The 2019 California legislative cycle wrapped up on October 13 as Governor Newsom signed and vetoed dozens of bills, many of which will impact housing throughout the Bay Area. MTC supported 8 housing...
News and Stories
The 2019 California legislative cycle is in full swing, and MTC has taken positions on a number of bills that could substantially affect the Bay Area housing landscape if passed by the Legislature and...
Governor Brown acted on bills for the final time on September 30, signing into law five housing-related bills that will affect housing production and zoning requirements in the Bay Area, while vetoing...
Governor Brown today signed the 15-bill housing package passed by the California Legislature earlier this month. The bills include new permanent funding, a one-time jolt of new money and certain...
A suite of housing bills intended to begin addressing the state’s chronic housing shortage are now on the governor's desk.
Bay Area voters will get a chance to take regional mobility issues into their own hands if Gov. Brown signs into law Senate Bill 595, which today was passed by the state Legislature. The bill...
MTC Chair Jake Mackenzie and Vice Chair Scott Haggerty are lauding state Senate Transportation and Housing Committee Chair Jim Beall and Assembly Transportation Committee Chair Jim Frazier for their...
Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) Chair Jake Mackenzie and Commission Vice Chair Scott Haggerty today applauded the transportation funding package unveiled by Governor Brown, state Senate...
Ten years after California adopted the toughest greenhouse gas emission reduction goals in the nation, Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. yesterday strengthened that commitment, signing Senate Bill 32.
A wave of activity following Governor Brown's call for a special session of the Legislature focused on transportation funding made its way from Sacramento to the Bay Area and MTC's auditorium in...