Bay Bridge Seismic Safety Projects

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The Toll Bridge Program Oversight Committee held its last meeting, wrapping up more than a decade of work that saved toll payers hundreds of millions of dollars and years of delays as the Bay Bridge...

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Caltrans’ ongoing project to demolish the original East Span of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge reached a historic milestone when the final 1.7-million-pound steel truss section of the old Bay...

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The state Toll Bridge Seismic Retrofit Program (TBSRP) reached another milestone this week as construction crews completed a 21-month, $47 million project to bring the 1.8-mile Antioch Bridge up to...

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Caltrans has completed the installation of the saddles on the new East Span of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge, which replaces the seismic safety function of the broken rods and the temporary...

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The Bay Area Toll Authority (BATA) — in partnership with Caltrans – works to keep the Bay Area’s seven state-owned toll bridges structurally sound and in a state of good repair. The San Francisco...

Watch two marine foundations from the original Bay Bridge implode in less than 30 seconds! The demolition of the Bay Bridge's original East Span continued on September 30 with a double pier implosion...

Brian Maroney, who serves as Caltrans’ chief bridge engineer, is this year’s recipient of the Greta Ericson Distinguished Service Award. This award is named for the founder of MTC’s awards program and...