Citizen Participation

News and Stories

News Release

MTC has released an online survey to get input from the public, partner agencies and others as the Commission prepares its next Public Participation Plan (PPP). The survey is available now through Feb...

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This summer, nearly 13,800 Bay Area residents were active in the second round of public engagement for Plan Bay Area 2050+, culminating in an outreach effort that was among the most extensive in the...

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What do you want the Bay Area’s future to look like? More affordable housing? Better transit? Cleaner air? We want to hear from you! Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) and Association of Bay...

News Release

Note: View the latest Plan Bay Area 2050+ Summer Engagement events . MTC and the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) invite Bay Area residents to help shape the future of the region through...

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The Coordinated Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Plan (Coordinated Plan) focuses on the transportation needs of older adults, people with disabilities and people with low incomes, and...

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Nearly 3,000 Bay Area residents participated in this summer’s first round of engagement for Plan Bay Area 2050+, a limited and focused update to Plan Bay Area 2050, the long-range plan for...

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How is the “new normal” shaping your life? Staff from MTC and the Association of Bay Area Governments need your input on how life in the Bay Area has changed as the region emerges from the pandemic...

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MTC and the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) officially kicked off a public outreach campaign over the weekend in an effort to develop Plan Bay Area 2050+, a focused update to Plan Bay Area...

News Release

The Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) today released its Draft 2023 Public Participation Plan for the San Francisco Bay Area, inviting public review and comment on a fundamental document...

News Release

How can we get more people involved in transportation policies and investment choices? What are the best ways to encourage Bay Area residents to participate in planning for the region’s future? The...