Previous Federal Funds

Before the One Bay Area Grant Program (OBAG), MTC distributed federal funds according to "Cycle 1."

Karl Nielsen

Every few years, MTC develops policies to guide how federal transportation funds will be distributed throughout the Bay Area.

Prior to OBAG, MTC distributed federal funds according to a policy referred to as Cycle 1. Cycle 1 included $677 million in Surface Transportation Program/Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program funds over a three year period, from FY 2009-10 through FY 2011-12.

Like OBAG, the Cycle 1 program included a Regional Program, managed by MTC, and a County Program, managed by the nine Bay Area county transportation agencies. These:

  • Totalled $677 million over 3 years
  • Provided funding to regional programs:
    • Freeway Performance Initiative
    • Climate Initiatives
    • Operations
    • Safe Routes to School
    • Regional Strategic Investments
    • Planning Activities
    • Lifeline Transportation Program
  • Directed funds to county transportation agencies for the following types of projects:
    • Local street and road maintenance
    • Streetscape enhancements
    • Bicycle and pedestrian improvements
    • Transportation planning

Read MTC Resolution No. 3925 (as of January 2021) to see project selection criteria, policies and programming for the Surface Transportation Authorization Act.