2019 TIP Revisions
TIP Revision 2019-01
Revision (PDF): 19-01
Status: Approved
Type: Administrative Modification
Number of Projects: 52
Net Funding Change: $36,741,847
MTC Approval Date: 12-19-18
Caltrans Approval Date: N/A
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: N/A
TIP Revision 2019-01 is an administrative modification that revises 52 projects with a net funding increase of $36.7 million. Among other changes, this revision: updates the funding plans of 36 Surface Transportation Block Grant Program/ Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (STP/CMAQ) funded projects to reflect obligations and programming decisions; updates the funding plan of the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority’s US-101 Express Lanes in Santa Clara County project to reflect the programming of $3.3 million in repurposed earmark funds; updates the funding plan and back-up listing of the Caltrans-managed local Highway Bridge Program (HBP) grouped listing and updates the funding plans of eight individually listed HBP-funded projects to reflect the latest information from Caltrans; and updates the funding plan and back-up listing of the State Highway Operation and Protection Program (SHOPP) Collision Reduction grouped listing to reflect the latest information from Caltrans. The administrative modification is financially constrained by year and MTC relies on the State’s programming capacity in the amount of $3.3 million in repurposed earmark funds, $17.4 million in HBP funds and $5.3 million in SHOPP funds to reflect the net change in funding over the four years of the TIP. MTC’s 2019 TIP, as revised with Revision No. 2019-01, remains in conformity with the applicable State Implementation Plan (SIP) for air quality and the revision does not interfere with the timely implementation of the Transportation Control Measures contained in the SIP.
TIP Revision 2019-02
Revision (PDF): 19-02
Status: Approved
Type: Administrative Modification
Number of Projects: 12
Net Funding Change: $7,296,176
MTC Approval Date: 2-1-19
Caltrans Approval Date: N/A
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: N/A
TIP Revision 2019-02 is an administrative modification that revises 12 projects with a net funding increase of $7.3 million. Among other changes, this revision: updates the funding plans of six Surface Transportation Block Grant Program/ Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (STP/CMAQ) funded projects, one Road Repair and Accountability Act (SB1) and State Transportation Improvement Program funded project, and one High Priority Program earmark funded project to reflect the latest programming decisions; and updates the funding plan and back-up listing of the State Highway Operation and Protection Program (SHOPP) Collision Reduction grouped listing to reflect the latest information from Caltrans. The administrative modification is financially constrained by year and MTC relies on the State’s programming capacity in the amount of $421,807 in High Priority Program earmark funds, $207,000 in SB1 funds and $6 million in SHOPP funds to reflect the net change in funding over the four years of the TIP. MTC’s 2019 TIP, as revised with Revision No. 2019-02, remains in conformity with the applicable State Implementation Plan (SIP) for air quality and the revision does not interfere with the timely implementation of the Transportation Control Measures contained in the SIP.
TIP Revision 2019-03
Revision (PDF): 19-03
Status: Approved
Type: Administrative Modification
Number of Projects: 40
Net Funding Change: $155,338,096
MTC Approval Date: 12-19-18
Caltrans Approval Date: 1-15-19
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: 2-5-19
TIP Revision 2019-03 is an amendment that revises 40 projects with a net funding increase of approximately $155 million. Among other changes, this revision: updates the funding plans of six Highway Bridge Program funded projects to reflect the latest programming information from Caltrans; adds two new exempt projects and one new non-exempt not regionally significant project, deletes an existing exempt project and updates the funding plans of 14 additional projects to reflect Surface Transportation Block Grant / Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (STP/CMAQ) programming decisions and obligations; adds one new grouped listing and updates the funding plans and back up listings of three existing grouped listings to reflect the latest information from Caltrans; adds three additional new exempt projects to the TIP; and carries forward two exempt projects and two grouped listings from the 2017 TIP. Changes made with this revision do not affect the air quality conformity finding or conflict with the financial constraint requirements.
TIP Revision 2019-04
Revision (PDF): 19-04
Status: Approved
Type: Administrative Modification
Number of Projects: 10
Net Funding Change: $5,506,382
MTC Approval Date: 3-5-19
Caltrans Approval Date: N/A
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: N/A
TIP Revision 2019-04 is an administrative modification that revises 10 projects with a net funding increase of $5.5 million. Among other changes, this revision: Updates the funding plans of four Surface Transportation Block Grant Program/ Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (STP/CMAQ) funded projects to reflect the latest programming decisions, including the exchange of approximately $16 million in STP/CMAQ and an equal amount of sales tax proceeds between San Francisco’s Better Market Street project and SFMTA’s New Central Subway project; also updates the funding plan of the Better Market Street project to reflect the award of $15 million in Better Using Investments to Leverage Development (BUILD) grant funds; combines the two Innovative Deployments to Enhance Arterials program listings into a single listing; splits out near-term, High Priority Program-funded improvements from Alameda County’s Vasco Road Safety Improvements project; and updates the funding plan and back-up listing of the Lifeline Transportation Program – Cycle 5 grouped listing to reflect the programming of additional Federal Transit Administration Section 5307 funds and State Transit Assistance program funds. The administrative modification is financially constrained by year and MTC relies on the State’s programming capacity in the amount of $15 million in BUILD funds to reflect the net change in funding over the four years of the TIP. MTC’s 2019 TIP, as revised with Revision No. 2019-04, remains in conformity with the applicable State Implementation Plan (SIP) for air quality and the revision does not interfere with the timely implementation of the Transportation Control Measures contained in the SIP.
TIP Revision 2019-05
Revision (PDF): 19-05
Status: Approved
Type: Administrative Modification
Number of Projects: 3
Net Funding Change: $22,503,964
MTC Approval Date: 1-23-19
Caltrans Approval Date: 2-6-19
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: 2-19-19
Revision 2019-05 is an amendment that revises three projects with a net funding increase of approximately $22.5 million. The revision was referred by the Programming and Allocations Committee on January 9, 2019, and approved by the MTC Commission on January 23, 2019. Caltrans approval is expected in late February 2019, and final federal approval is expected in mid-March 2019. Among other changes, this revision updates the funding plan and back-up listing of the Caltrans managed Highway Safety Improvement Program grouped listing. Changes made with this revision do not affect the air quality conformity finding or conflict with the financial constraint requirements.
TIP Revision 2019-06
Revision (PDF): 19-06
Status: Approved
Type: Administrative Modification
Number of Projects: 2
Net Funding Change: $15,814,128
MTC Approval Date: 1-23-19
Caltrans Approval Date: 2-6-19
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: 2-15-19
Revision 2019-06 is an amendment that revises two projects with a net funding increase of approximately $15.8 million. The revision was proposed subsequent to the Programming and Allocations Committee review of Revision 2019-05 on January 9, 2019 and was approved by the MTC Commission on January 23, 2019. Caltrans approval is expected in late February 2019, and final federal approval is expected in mid-March 2019. Among other changes, this revision: adds one Federal Transit Administration Bus and Bus Facilities Program and Low or No Emission Vehicle Program funded Fairfield and Suisun Transit project to the TIP; and adds the San Joaquin Regional Rail Commission’s Oakley Station Platform project to reflect the award of Transit and Intercity Rail Capital Program funds. Changes made with this revision do not affect the air quality conformity finding or conflict with the financial constraint requirements.
TIP Revision 2019-07
Revision (PDF): 19-07
Status: Approved
Type: Administrative Modification
Number of Projects: 19
Net Funding Change: $11,050,370
MTC Approval Date: 3-28-19
Caltrans Approval Date: N/A
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: N/A
TIP Revision 2019-07 is an administrative modification that revises 19 projects with a net funding increase of $11 million. Among other changes, this revision: updates the funding plan of the Golden Gate Bridge Suicide Deterrent Safety Barrier project to reflect the programming of approximately $45.2 million in Federal Highway Infrastructure Program (FHIP) funds in lieu of Surface Transportation Block Grant Program/Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (STP/CMAQ) Cycle 1 and One Bay Area Grant 2 (OBAG2) funds; updates the funding plans of nine other STP/CMAQ funded projects and one High Priority Program Earmark (HPP) funded project to reflect planned obligations; updates the funding plan of San Rafael’s Francisco Blvd West Multi-Use Pathway project to reflect the programming of Regional Measure 2 (RM2) and Transportation Fund for Clean Air (TFCA) funds; and updates the funding plans and back-up listings of the State Highway Operation and Protection Program (SHOPP) Collision Reduction, Local Highway Bridge Program (HBP) and FTA Section 5311 Fiscal Years 2018/19 and 2019/20 grouped listings to reflect the latest information from Caltrans. The administrative modification is financially constrained by year and MTC relies on the State’s programming capacity in the amount of $45.2 million in FHIP funds, $2.4 million in HPP funds, $248,400 in TFCA funds, $6.3 million in SHOPP funds, and $283,186 in FTA Section 5311f funds to reflect the net change in funding over the four years of the TIP. MTC’s 2019 TIP, as revised with Revision No. 2019-07, remains in conformity with the applicable State Implementation Plan (SIP) for air quality and the revision does not interfere with the timely implementation of the Transportation Control Measures contained in the SIP.
TIP Revision 2019-08
Revision (PDF): 19-08
Status: Approved
Type: Administrative Modification
Number of Projects: 12
Net Funding Change: -$25,513,326
MTC Approval Date: 2-27-19
Caltrans Approval Date: 3-13-19
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: 4-3-19
Revision 2019-08 is an amendment that revises 12 projects with a net funding decrease of approximately $25.5 million. Among other changes, this revision: adds one new exempt project and updates the funding plan of one other project to reflect the award of Federal Transit Administration Bus and Bus Facilities Infrastructure Investment Program discretionary grants; updates the funding plan of the Solano Transportation Authority’s I-80/I-680/SR-12 Interchange Improvements project to reflect the award of Trade Corridor Enhancement Program funds; updates the funding plans of two Altamont Corridor Express projects to reflect the award of Transit and Intercity Rail Capital Program funds; archives three implemented projects; and deletes three projects that will not move forward as federal projects. Changes made with this revision do not affect the air quality conformity finding or conflict with the financial constraint requirements.
TIP Revision 2019-09
Revision (PDF): 19-09
Status: Approved
Type: Administrative Modification
Number of Projects: 7
Net Funding Change: $1,547,102
MTC Approval Date: 5-6-19
Caltrans Approval Date: N/A
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: N/A
TIP Revision 2019-09 is an administrative modification that revises 7 projects with a net funding increase of $1.5 million. Among other changes, this revision: updates the funding plan of three Surface Transportation Block Grant Program/Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (STP/CMAQ) funded projects to reflect the latest project schedules; and updates the funding plans of two Road Repair and Accountability Act (SB1) funded projects to reflect the latest programming decisions. The administrative modification is financially constrained by year and MTC relies on the State’s programming capacity in the amount of $1.77 million in SB1 funds and $165,452 in CalRecycle funds to reflect the net change in funding over the four years of the TIP. MTC’s 2019 TIP, as revised with Revision No. 2019-09, remains in conformity with the applicable State Implementation Plan (SIP) for air quality and the revision does not interfere with the timely implementation of the Transportation Control Measures contained in the SIP.
TIP Revision 2019-10
Revision (PDF): 19-10
Status: Approved
Type: Administrative Modification
Number of Projects: 4
Net Funding Change: -$18,724,000
MTC Approval Date: 3-27-19
Caltrans Approval Date: 4-5-19
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: 4-24-19
TIP Revision 2019-10 is an amendment that revises four projects with a net funding decrease of approximately $18.7 million. Among other changes, this revision: amends one new exempt project into the TIP; and archives one project. Changes made with this revision do not affect the air quality conformity finding or conflict with the financial constraint requirements.
TIP Revision 2019-11
Revision (PDF): 19-11
Status: Approved
Type: Administrative Modification
Number of Projects: 46
Net Funding Change: -$10,610,187
MTC Approval Date: 6-6-19
Caltrans Approval Date: N/A
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: N/A
TIP Revision 2019-11 is an administrative modification that revises 46 projects with a net funding decrease of $10.6 million. Among other changes, this revision: updates the funding plans of 36 Transit Capital Priorities Program funded projects to reflect the latest programming decisions; updates the funding plans of five Surface Transportation Block Grant Program/Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (STP/CMAQ) funded projects to reflect the latest project schedules; updates the funding plan of the Contra Costa Transportation Authority’s New State Highway (SR-239) Study project to reflect the programming of unexpended High Priority Program and Transportation Improvement earmark funds; and updates the Water Emergency Transportation Authority’s San Francisco Ferry Terminal/Berthing Facilities project to reflect the programming of FHWA Ferry Boat Program (FBP) funds. The administrative modification is financially constrained by year and MTC relies on the State’s programming capacity in the amount of $597,635 in High Priority Program earmark funds, $4.4 million in Transportation Improvement earmark funds, $877,388 in FBP funds, $311,764 in Low Carbon Transit Operations program funds, $976,000 in Proposition 1B funds, and $216,827 in SB1 funds to reflect the net change in funding over the four years of the TIP. MTC’s 2019 TIP, as revised with Revision No. 2019-11, remains in conformity with the applicable State Implementation Plan (SIP) for air quality and the revision does not interfere with the timely implementation of the Transportation Control Measures contained in the SIP.
Revision 2019-12
Revision (PDF): 19-12
Status: Approved
Type: Amendment
Number of Projects: 4
Net Funding Change: $13,699,781
MTC Approval Date: 4-24-19
Caltrans Approval Date: 5-8-19
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: 6-6-19
Revision 2019-12 is an amendment that revises four projects with a net funding increase of approximately $13.7 million. Among other changes, this revision: reprograms Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ) program funds available through the Transit Performance Initiative – Capital Investment Program from VTA’s Santa Clara Pocket Track Light Rail Interlocking project to their Light Rail Track Crossovers and Switches project and deletes the interlocking project; and updates the funding plan and back-up listing for the State Highway Operations and Protection Program (SHOPP) Emergency Response program to reflect the latest information from Caltrans including the addition of $14.6 million in SHOPP funds. Changes made with this revision do not affect the air quality conformity finding or conflict with the financial constraint requirements.
TIP Revision 2019-13
Revision (PDF): 19-13
Status: Approved
Type: Administrative Modification
Number of Projects: 22
Net Funding Change: $15,402,477
MTC Approval Date: 7-3-19
Caltrans Approval Date: N/A
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: N/A
TIP Revision 2019-13 is an administrative modification that revises 22 projects with a net funding increase of $15.4 million. Among other changes, this revision: updates the funding plans of 13 projects to reflect programming changes in the Active Transportation Program (ATP); updates the funding plans of four Surface Transportation Block Grant Program/Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (STP/CMAQ) funded projects to reflect the latest programming decisions; updates the funding plan and back-up listing of the Caltrans-managed Pavement Resurfacing and Rehabilitation for the State Highway System grouped listing; updates the funding plan of the Sonoma Marin Area Rail Transit corridor project to reflect the award of $5 million in Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) Positive Train Control (PTC) funds; and updates Bay Area Rapid Transit’s Transbay Core Capacity Improvements project to reflect the award of $300 million in Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Core Capacity grant funds. The administrative modification is financially constrained by year and MTC relies on the State’s programming capacity in the amount of $300 million in FTA Core Capacity funds, $3.8 million in ATP funds, $5 million in FRA PTC funds and $24,540 in California Natural Resources Agency Urban Greening funds to reflect the net change in funding over the four years of the TIP. MTC’s 2019 TIP, as revised with Revision No. 2019-13, remains in conformity with the applicable State Implementation Plan (SIP) for air quality and the revision does not interfere with the timely implementation of the Transportation Control Measures contained in the SIP.
Revision 2019-14
Revision (PDF): 19-14
Status: Approved
Type: Amendment
Number of Projects: 25
Net Funding Change: $801,633,123
MTC Approval Date: 5-22-19
Caltrans Approval Date: 6-12-19
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: 6-27-19
Revision 2019-14 is an amendment that revises 25 projects with a net funding increase of approximately $802 million. Most notable from a dollar standpoint is the addition of replacement and expansion vehicles as part of SFMTA’s Light Rail Vehicle Procurement. Among other changes, this revision adds eight new exempt projects to the TIP, updates the funding plans of 13 existing projects and deletes three projects from the TIP to reflect changes in the Transit Capital Priorities (TCP) Program. Changes made with this revision do not affect the air quality conformity finding or conflict with the financial constraint requirements.
TIP Revision 2019-15
Revision (PDF): 19-15
Status: Approved
Type: Administrative Modification
Number of Projects: 11
Net Funding Change: $9,525,440
MTC Approval Date: 8-13-19
Caltrans Approval Date: N/A
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: N/A
TIP Revision 2019-15 is an administrative modification that revises 11 projects with a net funding increase of $9.5 million. Among other changes, this revision: updates the funding plans of six Surface Transportation Block Grant Program/Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (STP/CMAQ) funded projects to reflect the latest programming decisions and obligations; updates the funding plan and back-up listing of the State Highway Operation and Protection Program (SHOPP) – Mobility Program grouped listing to reflect the latest information from Caltrans including the addition of a total of $9.5 million in SHOPP funds; updates the funding plan of the Golden Gate Bridge Highway and Transportation District’s Ferry Propulsion Systems Replacement project to reflect the programming of $680,815 in Construction of Ferry Boats and Ferry Terminal Facilities Formula Program (FBP) funds; and updates the funding plan of Solano County’s Redwood – Fairgrounds Drive Interchange Improvements project to reflect the programming of $26,573 in High Priority Program (HPP) funds. The administrative modification is financially constrained by year and MTC relies on the State’s programming capacity in the amount of $16.8 million in SHOPP funds, $26,573 in HPP funds, and $680,815 in FBP funds to reflect the net change in funding over the four years of the TIP. MTC’s 2019 TIP, as revised with Revision No. 2019-15, remains in conformity with the applicable State Implementation Plan (SIP) for air quality and the revision does not interfere with the timely implementation of the Transportation Control Measures contained in the SIP.
TIP Revision 2019-16
Revision (PDF): 19-16
Status: Approved
Type: Amendment
Number of Projects: 8
Net Funding Change: $21,335,503
MTC Approval Date: 6-26-19
Caltrans Approval Date: 8-7-19
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: 8-26-19
TIP Revision 2019-16 is an amendment that revises eight projects with a net funding increase of approximately $21.3 million. Among other changes, this revision: updates the funding plan and back-up listing of the State Highway Operations and Protection Program (SHOPP) Collision Reduction program to reflect the latest information from Caltrans including the addition of $11.7 million in SHOPP funds; archives three projects as they have been completed or all federal funding for the project has been obligated; and adds one new exempt project. Changes made with this revision do not affect the air quality conformity finding or conflict with the financial constraint requirements.
TIP Revision 2019-17
Revision (PDF): 19-17
Status: Approved
Type: Administrative Modification
Number of Projects: 11
Net Funding Change: -$7,160,690
MTC Approval Date: 8-29-19
Caltrans Approval Date: N/A
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: N/A
TIP Revision 2019-17 is an administrative modification that revises 11 projects with a net funding decrease of $7.2 million. Among other changes, this revision: updates the funding plans of three Surface Transportation Block Grant Program/Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (STP/CMAQ) funded projects, one Active Transportation Program (ATP) funded project, and two earmark funded projects to reflect the latest programming decisions and obligations; updates the funding plan and back-up listing of the Marin County - Traffic Operating Systems and Mobility grouped listing to reflect the latest information from Caltrans including the addition of $97,649 in Construction of Ferry Boats and Ferry Terminal Facilities Formula Program (FBP) funds; and updates the funding plans of two Solano County Transit (Soltrans) projects to reflect the programming of additional Transit Capital Priorities funds. The administrative modification is financially constrained by year and MTC relies on the State’s programming capacity in the amount of $9 million in Highway Bridge Program earmark funds and $97,649 in FBP funds to reflect the net change in funding over the four years of the TIP. MTC’s 2019 TIP, as revised with Revision No. 2019-17, remains in conformity with the applicable State Implementation Plan (SIP) for air quality and the revision does not interfere with the timely implementation of the Transportation Control Measures contained in the SIP.
TIP Revision 2019-18
Revision (PDF): 19-18
Status: Approved
Type: Amendment
Number of Projects: 9
Net Funding Change: $115,165,869
MTC Approval Date: 7-24-19
Caltrans Approval Date: 9-6-19
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: 9-10-19
TIP Revision 2019-18 is an amendment that revises nine projects with a net funding increase of approximately $115.2 million. Among other changes, this revision: amends four new exempt projects into the TIP and updates one existing project to reflect the recent CTC approval of Regional Active Transportation Program (rATP), Cycle 4; amends San Jose’s Better Bikeway San Jose – San Fernando Street project into the TIP to reflect the award of Statewide Competitive ATP funds; and updates the funding plan of the Caltrans managed Highway Bridge Program grouped listing. Changes made with this revision do not affect the air quality conformity finding or conflict with the financial constraint requirements.
TIP Revision 2019-19
Revision (PDF): 19-19
Status: Approved
Type: Administrative Modification
Number of Projects: 34
Net Funding Change: -$6,469,315
MTC Approval Date: 10-7-19
Caltrans Approval Date: N/A
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: N/A
TIP Revision No. 2019-19 revises 34 projects with a net decrease in funding of $6.5 million. Among other changes, this revision: updates the funding plans of 29 Surface Transportation Block Grant Program/Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (STP/CMAQ) funded projects to reflect the latest programming decisions and obligations; updates the funding plan of the Alameda CTC’s 7th Street Grade Separation East project to reflect the award of $175 million in SB1 Trade Corridor Enhancement Program (TCEP) funds; updates the funding plan and back-up listing of the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) group-listing to reflect the latest information from Caltrans including the addition of $35,990 in HSIP funds; and updates the funding plans of two projects to reflect the latest programming decisions in the Transit Capital Priorities Program. The administrative modification is financially constrained by year and MTC relies on the State’s programming capacity in the amount of $175 million in TCEP funds and $35,990 in HSIP funds to reflect the net change in funding over the four years of the TIP. MTC’s 2019 TIP, as revised with Revision No. 2019-19, remains in conformity with the applicable State Implementation Plan (SIP) for air quality and the revision does not interfere with the timely implementation of the Transportation Control Measures contained in the SIP.
TIP Revision 2019-20
Revision (PDF): 19-20
Status: Approved
Type: Administrative Modification
Number of Projects: 6
Net Funding Change: $0
MTC Approval Date: 10-31-19
Caltrans Approval Date: N/A
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: N/A
TIP Revision No. 2019-20 revises six projects with no net change in funding. Among other changes, this revision updates the funding plans of the six Surface Transportation Block Grant Program/Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (STP/CMAQ) funded projects to reflect planned and future obligations, transfers of funding to the Federal Transit Administration and conversions of advanced construction to federal funds. MTC’s 2019 TIP, as revised with Revision No. 2019-20, remains in conformity with the applicable State Implementation Plan (SIP) for air quality and the revision does not interfere with the timely implementation of the Transportation Control Measures contained in the SIP.
TIP Revision 2019-21
Revision (PDF): 19-21
Status: Approved
Type: Amendment
Number of Projects: 15
Net Funding Change: -$141,949,908
MTC Approval Date: 9-25-19
Caltrans Approval Date: 10-7-19
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: 10-18-19
TIP Revision 2019-21 is an amendment that revises 15 projects with a net funding decrease of approximately $142 million. Among other changes, this revision: amends two new exempt projects and the preliminary engineering phase of one non-exempt project into the TIP and updates the funding plans of four existing Surface Transportation Block Grant Program/Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (STP/CMAQ) projects to reflect the latest programming decisions; deletes two existing projects as they will not move forward as federal projects; and updates the funding plans and back-up listings of four State Highway Operation and Protection Program (SHOPP) funded grouped listings to reflect the latest information from Caltrans including the addition of $107 million in SHOPP funds. Changes made with this revision do not affect the air quality conformity finding or conflict with the financial constraint requirements.
TIP Revision 2019-22
Revision (PDF): 19-22
Status: Approved
Type: Administrative Modification
Number of Projects: 10
Net Funding Change: $1,370,190
MTC Approval Date: 12-12-19
Caltrans Approval Date: N/A
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: N/A
TIP Revision 2019-22 is an administrative modification that revises ten projects with a net funding increase of $1.4 million. Among other changes, this revision: updates the funding plans of three Regional Surface Transportation Block Grant Program/Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (STP/CMAQ) funded projects to reflected planned obligations; splits the Treasure Island Mobility Management Agency (TIMMA) sponsored Treasure Island Ferry Terminal Landside Improvements project out from the San Francisco County Transportation Authority sponsored Treasure Island Pricing Mobility Improvements project and programs $3 million in FHWA Ferry Boat Discretionary to TIMMA’s project; splits the BART managed Transit Oriented Development Implementation program from the MTC managed Regional Planning–PDA Implementation program; and updates the funding plan of the Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District’s Ferry Propulsion Systems Replacement project to reflect the programming of $644,731 in FHWA Ferry Boat Program funds. The administrative modification is financially constrained by year and MTC relies on the State’s programming capacity in the amount of $3 million in Ferry Boat Discretionary and $644,731 in Ferry Boat Program funds to reflect the net change in funding over the four years of the TIP. MTC’s 2019 TIP, as revised with Revision No. 2019-22, remains in conformity with the applicable State Implementation Plan (SIP) for air quality and the revision does not interfere with the timely implementation of the Transportation Control Measures contained in the SIP.
TIP Revision 2019-23
Revision (PDF): 19-23
Status: Approved
Type: Amendment
Number of Projects: 6
Net Funding Change: $185,014,158
MTC Approval Date: 10-23-19
Caltrans Approval Date: 10-31-19
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: 11-13-19
TIP Revision 2019-23 is an amendment that revises six projects with a net funding increase of approximately $185 million. Among other changes, this revision: updates the funding plans of the Clipper and Clipper 2.0 Fare Payment System projects to reflect the allocations of funds between the two projects and to reflect the total cost of the Clipper 2.0 project as approved by the Commission in September 2018; deletes one exempt project from the TIP; adds one previously archived project back into the TIP; and updates the funding plan and back-up listing of the Caltrans-managed State Highway Operation and Protection Program (SHOPP) – Minor Program grouped listing to reflect the latest programming decisions. Changes made with this revision do not affect the air quality conformity finding or conflict with the financial constraint requirements.
TIP Revision 2019-24
Revision (PDF): 19-24
Status: Approved
Type: Administrative Modification
Number of Projects: 9
Net Funding Change: $43,720,114
MTC Approval Date: 1-17-20
Caltrans Approval Date: N/A
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: N/A
TIP Revision 2019-24 is an administrative modification that revises nine projects with a net funding increase of $43.7 million. Among other changes, this revision: updates the funding plans of three Regional Surface Transportation Block Grant Program/Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (STP/CMAQ) funded projects to reflect the latest programming decisions including splitting out Alameda County’s Complete Streets Improvements project from the Cherryland/Ashland/Castro Valley and Fairview Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements project; and updates the funding plans and back-up listings for four Caltrans-managed grouped listings to reflect changes in the Highway Safety Improvement Program, Highway Maintenance (HM) Program, and State Highway Operation and Protection Program (SHOPP), including splitting out the I-280 Roadway Preservation project from the SHOPP Roadway Preservation grouped listing. The administrative modification is financially constrained by year and MTC relies on the State’s programming capacity in the amount of $22.7 million in SHOPP funds, $13.6 million in HM funds to reflect the net change in funding over the four years of the TIP. MTC’s 2019 TIP, as revised with Revision No. 2019-24, remains in conformity with the applicable State Implementation Plan (SIP) for air quality and the revision does not interfere with the timely implementation of the Transportation Control Measures contained in the SIP.
TIP Revision 2019-25
Revision (PDF): 19-25
Status: Approved
Type: Amendment
Number of Projects: 17
Net Funding Change: $204,462,942
MTC Approval Date: 11-20-19
Caltrans Approval Date: 11-21-19
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: 12-23-19
TIP Revision 2019-25 is an amendment that revises 17 projects with a net funding increase of approximately $204 million. Among other changes, this revision: updates the funding plan of the Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District’s Golden Gate Ferry: New Vessel project to reflect the award of $5.9 million in FTA Passenger Ferry Grant Program funds; adds two new exempt projects funded through Santa Clara County’s Measure B sales tax program; updates three individually-listed Highway Bridge Program (HBP) funded projects and combines six formerly individually-listed HBP projects into the HBP grouped listing based on the latest information from Caltrans; updates the Caltrans-managed Section 130/Railroad-Highway Crossing grouped listing; archives two projects as the funds have been obligated; and deletes one project as the funding has been redirected. Changes made with this revision do not affect the air quality conformity finding or conflict with the financial constraint requirements.
TIP Revision 2019-26
Revision (PDF): 19-26
Status: Approved
Type: Administrative Modification
Number of Projects: 6
Net Funding Change: $3,953,795
MTC Approval Date: 2-14-20
Caltrans Approval Date: N/A
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: N/A
TIP Revision 2019-26 is an administrative modification that revises six projects with a net funding increase of $4 million. Among other changes, this revision: updates the funding plans of two Surface Transportation Block Grant Program/ Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (STP/CMAQ) funded projects to reflect the latest programming decisions; and updates the funding plans and back-up listings for two grouped listings to reflect the latest programming decisions, including the addition of $3.5 million in Section 130 Railroad-Highway Crossing program funds. The administrative modification is financially constrained by year and MTC relies on the State’s programming capacity in the amount of $3.5 million in Section 130 Railroad-Highway Crossing funds to reflect the net change in funding over the four years of the TIP. MTC’s 2019 TIP, as revised with Revision No. 2019-26, remains in conformity with the applicable State Implementation Plan (SIP) for air quality and the revision does not interfere with the timely implementation of the Transportation Control Measures contained in the SIP.
TIP Revision 2019-27
Revision (PDF): 19-27
Status: Approved
Type: Amendment
Number of Projects: 12
Net Funding Change: $112,588,334
MTC Approval Date: 12-18-19
Caltrans Approval Date: 1-2-20
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: 2-26-20
TIP Revision 2019-27 is an amendment that revises 12 projects with a net funding increase of approximately $113 million. Among other changes, this revision: updates the funding plans of two Water Emergency Transportation Authority projects to reflect the latest programming decisions; updates four Surface Transportation Block Grant Program/Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (STP/CMAQ) funded projects to reflect changes in funding and scope; updates the funding plan and back-up listing of the Highway Bridge Program grouped listing, amends one exempt project back into the TIP and revises the funding plan of another project to reflect the latest information from Caltrans; and updates the funding plans and back-up listings of two Caltrans managed State Highway Operation and Protection Program (SHOPP) grouped listings to reflect the latest information from Caltrans. Changes made with this revision do not affect the air quality conformity finding or conflict with the financial constraint requirements.
TTIP Revision 2019-28
Revision (PDF): 19-28
Status: Approved
Type: Administrative Modification
Number of Projects: 7
Net Funding Change: $2,956,808
MTC Approval Date: 3-26-20
Caltrans Approval Date: N/A
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: N/A
TIP Revision 2019-28 is an administrative modification that revises seven projects with a net funding increase of $3 million. Among other changes, this revision: updates the funding plans of three Surface Transportation Block Grant Program (STP) funded projects to reflect the latest programming decisions; updates the funding plan of the California Ave. Roundabouts project in the City of Napa to reflect the latest programming decisions including the addition of $280,000 in State Highway Operations and Protection Program (SHOPP) funds; and updates the funding plan and back-up listing for the Local Highway Bridge Program to reflect the latest information from Caltrans. The administrative modification is financially constrained by year and MTC relies on the State’s programming capacity in the amount of $280,000 in SHOPP funds to reflect the net change in funding over the four years of the TIP. MTC’s 2019 TIP, as revised with Revision No. 2019-28, remains in conformity with the applicable State Implementation Plan (SIP) for air quality and the revision does not interfere with the timely implementation of the Transportation Control Measures contained in the SIP.
TIP Revision 2019-29
Revision (PDF): 19-29
Status: Approved
Type: Amendment
Number of Projects: 8
Net Funding Change: $1,762,160
MTC Approval Date: 1-22-20
Caltrans Approval Date: 1-30-20
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: 2-26-20
TIP Revision 2019-29 is an amendment that revises eight projects with a net funding increase of approximately $1.8 million. Among other changes, this revision: updates the funding plans of three existing Petaluma Transit projects and amends two new projects into the TIP to reflect the programming of Transit Capital Priorities funds; amends one new exempt project into the TIP to reflect the programming of One Bay Area Grant 2 County Program funds; and amends one previously-archived project back into the TIP to reprogram cost savings among sub-projects. Changes made with this revision do not affect the air quality conformity finding or conflict with the financial constraint requirements.
TIP Revision 2019-30
Revision (PDF): 19-30
Status: Approved
Type: Administrative Modification
Number of Projects: 56
Net Funding Change: $52,669,979
MTC Approval Date: 5-1-20
Caltrans Approval Date: N/A
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: N/A
TIP Revision 2019-30 is an administrative modification that revises 56 projects with a net funding increase of $53 million. Among other changes, this revision: updates the funding plans of 17 Transit Capital Priorities funded projects to reflect the latest programming decisions; updates the funding plans of 18 projects to reflect the recent adoption of the 2020 State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) by the California Transportation Commission (CTC); combines the ongoing funds for five transit operating project listings and four transit preventive maintenance project listings into two new grouped listings; and updates the funding plans and back-up listings for four existing grouped listings to reflect the latest information from Caltrans including the addition of $41.8 million in State Highway Operation and Protection Program (SHOPP) funding and $3.4 million in Section 130 Railroad-Highway Crossing Program funds. The administrative modification is financially constrained by year and MTC relies on the State’s programming capacity in the amount of $4 million in STIP funds, $41.8 million in SHOPP funds, and $3.4 million in Section 130 Railroad-Highway Crossing Program funds to reflect the net change in funding over the four years of the TIP. MTC’s 2019 TIP, as revised with Revision No. 2019-30, remains in conformity with the applicable State Implementation Plan (SIP) for air quality and the revision does not interfere with the timely implementation of the Transportation Control Measures contained in the SIP.
TIP Revision 2019-31
Revision (PDF): 19-31
Status: Approved
Type: Amendment
Number of Projects: 3
Net Funding Change: $6,508,000
MTC Approval Date: 2-26-20
Caltrans Approval Date: 3-18-20
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: 4-2-20
TIP Revision 2019-31 is an amendment that revises three projects with a net funding increase of approximately $6.5 million. Among other changes, this revision: amends SolTrans’s Electric Bus Charging Infrastructure project into the TIP to reflect the award of $1.8 million in FTA Bus and Bus Facilities Program funds; updates the scope and funding of the City of Concord’s Willow Pass Road Repaving and Safe Routes to Schools Improvements project; and archives one completed project. Changes made with this revision do not affect the air quality conformity finding or conflict with the financial constraint requirements.
TIP Revision 2019-32
Revision (PDF): 19-32
Status: Approved
Type: Administrative Modification
Number of Projects: 13
Net Funding Change: $56,772,387
MTC Approval Date: 06-12-20
Caltrans Approval Date: N/A
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: N/A
TIP Revision 2019-32 is an administrative modification that revises 13 projects with a net funding increase of $57 million. Among other changes, this revision: updates the funding plans of three projects to reflect the reprogramming of repurposed earmark funds between the Alameda County Transportation Commission’s GoPort projects; updates the funding plans of three projects to reflect changes in the Transit Capital Priorities (TCP) and the Low Carbon Transit Operations Program (LCTOP); updates the Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) District’s Railcar Procurement Program to reflect the award of $107 million in Transit and Intercity Rail Capital Program (TIRCP) funds with no change to the total cost of the program; and updates the funding plans and back-up listings for four existing grouped listings to reflect the latest information from Caltrans including the addition of $53 million in State Highway Operation and Protection Program (SHOPP) funding. The administrative modification is financially constrained by year and MTC relies on existing regional capacity in the amount of $2.6 million and on the State’s programming capacity in the amount of $1 million in LCTOP, $107 million in TIRCP, and $53 million in SHOPP funds to reflect the net change in funding over the four years of the TIP. Funding in years outside the active years of the TIP has been decreased by $107 million. MTC’s 2019 TIP, as revised with Revision No. 2019-32, remains in conformity with the applicable State Implementation Plan (SIP) for air quality and the revision does not interfere with the timely implementation of the Transportation Control Measures contained in the SIP.
TIP Revision 2019-33
Revision (PDF): 19-33
Status: Approved
Type: Amendment
Number of Projects: 12
Net Funding Change: $4,108,000
MTC Approval Date: 3-25-20
Caltrans Approval Date: 4-2-20
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: 6-3-20
TIP Revision 2019-33 is an amendment that revises 12 projects with a net funding increase of approximately $4.1 million. Among other changes, this revision: updates the descriptions of two projects to reflect that a 3,200 foot extension of a south-bound High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lane on I-280 will be implemented by Caltrans in 2020 instead of the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) in 2025; amends four new exempt projects and one new non-exempt project into the TIP to reflect the latest programming decisions in the One Bay Area Grant 2 (OBAG2) Program, the MTC Regional Exchange Program, and the Transit Capital Priorities (TCP) Program; and archives three projects that have been completed. Changes made with this revision do not affect the air quality conformity finding or conflict with the financial constraint requirements.
TIP Revision 2019-34
Revision (PDF): 19-34
Status: Approved
Type: Administrative Modification
Number of Projects: 2
Net Funding Change: $279,859,000
MTC Approval Date: 7-15-20
Caltrans Approval Date: N/A
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: N/A
TIP Revision 2019-34 is an administrative modification that revises two projects with a net funding increase of $280 million. Among other changes, this revision: updates one project to reflect changes in the Transit Capital Priorities program; and updates the funding plan and back-up listing for one grouped listing to reflect the latest information from Caltrans including the addition of $280 million in State Highway Operation and Protection Program (SHOPP) funding. The administrative modification is financially constrained by year and MTC relies on the State’s programming capacity in the amount of $40 million in SHOPP funds to reflect the net change in funding over the four years of the TIP. Funding in years outside the active years of the TIP has been increased by $240 million. MTC’s 2019 TIP, as revised with Revision No. 2019-34, remains in conformity with the applicable State Implementation Plan (SIP) for air quality and the revision does not interfere with the timely implementation of the Transportation Control Measures contained in the SIP.
TIP Revision 2019-35
Revision (PDF): 19-35
Status: Approved
Type: Amendment
Number of Projects: 1
Net Funding Change: $86,000,000
MTC Approval Date: 5-28-20
Caltrans Approval Date: 6-2-20
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: 7-21-20
TIP Revision 2019-35 revises the I-680 Express Lange Gap Closure Project in Alameda County to maintain consistency with the Amended Plan Bay Area 2040, including a net increase in funding of approximately $86 million. Changes made with this revision do not conflict with the financial constraint requirements. The revision of this project to the 2019 TIP requires a new Transportation-Air Quality Conformity Analysis on the Amended Plan Bay Area 2040 and the Amended 2019 TIP. In accordance with MTC’s public participation plan, this amendment and conformity analysis, as well as an amendment to Plan Bay Area 2040, were released for public review on March 26, 2020. The review and comment period ended on Friday, April 24, 2020. Further details on TIP Revision 2019-35, the Conformity Analysis and related documents are available on the Plan Bay Area 2040 page. This amendment was originally released as TIP Revision 2019-38, but the revision number was changed to conform to the current schedule of TIP revisions.
TIP Revision 2019-36
Revision (PDF): 19-36
Status: Approved
Type: Amendment
Number of Projects: 29
Net Funding Change: $349,621,214
MTC Approval Date: 05-27-20
Caltrans Approval Date: 6-2-20
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: 6-23-20
TIP Revision 2019-36 is an amendment that revises 29 projects with a net funding increase of approximately $350 million. Among other changes, this revision: amends two new projects into the TIP and updates six other projects to reflect the recent adoption of the 2020 State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) by the California Transportation Commission (CTC); amends the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority’s (VTA’s) “Not on Transit” Program into the TIP to reflect the award of $350,000 in Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Human Trafficking Awareness and Public Safety Initiative Grant funds. This program aims to train employees and raise passenger awareness to recognize and report human trafficking activities on transit; updates the funding plans of six projects, amends one new project into the TIP and deletes an existing project to reflect changes in the Transit Capital Priorities (TCP) Program; amends four other new exempt, individually-listed projects and one new grouped listing, totaling $103 million, into the TIP; and archives five projects as they have been completed or all federal funds for the project have been obligated. Changes made with this revision do not affect the air quality conformity finding or conflict with the financial constraint requirements.
TIP Revision 2019-37
Revision (PDF): 19-37
Status: Approved
Type: Administrative Modification
Number of Projects: 7
Net Funding Change: $3,915,675
MTC Approval Date: 09-01-20
Caltrans Approval Date: N/A
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: N/A
TIP Revision 2019-37 is an administrative modification that revises seven projects with a net funding increase of $4 million. Among other changes, this revision: updates two projects to reflect grants from the Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities (AHSC) program; and updates the funding plans for two regional Surface Transportation Block Grant Program funded projects to reflect the latest schedules. The administrative modification is financially constrained by year and MTC relies on the State’s programming capacity in the amount of $6.8 million in AHSC funds to reflect the net change in funding over the four years of the TIP. Funding from other sources decreased by a total of $2.9 million across all program years. MTC’s 2019 TIP, as revised with Revision No. 2019-37, remains in conformity with the applicable State Implementation Plan (SIP) for air quality and the revision does not interfere with the timely implementation of the Transportation Control Measures contained in the SIP.
TIP Revision 2019-38
Revision (PDF): 19-38
Status: Approved
Type: Amendment
Number of Projects: 32
Net Funding Change: $786,705,333
MTC Approval Date: 06-24-20
Caltrans Approval Date: 7-13-20
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: 7-21-20
TIP Revision 2019-38 is an amendment that revises 32 projects with a net funding increase of approximately $787 million. Among other changes, this revision: adds 26 new projects to the TIP to reflect the programming of Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act funds to the region’s transit operators; adds three new projects to the TIP to reflect the funding available through the Transit Capital Priorities (TCP) Program; and updates the funding plan of one project and deletes one project to reflect the latest programming decisions in the North Bay Priority Conservation (PCA) Area Grant Program. Changes made with this revision do not affect the air quality conformity finding or conflict with the financial constraint requirements.
TIP Revision 2019-39
Revision (PDF): 19-39
Status: Approved
Type: Administrative Modification
Number of Projects: 69
Net Funding Change: $1,201,853,588
MTC Approval Date: 10-15-20
Caltrans Approval Date: N/A
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: N/A
TIP Revision 2019-39 is an administrative modification that revises 69 projects with a net funding increase of $1.2 billion. Among other changes, this revision: updates the funding plans of ten regional Surface Transportation Block Grant Program/Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (STP/CMAQ) funded projects, four Active Transportation Program (ATP) funded projects and 10 other state and federally funded projects to reflect changes in the projects’ schedules; updates the funding plans and back-up listings of eight State Highway Operation and Protection Program (SHOPP) funded group listings and one STP/CMAQ funded group listing to reflect the latest information from Caltrans including the addition of $1.25 billion in SHOPP funding across all program years; updates the funding plans of seven projects funded through various state and federal programs to reflect the latest programming decisions; updates the funding plans of four projects to reflect the programming of Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act funds to the region’s transit operators; and updates the funding plans of 25 projects to reflect changes in local funding programs. The administrative modification is financially constrained by year and MTC relies on the State’s programming capacity in the amount of $111,885 in repurposed earmark funds, $1 million in State Coastal Conservancy funds, $5 million in Passenger Ferry Grant Program funds, $2.7 million in Proposition 1B funds, $7 million in Road Repair and Accountability Act funds, and $331 million in SHOPP funds to reflect the net change in funding over the four years of the TIP. MTC’s 2019 TIP, as revised with Revision No. 2019-39, remains in conformity with the applicable State Implementation Plan (SIP) for air quality and the revision does not interfere with the timely implementation of the Transportation Control Measures contained in the SIP.
TIP Revision 2019-40
Revision (PDF): 19-40
Status: Approved
Type: Amendment
Number of Projects: 16
Net Funding Change: $11,647,747
MTC Approval Date: 07-22-20
Caltrans Approval Date: 08-03-20
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: 08-18-20
TIP Revision 2019-40 is an amendment that revises 16 projects with a net funding increase of approximately $12 million. Among other changes, this revision: adds three new projects, updates six existing projects and deletes four projects to reflect changes in the Transit Capital Priorities program; adds one new Surface Transportation Program/Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement program (STP/CMAQ) funded project and updates an existing STP/CMAQ funded project; and adds one new Transit and Intercity Rail Capital Program (TIRCP) funded project. Changes made with this revision do not affect the air quality conformity finding or conflict with the financial constraint requirements.
TIP Revision 2019-41
Revision (PDF): 19-41
Status: Approved
Type: Administrative Modification
Number of Projects: 12
Net Funding Change: $226,071,878
MTC Approval Date: 12-11-20
Caltrans Approval Date: N/A
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: N/A
TIP Revision 2019-41 is an administrative modification that revises 12 projects with a net funding increase of $226 million. Among other changes, this revision: Updates the funding plans of two projects in Napa County to reflect the transfer of $2 million in Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program funds; updates the funding plan of one project to reflect changes in the Active Transportation Program; updates the funding plans and back-up listings of four State Highway Operation and Protection Program (SHOPP) funded group listings and the Local Highway Bridge Program (HBP) group listing to reflect the latest information from Caltrans including the addition of $123 million in SHOPP and $24 million in HBP funding across all program years; and updates the funding plan and back-up listing of one group listing to reflect the recent adoption of Cycle 6 of the Lifeline Transportation Program. The administrative modification is financially constrained by year and MTC relies on the State’s programming capacity in the amount of $66 million in SHOPP funds to reflect the net change in funding over the four years of the TIP. MTC relies on existing programming capacity for the remaining funds. MTC’s 2019 TIP, as revised with Revision No. 2019-41, remains in conformity with the applicable State Implementation Plan (SIP) for air quality and the revision does not interfere with the timely implementation of the Transportation Control Measures contained in the SIP.
TIP Revision 2019-42
Revision (PDF): 19-42
Status: Approved
Type: Administrative Modification
Number of Projects: 47
Net Funding Change: $55,722,844
MTC Approval Date: 1-26-21
Caltrans Approval Date: N/A
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: N/A
TIP Revision 2019-42 is an administrative modification that revises 47 projects with a net funding increase of $55.7 million. Among other changes, this revision: Updates the funding plans of 40 Regional Surface Transportation Program/ Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program funded projects to reflect the latest programming decisions and obligations; updates the funding plan of Bay Area Rapid Transit’s Transbay Core Capacity Improvement program to reflect the award of $476 million in Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Capital Investment Grant (CIG) funds; updates the funding plan of the I-80 Managed Lanes project in Solano County to reflect the award of $123 million in Trade Corridor Enhancement Program (TCEP) funds; updates the funding plan of the I-680/SR-4 Interchange Reconstruction project to reflect the award of $18 million in TCEP funds; updates the Water Emergency Transportation Authority’s Fixed Guideway Connectors project to reflect the award of $4.5 million in FTA Passenger Ferry Grant Program (PFGP) funds; updates Solano County’s Redwood-Fairgrounds Drive Interchange Improvements project to reflect the programming of $428,000 in repurposed earmark funds; and updates the funding plans and back-up listings of two grouped listings to reflect the latest programming information from Caltrans and local sponsors. The administrative modification is financially constrained by year and MTC relies on the State’s programming capacity in the amount of $476 million in FTA CIG funds, $141 million in TCEP funds, $4.5 million in PFGP funds, $428,000 in repurposed earmark funds and $5.7 million in Highway Safety Improvement Program funds to reflect the net change in funding over the four years of the TIP. MTC’s 2019 TIP, as revised with Revision No. 2019-42, remains in conformity with the applicable State Implementation Plan (SIP) for air quality and the revision does not interfere with the timely implementation of the Transportation Control Measures contained in the SIP.
TIP Revision 2019-43
Revision (PDF): 19-43
Status: Approved
Type: Amendment
Number of Projects: 25
Net Funding Change: $52,785,198
MTC Approval Date: 09-23-20
Caltrans Approval Date: 10-15-20
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: 10-28-20
TIP Revision 2019-43 is an amendment that revises 25 projects with a net funding increase of approximately $53 million. Among other changes, this revision: amends nine new exempt projects into the TIP and archive one existing project to reflect changes in the Transit Capital Priorities program; amends three new exempt projects into the TIP and update three existing projects to reflect the latest Regional Surface Transportation Block Grant Program/Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (STP/CMAQ) programming decisions; updates Bay Area Rapid Transit’s (BART) Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Implementation project to reflect the recent award of Federal Transit Administration TOD Planning Grant funds; and archives four projects as they have been completed or all federal funds have been obligated and deletes one project as it will not move forward. Changes made with this revision do not affect the air quality conformity finding or conflict with the financial constraint requirements.
TIP Revision 2019-44
Revision (PDF): 19-44
Status: Approved
Type: Administrative Modification
Number of Projects: 12
Net Funding Change: $74,600,064
MTC Approval Date: 03-16-21
Caltrans Approval Date: N/A
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: N/A
TIP Revision 2019-44 is an administrative modification that revises 12 projects with a net funding increase of $75 million. Among other changes, this revision: updates the funding plan of the Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District’s Suicide Deterrent System project to reflect the programming of $6.3 million in federal Highway Infrastructure Program (HIP) funds and $1.6 million in Surface Transportation Block Grant Program (STP) funds; updates the funding plans of two Solano County Transit (SolTrans) projects and the regional transit operating assistance grouped listing to reflect changes in the Transit Capital Priorities program and to reflect the award of $1.85 million in Federal Transit Administration Bus and Bus Facilities grant funding and $250,000 in Low Carbon Transit Operations Program (LCTOP) funding; updates the City/County Association of Governments of San Mateo County’s Intelligent Transportation Systems project to reflect changes in the State Transportation Improvement Program and the award of $898,000 in Traffic Light Synchronization Program (TLSP) funds; updates the funding plan and back-up listing of the Highway Bridge Program grouped listing to reflect the Town of Woodside’s use of advance construction authorization for one of their projects; and updates the funding plans and back-up listings of three State Highway Operation and Protection Program (SHOPP) funded grouped listings to reflect the latest programming information from Caltrans including the addition of $54 million in SHOPP funds. The administrative modification is financially constrained by year and MTC relies on the State’s programming capacity in the amount of $1.85 million in Bus and Bus Facilities funding, $6.3 million in federal HIP funding, $250,000 in LCTOP funding and $898,000 in TLSP funding to reflect the net change in funding over the four years of the TIP. MTC’s 2019 TIP, as revised with Revision No. 2019-44, remains in conformity with the applicable State Implementation Plan (SIP) for air quality and the revision does not interfere with the timely implementation of the Transportation Control Measures contained in the SIP.
TIP Revision 2019-45
Revision (PDF): 19-45
Status: Approved
Type: Amendment
Number of Projects: 139
Net Funding Change: $1,002,190,775
MTC Approval Date: 10-28-20
Caltrans Approval Date: 11-17-20
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: 12-9-20
TIP Revision 2019-45 is an amendment that revises 139 projects with a net funding increase of approximately $1 billion. Among other changes, this revision: add one new Active Transportation Program (ATP) funded project and update one existing ATP funded project to reflect the latest programming decisions; add one new project to the TIP and update the funding plans of 21 existing projects to reflect the programming of Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act funds to the region’s transit operators; add six new projects to the TIP to reflect the award of grants from the Advanced Transportation and Congestion Management Technologies Deployment Program, the Automated Driving System Demonstration Grant Program, the Trade Corridor Enhancement Program, the Transit and Intercity Rail Capital Program, and MTC’s Regional Exchange Program; update 22 projects to reflect changes in local funding programs; add one new project funded through the Regional Surface Transportation Block Grant Program/Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (STP/CMAQ) and update four existing STP/CMAQ funded projects; add two new projects funded through the Transit Capital Priorities (TCP) Program and update three existing TCP Program funded projects; archive 65 individual project listings and three group listings as the projects have been completed or all funding has been obligated; and delete eight projects as they will not move forward at this time. Changes made with this revision do not affect the air quality conformity finding or conflict with the financial constraint requirements.
TIP Revision 2019-47
Revision (PDF): 19-47
Status: Approved
Type: Amendment
Number of Projects: 14
Net Funding Change: $312,612,916
MTC Approval Date: 12-16-20
Caltrans Approval Date: 1-28-21
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: 2-9-21
TIP Revision 2019-47 is an amendment that revises 14 projects with a net funding increase of approximately $313 million. Among other changes, this revision: Among other changes, this revision will: add two new projects and update one existing project to reflect the award of grants through the Trade Corridor Enhancement Program, the Solutions for Congested Corridors Program and the Transit and Intercity Rail Capital Program; split out the ongoing payments for the US-101 Doyle Drive Replacement project into a separate listing and archive the main US-101 Doyle Drive Replacement project listing as the improvements have been completed; update the funding plan of SolTrans’s Data Management Technology Enhancements project to reflect the programming of Transit Capital Priorities (TCP) Program funds; add one new Recreational Trails Program funded grouped listing to the TIP and update the funding plans of three existing, individually listed, Highway Bridge Program funded projects to reflect the latest information from Caltrans; and archive one project as all federal funding for the project has been obligated. Changes made with this revision do not affect the air quality conformity finding or conflict with the financial constraint requirements.
TIP Revision 2019-48
Revision (PDF): 19-48
Status: Approved
Type: Amendment
Number of Projects: 2
Net Funding Change: $0
MTC Approval Date: 1-27-21
Caltrans Approval Date: 2-3-21
FTA/FHWA Approval Date: 2-17-21
TIP Revision 2019-48 is an amendment that revises two projects with no net change in the amount of funding programmed. This revision will update the descriptions of two of the City of San Jose’s projects to include pavement preservation and update the funding plan of one of these projects. Changes made with this revision do not affect the air quality conformity finding or conflict with the financial constraint requirements.