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Resilient by Design’s year-long Bay Area Challenge culminated in mid-May with a two-day summit where nine innovative projects designed to address sea level rise and other climate impacts while...

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MTC and ABAG are excited to announce the launch of the The Bay Link, a joint blog that will provide news, views and analysis on topics of regional interest.

The Bay Area Regional Collaborative (BARC) has released a new report entitled Raising the Bar on Regional Resilience , which details the Bay Area’s vulnerabilities to sea level rise and other effects...

News Release

BARC is accepting public comments on the draft report until January 15, 2018.

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Issued in November 2017, the draft Raising the Bar on Regional Resilience Report is a call to action by the Bay Area Regional Collaborative (BARC) and its member agencies to establish a comprehensive...

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MTC and ABAG have developed a webpage containing links to information that elected officials and staff may find helpful in the aftermath of the North Bay fires.

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Update as of November 1, 2017: With the North Bay fires contained, 511 has discontinued posting of fire-related road closures and transit disruptions. MTC staff have compiled resources to help cities...

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The California Department of Fish and Wildlife this month approved the North Bay Baylands Regional Conservation Investment Strategy produced by MTC, Caltrans, the San Francisco Estuary Partnership...

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Bay Area residents can expect a round of dramatic high and low tides, known as king tides, to hit the shoreline this week (Jan. 9-13). These weather events, produced by the gravitation pull of the sun...