Plan Bay Area 2050

Plan Bay Area 2050 is a 30-year regional plan that charts a course for a Bay Area that is affordable, connected, diverse, healthy and vibrant for all residents through 2050 and beyond.

Plan Bay Area 2050 is the Bay Area’s regional long-range plan adopted by MTC and the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG). The plan was developed in collaboration with Bay Area residents, partner agencies, and nonprofit organizations. It lays out a $1.4 trillion vision for a more equitable and resilient future for Bay Area residents.

Thirty-five strategies make up the heart of the plan to improve housing, the economy, transportation and the environment across the Bay Area’s nine counties — to make the Bay Area more equitable for all residents and more resilient to unexpected challenges.

Plan Bay Area 2050 serves as the Bay Area’s Regional Transportation Plan (RTP), as required by federal regulations, and the Sustainable Communities Strategy (SCS), as required by state statute.

Guiding Principles

Plan Bay Area 2050 aims to make the region more affordable, connected, diverse, healthy and vibrant – these are the five Guiding Principles of the plan.

They were developed in conjunction with members of the public, partners and elected officials.

Advancing Equity

Each strategy in Plan Bay Area 2050 has been crafted to advance equity, with particular attention paid to the needs of people living in Equity Priority Communities.

Increasing Resilience

The plan builds upon the foundation of the Horizon initiative, which explored “What if...” scenarios — called Futures — for the region’s future. Each Future included different possibilities for the economy, population growth, the severity of natural hazards and adoption rates for telecommuting or autonomous vehicles.

The 35 strategies included in Plan Bay Area 2050 proved effective across multiple Futures, or respond to challenges that remained unaddressed after the conclusion of the Horizon effort.

A Shared Vision

Plan Bay Area 2050 reflects a shared vision that cannot be enacted by any single agency or organization.

Only through partnership with local, state and federal governments — as well as with advocacy groups, the private sector and Bay Area residents — will the plan’s vision of creating a Bay Area that is a better place to live and work come to life.

Strategies for the Future

Plan Bay Area 2050 focuses on the interrelated elements of housing, the economy, transportation and the environment.

The heart of the plan is 35 strategies that take a comprehensive look at the Bay Area’s challenges, and identify actions to be taken in the coming years, including:

  • Envisioning a next-generation network of frequent-service transit lines
  • Tackling the regional housing crisis
  • Creating pathways to the middle class through inclusive economic growth
  • Pioneering a suite of protections against sea level rise

Read Plan Bay Area 2050.

What’s Next?

The final Implementation Plan for Plan Bay Area 2050 transitions the Plan Bay Area 2050 process from long-range planning to near-term action. It details over 80 concrete actions that MTC, ABAG and our partners can take to advance the plan’s 35 strategies over a five-year period. The Implementation Plan is included as Chapter 7 of Plan Bay Area 2050.

The plan and its related supplemental reports were approved on October 21, 2021 at a special joint meeting of the Commission and the ABAG Executive Board.

Consistency with Plan Bay Area 2050

A growing number of environmental streamlining provisions and state funding programs require consistency with an applicable Sustainable Communities Strategy (SCS). In the San Francisco Bay Area, the applicable SCS is Plan Bay Area 2050. Learn more about the available resources that are intended for use in evaluating development projects and funding applications for consistency with Plan Bay Area 2050.

Transportation & Housing

The Bay Area is expected to be home to an additional 1.4 million households by the year 2050. It is important that the different types of transportation, housing and other land-use planning work together to make the best use of available resources.

Learn more about transportation and housing.
aerial photo of Oakland

Horizon’s work began in 2018 by asking the Bay Area public, “What are the most pressing issues to consider as we plan for life in 2050?” Your answers helped shape the foundation for the Horizon initiative.

Read about Horizon.
horizon logo square
Equity Priority Communities

By identifying which Bay Area communities are or have historically been underserved, MTC can direct funding toward projects that enable more equitable access to transportation, housing and services.

Learn more about Equity Priority Communities.
Map of Equity Priority Communities in the Bay Area.