Bay Area Hub Signage Program
MTC is teaming with Bay Area transit agencies to install a standardized signage system at the crossroads of 21 key transit hubs in the region. The goal is to make it easier for riders to transfer between connecting transit operators at regionally significant stations by creating a consistent ‘look’ and ‘feel’ and by giving riders actionable information. The need for the HSP was identified in earlier MTC planning efforts including the Transit Connectivity Report (2005) and the Transit Connectivity Plan (2006).
The Hub Signage Program (HSP) includes an initial $10 million capital investment in wayfinding signage, transit information displays and real-time departure displays. Real-time departure displays will also be installed at three international airports. Installation of signs is being led by either MTC or BART depending on the hub (with a few exceptions) and is scheduled for completion by June 2013. Sign operation, maintenance and replacement responsibilities are split between MTC and the transit agencies depending on sign type per MTC Resolution No. 3866 (Transit Coordination Implementation Plan).
For more information, contact Jay Stagi at 510.817.5808 or at
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