Grant Program

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The California Strategic Growth Council yesterday awarded $17.5 million in state Cap-and-Trade funds to four affordable, transit-oriented housing projects in the San Francisco Bay Area.

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The Metropolitan Transportation Commission just awarded a total of $8.5 million to 13 Bay Area organizations for Priority Conservation Area (PCA) Grants that support the goals of Plan Bay Area 2050...

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The MTC Regional Network Management Committee last week approved $200,000 in grants to help fund adaptive bikeshare pilot projects for people with disabilities in five Bay Area cities. Funding has...

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MTC is accepting proposals for a total of $35 million in available funding for efforts to support Mobility Hubs and Parking Management programs. Up to $33 million will be available for Regional...

The Bay Area has over 3,500 miles of arterials (high-capacity roads) other than freeways that are used mainly for through travel. Many of these arterials carry heavy traffic and experience significant...