Priority Conservation Area (PCA) Grants
Priority Conservation Area (PCA) grants help local governments, park districts, utility districts and other agencies acquire or enhance properties designated as PCAs.
The application window for 2024 PCA Grants is now closed.
A big part of quality of life in the Bay Area is the mix of vibrant urban areas and nearby parks, recreation areas, farms, ranches, vineyards and other open spaces.
To preserve this mix, MTC established Priority Conservation Area (PCA) grants. PCA Grants form a conservation component of the One Bay Area Grant (OBAG) program, and help local agencies acquire or enhance designated PCAs.
Staff Contact
Ben Botkin, PCA Grant Manager
Phone: 415-778-5299
2024 PCA Grants
The grant application period closed on May 8, 2024.
MTC has provided $8.5 million in local and federal funds for the current grant round of this program. Grants may range from $200,000 to $1 million. Grant requests greater than $1 million will be considered on a case-by-case basis, for projects of extraordinary regional significance.
Pre-Application Webinar
A Pre-Application Webinar was held on Friday, March 15th, 2024.
Application Process
The PCA Program follows a two-step application and evaluation process that will be overseen by an evaluation committee consisting of staff from MTC and SCC.
Step 1. All interested applicants were required to submit a completed Letter of Interest Application Form by Wednesday, May 8, 2024.
Step 2. Selected applicants will be invited to continue the application process by submitting a more detailed proposal for further evaluation. Full applications were due on Wednesday, August 28, 2024.
Application Guidelines & Application Form
Eligible Applicants
Local governments (cities, towns and counties), county transportation agencies, Tribal governments, water/utility districts, resource conservation districts, park and/or open space districts, land trusts and other land/resource protection nonprofit and community-based organizations are invited to apply. Applicants are strongly encouraged to collaborate and partner with other entities on project applications.
PCA Grant Eligible Activities
Planning and design, implementation, and acquisition projects must consist of one or more of the following activities within, or connected to, an existing PCA:
- Protection, Restoration or Enhancement of Natural Resources, Open Space or Agricultural Lands:
- Acquisitions or easements of natural landscapes, habitats and ecosystems, agricultural lands, parks and open space and natural resources. Land acquisition projects must involve willing sellers.
- Restoration or enhancements for parks and open space, climate resilience, staging areas, environmental facilities or natural resources such as listed species, identified priority habitat, wildlife corridors, watersheds or agricultural soils of importance.
- Projects that support agricultural land protection by enhancing the agricultural economy, including farm-to-market infrastructure.
- Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities: Pedestrian and bicycle trails, on-road bicycle facilities, sidewalks, bicycle infrastructure, pedestrian and bicycle signals, pedestrian and bicycle bridges, traffic calming, lighting and other safety-related infrastructure, improvements to trails to improve accessibility for people with disabilities, and conversion and use of abandoned rail corridors for pedestrians and bicyclists.
- Urban Greening: Protection or enhancement of potential or existing green spaces in urban areas to increase habitat connectivity, improve community health, capture carbon emissions and address stormwater.
- Visual Enhancements: Construction of turnouts, overlooks and viewing areas.
Frequently Asked Questions
View the PCA Grant Frequently Asked Questions.
The One Bay Area Grant guides MTC’s distribution of federal transportation funding to projects and programs throughout the Bay Area, including PCAs.
MTC works with ABAG to build healthier, stronger communities. ABAG adopts PCAs that are nominated by local agencies.
The PCA grant program was initiated by MTC in collaboration with the State Coastal Conservancy (SCC) in 2013 to provide funding to cities, counties, park districts, utility districts and other agencies and non-profits to acquire, enhance or improve designated PCAs.
See the projects that have been funded in the OBAG 1 and OBAG 2 grant cycles: