Regional Network Management Committee
Bay Area Metro Center
375 Beale Street
San Francisco, CA 94105
Agenda Items
Eddie Ahn, David Canepa, Carol Dutra-Vernaci, Chad Edison (CalSTA)*, Dorene M. Giacopini*,
Janice Li (BART)*, Matt Mahan, Stephanie Moulton-Peters, Sue Noack (Vice Chair),
David Rabbitt, (Chair), Diane Shaw (AC Transit)*, and James P. Spering
*Non-Voting Member
Agenda item1.
Agenda item2.
Agenda item2a.
Agenda item3.
Agenda item3a.
Approval of Regional Network Management Committee Minutes of the February 9, 2024 Meeting
Agenda item3b.
Contract Amendment - Traffic Incident Management Dashboard: mySidewalk, Inc. ($350,000)
Agenda item3c.
MTC Resolution No. 4634 - Adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Napa Valley Forward: State Route 29 (SR-29) Intersection Improvement at Rutherford Road and Oakville Cross Road
Agenda item3d.
Cooperative Agreement for the Napa Valley Forward: State Route 29 (SR-29) Intersection Improvement at Rutherford Road and Oakville Cross Road - Caltrans and Napa Valley Transportation Authority ($1,150,000)
Agenda item3e.
Fiscal Year (FY) 2023-24 Service Authority for Freeways and Expressways (SAFE) Statement of Revenues and Expenses for the Period Ended December 31, 2023 (Unaudited)
Agenda item4.
Agenda item5.
The next meeting of the Regional Network Management Committee will be held on Friday, April 12, 2024 at noon. at the Bay Area Metro Center, 375 Beale Street, San Francisco, CA. Any changes to the schedule will be duly noticed to the public.