Climate Initiatives Program
Cleaner air is not just a good idea, it’s the law. MTC’s investments and policies advance projects and programs that protect our environment.
The goal of MTC's climate initiatives program is to reduce the transportation sector's carbon footprint. These climate initiatives help the Bay Area meet emissions-reduction targets set by state law and improve the health and vibrancy of the region for all its residents.
Forty percent of the Bay Area’s greenhouse gas emissions are produced by transportation, with exhaust from cars and trucks the biggest single source.
MTC’s climate initiatives programs promote innovative ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the Bay Area, and utilize federal funding to help achieve regional air quality goals.
Since 2009, MTC has invested over $100 million for innovative solutions to reducing transportation-related greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, including
- Commuter benefits program
- Carpooling and vanpooling programs
- Car sharing programs
- Spare the Air Youth & Safe Routes to Schools programs
- Activities to promote the adoption of electric vehicles
- Programs to encourage people to change individual travel behavior from driving alone to using sustainable modes
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions is a main goal of Plan Bay Area, the long-range regional transportation plan. Learn more.

See how MTC measures the impact on the Bay Area’s climate, and get data on people, transportation, the economy and more.

Funding for climate initiatives comes primarily through the federal Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement program and the Carbon Reduction Program.
Additional support comes from the Bay Area Air Quality Management District’s Transportation Fund for Clean Air.
MTC collaborates with city and county governments, as well as the Bay Area Air Quality Management District and other regional agencies to develop, implement and refine MTC’s climate initiative programs.