West County Transportation Agency

Award of Merit

In the early 1980s, a group of Sonoma County school superintendents formed the West County Transportation Agency (WCTA) as a joint powers authority to provide transportation for all of their students in a safe, cooperative, cost effective and “child centered” manner.

The innovative move was in response to two developments: a decision by the state of California to cap state funding to school districts for student transportation, and a new federal law requiring school districts to provide transportation for all disabled students. By banding together, the school districts could make the most of their limited resources while also beefing up services for disabled students.

Since it began in 1988, WCTA has grown from seven to 16 school districts. This year, the addition of Santa Rosa city schools essentially doubles the number of students served.

The WCTA fleet consists of 210 school buses that transport more than 4,600 students, including 1,100 disabled students, twice a day. Through economies of scale, efficient routing and professional management, WCTA is able to transport students safely and effectively at considerable cost savings. The agency estimates it saves its members — and Sonoma County taxpayers — approximately $1.5 million a year, versus the cost of each school district providing its own transportation services. WCTA is also a pioneer in clean-fuel technology, boasting a total of 50 CNG buses, reportedly the largest such fleet north of the Golden Gate.

In rural areas such as Sonoma County, with no significant public transit or safe paths for bicycling or walking, school transportation is a necessity. Through close cooperation and a commitment to meeting all of their students’ transportation needs professionally and economically, WCTA’s board of directors has created a successful program that eliminates the need for parents to transport their children to school, thus reducing traffic congestion and CO2 emissions — while also meeting federal mandates for curb-to-curb transportation for special ed students. Further, the savings for individual school districts served by WCTA allows more funds to be used for classroom education.