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2017 TIP Appendices
Regional Policies: Long-Range Planning/Plan Bay Area
Regional Policies: Project Funding and Specific Funding Programs
- A-14 Project Selection Criteria, Policies and Programming for the Surface Transportation Authorization Act, following the Safe, Accountable, Flexible and Efficient Transportation Equity Act (SAFETEA), and any extensions of SAFETEA in the interim, for the Cycle 1 Surface Transportation Program (STP) and Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ) Program (MTC Resolution No. 3925)
- A-15 Project Selection Criteria, Policies and Programming for the Surface Transportation Authorization Act, following the Safe, Accountable, Flexible and Efficient Transportation Equity Act (SAFETEA), and any extensions of SAFETEA in the interim, for the Cycle 2 Surface Transportation Program (STP) and Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ) Program (MTC Resolution No. 4035)
- A-16 Project Selection Policies and Project Programming for the Second Round of the One Bay Area Grant Program (OBAG2) (MTC Resolution No. 4202)
- A-17 Policies, Procedures and Project Selection Criteria and Program of Projects for the 2016 Regional Transportation Improvement Program (RTIP) for the San Francisco Bay Area (MTC Resolution No. 4208)
- A-18 Active Transportation Program (ATP) Cycle 1 Competitive Program Guidelines and Program of Projects (MTC Resolution No. 4132)
- A-19 Active Transportation Program (ATP) Cycle 2 Competitive Program Guidelines and Program of Projects (MTC Resolution No. 4172)
- A-20 Active Transportation Program (ATP) Cycle 3 Competitive Program Guidelines and Program of Projects (MTC Resolution No. 4218)
- A-21 San Francisco Bay Area Transit Capital Priorities (FTA Sections 5307, 5309, 5337 and 5339) Process and Criteria for FY 2009-10 through FY 2011-12 (MTC Resolution No. 3908)
- A-22 San Francisco Bay Area Transit Capital Priorities (FTA Sections 5307 and 5309 Fixed Guideway) Process and Criteria for FY 2012-13 and FY 2013-14 (MTC Resolution No. 4072)
- A-23 San Francisco Bay Area Transit Capital Priorities (FTA Sections 5307, 5337 and 5339) Process and Criteria for FY 2014-15 and FY 2015-16 (MTC Resolution No. 4140)
- A-24 San Francisco Bay Area Transit Capital Priorities (FTA Sections 5307, 5337 and 5339) Process and Criteria for FY 2016-17 thru FY 2019-20 (MTC Resolution No. 4242)
- A-25 San Francisco Bay Area Transit Capital Priorities (FTA Sections 5307, 5337 and 5339) Program of Projects for FY 2016-17 and FY 2017-18 (MTC Resolution No. 4219)
- A-26 MTC’s FTA Section 5307 and FTA Section 5309 Fixed Guideway Program of Projects for FY 2009-10 through FY 2011-12 (MTC Resolution No. 3916)
- A-27 San Francisco Bay Area Transit Capital Priorities (FTA Sections 5307, 5309, 5337 and 5339) Program of Projects for FY 2012-13 and FY 2013-14 (MTC Resolution No. 4084)
- A-28 San Francisco Bay Area Transit Capital Priorities (FTA Sections 5307, 5337 and 5339) Program of Projects for FY 2014-15 (MTC Resolution No. 4162)
- A-29 San Francisco Bay Area Transit Capital Priorities (FTA Sections 5307, 5337 and 5339) Program of Projects for FY 2015-16 (MTC Resolution No. 4212)
- A-30 AB 664 Net Bridge Toll Revenues Program of Projects for FY 2014-15 (MTC Resolution No. 4163)
- A-31 AB 664 Net Bridge Toll Revenues Program of Projects for FY 2015-16 (MTC Resolution No. 4213)
- A-32 BATA Project Savings Program of Projects and Allocation of Funds (MTC Resolution No. 4169)
- A-33 FTA Enhanced Mobility for Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Program Guidelines (Section 5310) for FY 2012-13 and FY 2013-14 (MTC Resolution No. 4156)
- A-34 FTA Enhanced Mobility for Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Program of Projects (Section 5310) for FY 2012-13 and FY 2013-14 (MTC Resolution No. 4168)
- A-35 FTA Nonurbanized Area Formula (Section 5311) Program Funding Objectives and Criteria for the San Francisco Bay Area (MTC Resolution No. 4036)
- A-36 FTA Nonurbanized Area Formula (Section 5311) Program of Projects for FY 2013-14 and FY 2014-15 (MTC Resolution No. 4125)
- A-37 FTA Rural Area Formula (Section 5311) Program of Projects for FY 2015-16 and FY 2016-17 (MTC Resolution No. 4216)
- A-38 MTC’s Job Access and Reverse Commute (JARC) and New Freedom Program Management Plan for the large urbanized areas of the San Francisco Bay Area (MTC Resolution No. 3986)
- A-39 MTC’s Job Access and Reverse Commute (JARC)-Funded Mobility Management Program of Projects (MTC Resolution No. 4052)
- A-40 FTA New Freedom Program Cycle 4 Program Guidelines for the large urbanized areas of the San Francisco Bay Area (MTC Resolution No. 4012)
- A-41 FTA New Freedom Program Cycle 5 Program Guidelines for the large urbanized areas of the San Francisco Bay Area (MTC Resolution No. 4116)
- A-42 FTA New Freedom (Section 5317) Cycle 4 Program of Projects (MTC Resolution No. 4041)
- A-43 FTA New Freedom (Section 5317) Cycle 5 Program of Projects (MTC Resolution No. 4135)
- A-44 MTC’s Lifeline Transportation Cycle 3 Program Guidelines and Funding for FY 2010-11 through FY 2012-13 (MTC Resolution No. 4033)
- A-45 MTC’s Lifeline Transportation Cycle 4 Program Guidelines for FY 2013-14 through FY 2014-15 (MTC Resolution No. 4159)
- A-46 MTC’s Lifeline Transportation Cycle 3 Program of Projects for FY 2011 through FY 2013 (MTC Resolution No. 4053)
- A-47 MTC’s Lifeline Transportation Cycle 4 Program of Projects for FY 2014 through FY 2016 (MTC Resolution No. 4179)
- A-48 Funding Framework for a High Speed Rail Early Investment Strategy for a Blended System in the Peninsula Corridor (MTC Resolution No. 4056)
- A-49 Updated Funding Plan for the Peninsula Corridor Electrification Project (MTC Resolution No. 4241)
- A-50 Funding Plan for Phase 1 of the BART Rail Car Replacement Program (MTC Resolution No. 4126)
- A-51 Transit Core Capacity Challenge Grant Program for High-Priority Transit Capital Projects Between FY 2014-15 and FTY 29-30 (MTC Resolution No. 4123)
- A-52 Policies and Procedures for the Regional Traffic Relief Plan of Regional Measure 2 (RM2) (MTC Resolution No. 3636)
- A-53 Programming and Allocation Policies for the AB 664 Net Bridge Toll Revenue, RM1 Regional Rail Extension Reserve, Two Percent Bridge Toll Revenue, and Five Percent State General Fund Revenue Transit Funding Programs (MTC Resolution No. 4015)
- A-54 Regional Measure 2 (RM2) Safe Routes to Transit Grant Program (MTC Resolution No. 3735)
- A-55 Caltrans Toll Credit Use Policy
- A-56 MTC Toll Credit Policy (MTC Resolution No. 4008)
- A-57 Cap and Trade Funding Framework and Process Development Guidelines (MTC Resolution No. 4130)
Project Delivery
2017 TIP Detail