Nine Bay Area Counties Call for Bike Champion of the Year Nominations, Ask Residents to Pledge to Ride in May
This year marks the 30th anniversary of Bike to Work Day and the San Francisco Bay Area is celebrating Bike Month throughout the month of May with Bike to Wherever Days pledges, challenges, events and prizes. Seasoned and novice cyclists in all nine counties — Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Solano and Sonoma — are encouraged to pledge to bike in May to make a better Bay Area. Participants will enjoy special benefits on Bike to Work Day, scheduled for Thursday, May 16.
More than one million Bay Area residents live within five miles or less of their workplaces, an ideal distance for bicycling. With many residents continuing to work both from home and at the office, the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) and all its Bike to Wherever Day partners encourage people to bike to shop, for errands, or bike to school with their children as a way to celebrate Bike Month.
Bike Champion of the Year
In anticipation for the month, each Bay Area county will crown its own Bike Champion of the Year. Anyone can nominate a Bike Champion — these are residents dedicated to promoting bicycling as a primary mode of transportation and who inspire others in their communities.
“Bike Champions of the Year allow people in each of the nine Bay Area counties to lift up cyclists who are making their county a better place to live and a better place to bike,” said MTC Executive Director Andrew Fremier.
Past winners have included dedicated cyclists, policymakers, educators and bike advocates. Winners will receive prizes and Bay Area-wide recognition. Nominations close March 29, 2024 and the winners will be announced in April.
Pledge to Ride
To mark the 30th anniversary of Bike to Work Day, MTC and the Bay Area’s bicycle coalitions urge participants to Pledge to Ride during Bike Month and take advantage of the benefits to individual health and the health of our communities, and of the opportunity to create healthier, safer, and more inclusive streets. “Every age and skill level is welcome and every trip makes a difference. Plus, you may be eligible for prizes from local bicycle coalitions on or around Bay Area Bike to Work Day, Thursday, May 16,” stated Silicon Valley Bike Coalition Executive Director Clarrissa Cabansagan. The form to pledge can be found here.
This year, the nine counties are working to make Bike to Wherever Days even more connected and coordinated across the region. “We’re excited to offer, for the first time, a regional map and a way to see all events across the Bay Area in one place,” said Marcella Aranda, MTC Public Information Officer and Bike to Wherever Days project manager. “This is a sneak peek. The nine counties will be adding events and Energizer Stations all month long, so keep checking back,” Aranda added.
Bay Area Bike Challenge
To commemorate the 30th anniversary of Bike to Work Day, MTC and its county partners are bringing back a re-imagined Bay Area Bike Challenge. Throughout the month of May, residents of all nine Bay Area counties are encouraged to log their cycling miles using Ride with GPS. “The goal is to log 30,000 miles in honor of the 30th anniversary of Bike to Work Day,” stated Bike to Wherever Days Program Manager Ilyse Magy. “Whether you're commuting to work, running errands, or simply enjoying a leisurely ride, every mile counts toward our goal,” she added.
How to Participate
More details about Bike to Wherever Days are available at
Follow Bike to Wherever Days on Facebook at @biketoworkday, on X (formerly Twitter) @BikeToWorkSFBay and Instagram @biketoworkday_bayarea.
About Bay Area Bike to Wherever Days
Bay Area Bike to Wherever Days is presented by MTC (the transportation planning, financing and coordinating agency for the nine-county San Francisco Bay Area), 511 (the region’s traveler information system) and Amazon. BTWD 2024 also receives regional support from the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) and Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART), as well as from many sponsors at the local level. Prizes for the Bike Champion of the Year winners are donated by MTC-ABAG, Mike’s Bikes and Sports Basement.