revision: updates the funding plans of 10 regional Surface Transportation Block Grant/Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (STP/CMAQ) and State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) projects; updates the funding plans of four group listings and 21 individually-listed projects to reflect the latest programming decisions in the Transit Capital Priorities (TCP) Program to reflect the latest programming decisions; and Updates the funding plans and back-up listings of the Recreational Trails Program and four State Highway Operation and Protection Program (SHOPP)-funded group listings to reflect the latest information from Caltrans. Changes made with this revision do not affect the air quality conformity finding or conflict with the financial constraint requirements.

TIP Revision: 2023-31

Revision (PDF): 2023-31
Status: Approved
Type: Amendment
Number of Projects: 165
Net Funding Change: -$736,736,980
MTC Approval Date: 6/26/2024
Caltrans Approval Date: 7/30/2024
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: 8/2/2024

TIP Revision 2023-31 is an amendment that revises 165 projects with a net funding decrease of approximately $736.7 million. Among other changes, this revision will: adds the San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District’s (BART) Police Department Headquarters relocation project into the TIP as a requirement for applying for Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (TIFIA) program credit assistance; adds Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority’s (VTA) Audio Frequency Train Activated Circuit project; updates three existing projects to reflect changes in the Transit Capital Priorities (TCP) program or to add Regional Transportation Improvement Program (RTIP) funds; and archives and deletes 160 projects that have either been completed or will not move forward as federal projects at this time, resulting in a decrease of $1.05 billion of funds from the TIP. Changes made with this revision do not affect the air quality conformity finding or conflict with the financial constraint requirements.

TIP Revision: 2023-32

Revision (PDF): 2023-32
Status: Approved
Type: Administrative Modification
Number of Projects: 18
Net Funding Change: $558,455,839
MTC Approval Date: 6/20/2024
Caltrans Approval Date: N/A
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: N/A

TIP Revision 2023-32 is an administrative modification that revises 18 projects with a net funding increase of approximately $558.5 million. Among other changes, this revision: updates the funding plans of eight regional Surface Transportation Block Grant/Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (STP/CMAQ) and State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) projects; updates the funding plans and back-up listings of the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) 5311 Rural Area FY21 FY-24 and Bus Accelerated Infrastructure Delivery (BusAID) group listings to reflect the latest programming decisions; and updates the funding plans and back-up Group Listings of the Highway Bridge Program (HBP), Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP), State Highway Operation and Protection Program (SHOPP)-funded group listings to reflect the latest information from Caltrans. Changes made with this revision do not affect the air quality conformity finding or conflict with the financial constraint requirements.

TIP Revision: 2023-33

Revision (PDF): 2023-33
Status: Approved
Type: Amendment
Number of Projects: 2
Net Funding Change: $76,187,198
MTC Approval Date: 9/25/2024
Caltrans Approval Date: 9/26/2024
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: 9/27/2024

TIP Revision 2023-33 is an amendment that adds 2 projects with a net funding increase of approximately $76.2 million. This revision: Adds the Bay Area Air Quality Management District’s (BAAQMD) SF Bay Area Electric Vehicle Charging and Contra Costa County’s EV-4-All projects into the TIP with $30 million in Charging and Fueling Infrastructure (CFI) program funds. Changes made with this revision do not affect the air quality conformity finding or conflict with the financial constraint requirements.