For drivers frustrated with a long, grueling commute, it’s never been a better time to look into vanpooling, thanks to the new Bay Area Vanpool Program, which provides direct subsidies to both new and...
News and Stories
However you think of Team Bike Challenge, riders from across the nine-county San Francisco Bay Area logged truly impressive numbers in 2017.
Join the San Francisco Bay Area’s largest bicycling celebration — Bike to Work Day — on Thursday, May 11.
This week Bay Area Bike to Work Day organizers named the winners of the 2017 Bike Commuter of the Year awards, given to recognize individuals for inspiring bicycling in their Bay Area communities...
Over 100,000 new and seasoned bike commuters are expected to pedal to work on Thursday, May 11, as part of the 23rd annual Bay Area Bike to Work Day.
Starting January 23rd, commuters who carpool to the Dublin/Pleasanton BART station with the Scoop app will be guaranteed parking until 10 a.m.
After achieving strong bi-partisan support in the State Legislature the Bay Area Commuter Benefits Program has been signed into law by Governor Edmund G. Brown, Jr.
OAKLAND, CA — The Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) today released its first comprehensive report on Bay Area freeway congestion since 2009, providing another concrete measure of the region...
OAKLAND, CA — The Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) today unveiled its innovative Vital Signs website (, an interactive tool that Bay Area residents can use to track...
OAKLAND, CA — Did you know that the Bay Area outpaced every one of the other Top 10 U.S. metro areas except Houston for job growth from 2010 through 2013? Or that more new housing units were permitted...