State Advocacy

MTC takes the Bay Area’s interests to Sacramento to advocate for state funding for a range of regional priorities and projects.

State legislators work on a variety of policies that affect funding for the Bay Area, and it’s important that the region’s interests are represented.

MTC ensures that the region has a place at the table by helping inform and shape new legislative proposals in Sacramento.

Housing Advocacy

Housing Advocacy Overview

MTC advocates for — and helps craft bills — that will bring critical funding the Bay Area can use to help solve the housing crisis. Learn more about MTC's advocacy work to support housing.

Transportation Advocacy

Transportation Advocacy Overview

State policies play a significant role in funding Bay Area transportation programs. MTC advocates for policies that support current and future transportation needs. Learn more about MTC's advocacy work to support transportation.

Transit Operations Funding Wins

MTC's top 2023 legislative priority was to secure multi-year state support for California transit agencies to prevent major service cuts and job losses that trigger the so-called transit “doom spiral.” Public transit is not just a linchpin of California’s transportation system, it is also vital to achieving our climate, social equity, economy and workforce goals, and it was absolutely essential to stave off devastating cuts. 

MTC and a coalition of transit agencies, business and environmental groups, policy advocates and others successfully secured transit funding in the State legislature: Governor Newsom’s Fiscal Year 2023-24 budget includes $1.1 billion in flexible transportation funding that will help transit agencies avoid a near-term fiscal cliff. The budget also restores a $4 billion commitment for local transit capital improvements, with an option to flex these funds toward transit operations. Funds will be distributed over three years.

The Bay Area's share of this $5.1 billion total is estimated to be nearly $1.2 billion. MTC is slated to receive the Bay Area’s share of these funds and determine the ultimate distributions to Bay Area transit agencies. 

In addition to putting off near-term transit service cuts, these funds will help keep on track major Bay Area projects such as BART’s Transbay Core Capacity initiative and the BART extension to be built by the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority from Berryessa/North San Jose through downtown San Jose to a new final destination in Santa Clara. The Major Projects Advancement Policy (MAP) adopted by MTC in 2022 identifies these projects as the primary recipients of future transit capital dollars that will flow to MTC for distribution.

Working Together on the Federal, State & Regional Levels

Federal Advocacy

MTC's advocacy work in Washington traditionally focuses on the overall federal transportation program, and on support for capital investment in Bay Area transportation priorities.

Regional Leadership

MTC collaborates with cities, counties, transit agencies and other partners to compete together for federal and state funding.

Legislation Committee

MTC’s state and federal advocacy efforts are guided by the Joint MTC ABAG Legislation Committee.

Committee meetings cover the latest developments in Sacramento and Washington, as well as recommendations by MTC staff to support or oppose particular bills.

Legislative Partnership

The Partnership Legislative Committee provides a forum to consult on key policy matters with legislative staff from the Bay Area’s cities and counties, public transit agencies and county transportation agencies.

Staff Contact

To be added to the email list for this committee, contact Rebecca Long, Director, Legislation & Public Affairs, at

2025-2026 Legislative History

2025-2026 Legislative History is a detailed list of bills the ABAG and MTC are tracking in Sacramento, including those ABAG or MTC supports or opposes.