With traffic on Bay Area freeways rising as the COVID-19 pandemic eases its grip on the region, the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) this month launched the second round of its MTC SHIFT...
News and Stories
After achieving strong bi-partisan support in the State Legislature the Bay Area Commuter Benefits Program has been signed into law by Governor Edmund G. Brown, Jr.
After a series of public workshops held in fall 2013, the Air District is proposing adoption of Regulation 14: Mobile Source Emissions Reduction Measures, Rule 1: Bay Area Commuter Benefits Program...
Legislation (Senate Bill 1339) signed by the Governor in fall 2012 authorizes the Air District and MTC to jointly adopt a regional commute benefit program. Pursuant to SB 1339, the Air District and...
The Metropolitan Transportation Commission today joined the Bay Area Air Quality Management District in approving the launch of the Bay Area Commuter Benefits Program, a joint pilot program that...
The Bay Area Air Quality Management District and the Metropolitan Transportation Commission today marked the 10-year anniversary of the Bay Area Commuter Benefits Program, which requires employers...