
News and Stories

News Release

The Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) last week launched a new program for partnering with major employers to improve peak-period traffic flows on select Bay Area freeways. The Commission...

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The California Strategic Growth Council yesterday awarded $17.5 million in state Cap-and-Trade funds to four affordable, transit-oriented housing projects in the San Francisco Bay Area.

News Release

OAKLAND, CA — Local transportation and planning officials are applauding yesterday’s action by California’s Strategic Growth Council to award over $47 million in state Cap-and-Trade funds to 11...

News Release

OAKLAND, CA — This week, the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) approved 22 new capital grants totaling $44 million through its Transportation for Livable Communities (TLC) program to...

News Release

OAKLAND, CA — Three agencies are teaming up to offer up to $7.5 million in competitive grants to protect key agricultural, scenic and natural resource areas in the San Francisco Bay Area. The pilot...

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The Metropolitan Transportation Commission just awarded a total of $8.5 million to 13 Bay Area organizations for Priority Conservation Area (PCA) Grants that support the goals of Plan Bay Area 2050...

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MTC this week announced the release of $60 million in planning and capital grants to support local implementation of MTC’s Transit-Oriented Communities (TOC) Policy and Climate Initiatives Program...

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MTC and the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG), in partnership with the State Coastal Conservancy (SCC), are offering up to $8.5 million in grants ranging from $200,000 to $1 million in the...

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The Bay Area was awarded money for a half dozen projects totaling $160 million — about 60% of the amount available outside Southern California — in the latest funding announcement from the state’s...

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MTC is accepting proposals for a total of $35 million in available funding for efforts to support Mobility Hubs and Parking Management programs. Up to $33 million will be available for Regional...