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Youth Art Contest Winners Selected

Climate Change Focus of Projects
Issac L. "Reforestation"

Winners of the “Art on the Horizon: Youth Confronting Climate Change” contest sponsored by MTC and the Association of Bay Area Governments were announced this week at the Y-Plan Policy Summit at UC Berkeley.

As part of the agencies’ Horizon planning initiative, MTC and ABAG sought digital art submissions that demonstrate what can be done to combat climate change. The Art on the Horizon contest was open to artists age 13 to 23, and asked the question: “What can you do to stop climate change?”

Age 13-17 Winners

First Prize

Elyssa T., Mare Island Technology Academy
“Walkable Cities”
(Video, 2.5 minutes)

Second Prize

Issac L. “Reforestation”

Third Prize

Amy T., Mountain View High School
“Steps to Sustainability”
(Video, 24 seconds)

Honorable mention

Peggy L., Castro Valley High School

Age 18-23 Winners

First Prize

Daniel Law, Mill Valley
“Sailing a Higher Tide"

Second Prize

Brianna Faye Mariano De La Cuesta, Hayward
“This Land is Your Land”

Third Prize

Avery Godfrey, Lafayette
Untitled work

Honorable mention

Hanna Payne, Stanford University

Winners were selected by a jury that included James Choe and David Cooper of ABAG and MTC staff; Sam Cooper, senior photo editor for WIRED; Kỳ-Nam Miller of MTC’s Policy Advisory Council; Christine Nguyen of the Bay Area Air Quality Management District staff; and Shaun Tai, executive director for Oakland Digital.

MTC and ABAG congratulate the winners and extend thanks to all the artists who participated.

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