Metropolitan Transportation Commission
Bay Area Metro Center
375 Beale Street
San Francisco, CA 94105
Agenda Items
Alfredo Pedroza (Chair), Nick Josefowitz (Vice Chair),
Margaret Abe-Koga, Eddie Ahn, David Canepa, Cindy Chavez, Carol Dutra-Vernaci,
Dina El-Tawansy*, Victoria Fleming, Dorene M. Giacopini*, Federal D. Glover,
Matt Mahan, Nate Miley, Stephanie Moulton-Peters, Sue Noack, Gina Papan,
David Rabbitt, Hillary Ronen, Libby Schaaf*, James P. Spering, Sheng Thao
*Non-Voting Members
Agenda item1.
Agenda item2.
Agenda item3.
Agenda item4.
Agenda item4a.
Agenda item5.
Agenda item5a.
Agenda item6.
Agenda item6a.
Agenda item7.
Agenda item8.
Agenda item8a.
Approval of Commission Minutes of the July 26, 2023 Meeting
Agenda item8b.
MTC Resolution No. 4605. Establishment of Process for Approval of Design Plans and Procedures for Delegation of Approval Authority.
Agenda item8c.
Agenda item8d.
Agenda item8e.
Agenda item8f.
MTC Resolution No. 4321, Revised. Revision to MTC Resolution No. 4321, State Transit Assistance (STA) and State of Good Repair Program Programming and Allocation Policy, to identify regional fare policy programs as a priority for the STA Regional Program, temporarily suspend performance measures for small and medium sized operators, and make other minor terminology updates.
Agenda item8g.
MTC Resolution Nos. 4202, Revised and 4505, Revised. Various revisions to the One Bay Area Grant programs (OBAG 2 and 3), including programming $4.7 million to MTC for Active Transportation Technical Assistance and reprogramming $450,000 within the OBAG 2 Santa Clara County Program; as well as an informational update on FY2022-23 federal apportionment exchange agreements.
Agenda item8h.
Agenda item8i.
MTC Resolution Nos. 4570, Revised; 4571, Revised; 4572, Revised; and 4524, Revised. The proposed action allocates FY2022-23 State Transit Assistance (STA) funds to five transit operators, and allocates FY2023-24 Transportation Development Act (TDA), State Transit Assistance (STA), and Regional Measure 2 (RM2) revenue to six transit operators.
Agenda item9.
Agenda item9a.
Adoption of the Policies and Procedures for the 2024 RTIP, which includes approximately $214 million in new programming capacity for the Bay Area