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meeting Details

Programming and Allocations Committee

Wednesday, October 11, 2023 - 9:45 a.m.
Board Room - 1st Floor

Bay Area Metro Center
375 Beale Street
San Francisco, CA 94105

Agenda Items

Cindy Chavez (Chair), Nate Miley (Vice Chair),
Margaret Abe-Koga, Victoria Fleming, Federal D. Glover,
Gina Papan, Hillary Ronen, Sheng Thao
Non-Voting Members: Dina El-Tawansy, Libby Schaaf

Agenda item1.

Roll Call / Confirm Quorum

Agenda item2.

Consent Calendar

Agenda item2a.

Approval of Programming and Allocations Committee Minutes of the September 13, 2023 Meeting

Agenda item2b.

Quarterly Report of the Executive Director’s Delegated Authority Actions

Agenda item2c.

MTC Resolution No. 4404, Revised. Regional Measure 3 (RM3) Policies and Procedures

Agenda item2d.

MTC Resolution Nos. 4556, 4570, and 4571, Revised. FY 2023-24 MTC Fund Estimate and FY 2023-24 Transportation Development Act (TDA) and State Transit Assistance (STA) Allocations.

Agenda item2e.

MTC Resolution Nos. 3989, Revised and 4505, Revised. Various revisions to the One Bay Area Grant program (OBAG 3) and MTC exchange program, including programming $1.5 million to MTC for Engagement and Capacity Building for Community-Based Transportation Plans (CBTPs) and the Community Action Resource and Empowerment (CARE) Program; $600,000 to MTC for Bay Wheels Bikeshare E-Bike Expansion; and $2.3 million to MTC for various Priority Production Areas (PPA) Pilot Program grants.

Agenda item3.


Agenda item3a.

MTC Resolution Nos. 4537, Revised and 4130 Revised. Major Project Advancement Policy and Transit and Intercity Rail Capital Program Framework

Proposed revisions to the Major Project Advancement Policy (MAP) and the MTC Framework for the Transit and Intercity Rail Capital Program (TIRCP) state funding program. Proposed revisions include:
1. Commit $770 million in FY2023-24 and FY2024-25 TIRCP funding to the BART Core Capacity Program ($350M), the VTA BART to Silicon Valley Phase 2 project ($375M) and a Transit Operations Reserve ($45M).
2. Adoption of the Stage Gate process for MAP projects to move between levels based on an evaluation of cost and funding, policy reinforcements and readiness.

Agenda item3b.

MTC Resolution Nos. 4606, 4607 and 4608. Allocation of $43.8 million in Regional Measure 3 (RM3) capital funds to Sonoma County Transportation Authority (SCTA), Transportation Authority of Marin (TAM), and Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA)

Recommended allocation of a total $43.8 million in RM3 capital funds to Sonoma County Transportation Authority and Metropolitan Transportation Commission (SR 37 Sears Point to Mare Island Improvement Project), Transportation Authority of Marin (Richmond-San Rafael Bridge Access Improvements: U.S. 101/ I-580 Multi-modal and Local Access Improvement Project), Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (San Jose Diridon Station Project).

Agenda item4.

Public Comment / Other Business

Agenda item5.

Adjournment / Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Programming and Allocations Committee will be held on Wednesday, November 8, 2023 at 9:45 a.m. at the Bay Area Metro Center, 375 Beale Street, San Francisco, CA. Any changes to the schedule will be duly noticed to the public.