Transit-Oriented Affordable Housing Fund (TOAH)
The Transit-Oriented Affordable Housing Fund (TOAH) is one of two MTC-funded regional housing finance programs that support the production and preservation of affordable housing near high quality transit.
In 2011, MTC invested $10 million to establish a revolving loan fund to help affordable housing developers finance land acquisition in select locations near rail and bus lines throughout the Bay Area.
The TOAH program attracted another $40 million from private foundations and financial institutions to make a total of $50 million available for new loans to affordable housing developers.
In 2017, MTC's original $10 million investment brought about a relaunch of TOAH as a $40 million fund with a wider range of loan products that came from a group of five institutions, and had a streamlined funding process.
Known as TOAH 2, the relaunched fund can be used by both for-profit and nonprofit developers to help finance the purchase or improvement of properties. They must be located in Priority Development Areas or Transit Priority Areas, to be developed or redeveloped with affordable housing alongside critical services such as childcare centers, health clinics, fresh food outlets or other retail space.
As of 2021, TOAH financing has kickstarted projects in San Francisco, Alameda and Santa Clara Counties, adding almost 2,300 units to the region's affordable housing stock. For more information about TOAH 2, its loan-origination partners and its lending history, visit the TOAH website.
Staff Contact
Somaya Abdelgany, ABAG/MTC Associate Regional Housing Planner
Phone: 415-778-5217
BAHFA is a collaboration between MTC and the Association of Bay Area Governments to address the Bay Area’s chronic housing challenges.

Housing permit totals provide an understanding of likely growth in the near future. Look for the latest permit data in your county when you visit the Vital Signs website.

Calls for projects for housing, transit, Priority Development Areas, Priority Conservation Areas and other focused growth projects.
MTC provided $10 million in seed funding for the Transit-Oriented Affordable Housing loan fund. The fund is sponsored by the Great Communities Collaborative. Originating lenders include:
- Corporation for Supportive Housing
- Enterprise Community Loan Fund
- Local Initiatives Support Corp.
- Low-Income Investment Fund
- Northern California Community Loan Fund
Plan Bay Area 2050, the region's long-range transportation and land-use plan, identifies several strategies to protect and preserve affordable housing, spur housing production at all income levels, and create inclusive communities throughout the region.
Plan Bay Area 2050+ will evaluate the Plan Bay Area 2050 housing strategies as part of the limited and focused update.