MTC’s Affordable Housing and Grant Programs Gain National Recognition
OAKLAND, CA — The Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) was honored with an award for Outstanding Overall Achievement by the Association of Metropolitan Planning Organizations (AMPO) at the organization’s annual conference, held October 20-23, 2015 in Las Vegas. MTC was recognized for the creation and implementation of two regional programs — the One Bay Area Grant (OBAG) Program and the Bay Area Transit-Oriented Affordable Housing (TOAH) Fund.
OBAG provides funding for qualifying transportation projects to reward local jurisdictions that plan for and produce housing. OBAG helps the region meet the smart-growth goals contained in California’s climate-oriented planning bill, Senate Bill 375, by incentivizing local agencies to fund transportation projects in Priority Development Areas (PDAs), areas designated by local jurisdictions as appropriate pedestrian- and transit-friendly places to concentrate future growth. Read more about the OBAG program.
The Bay Area Transit-Oriented Affordable Housing (TOAH) Fund, made possible through a $10 million anchor commitment from MTC, provides developers access to flexible, affordable loans to purchase available property near transit for the development of affordable housing, retail space and other critical services, such as child care centers, fresh food outlets and health clinics. By focusing growth along transit corridors in Priority Development Areas, the TOAH Fund promotes compact land use patterns, aligned with the region’s Sustainable Community Strategy. Details about the TOAH Fund can be found here:
Both projects exemplified innovation and coordination with multiple stakeholders, which were key criteria for winning the award.
The AMPO Annual Awards honor metropolitan planning organizations and individuals that have discovered ways to advance the planning process and shape sustainable regions. In announcing the award, AMPO had this to say about MTC: “MTC’s long list of accomplishments speak to their commitment and skill in addressing the Bay Area’s continued growth and sustainability requirements by incentivizing housing production and fostering infill-type development, while at the same time funding transportation improvements.” (See link for full announcement:
MTC is the transportation planning, financing and coordinating agency for the nine-county San Francisco Bay Area. AMPO is a non-profit membership organization committed to enhancing metropolitan planning organizations’ abilities to improve transportation systems.
John Goodwin (415) 778-5262
Randy Rentschler (415) 778-6780