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Regional Measure 3

On June 5th, voters in all nine Bay Area counties will decide on a sweeping $4.45 billion package of congestion relief projects known as Regional Measure 3. If approved by a combined majority of all voters, these projects would be financed by an increase in tolls on the Bay Area’s seven state-owned toll bridges. “Nobody likes higher tolls,” commented MTC Chair and Rohnert Park City Councilmember Jake Mackenzie. “But nobody likes traffic jams or crush-loaded train cars either. If our region is going to maintain its economic leadership, we have to invest in projects that will keep businesses and their workers moving." For more information, see the Voter Information Guide for the Statewide Primary, which is being mailed to households around the Bay Area and can also be viewed online. View background on Regional Measure 3 and prior toll measures here.