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Executive Director's Report

Report to the Commission: January 22, 2020

Plan Bay Area 2050

MTC/ABAG hosted three meetings – focused on Housing and Economy (December 10th), Equity (December 11th) and the Environment (January 7th) – to discuss potential strategies for the Draft Blueprint for Plan Bay Area 2050. A meeting focused on Transportation was held in November. Each event was well attended and input from these sessions will be used to help craft the Draft Plan Bay Area 2050 Blueprint.

Solano Transportation Authority Board Presentation

On January 8th, at the invitation of Commissioner Jim Spering, I attended the Solano Transportation Authority Board meeting to discuss Plan Bay Area 2050 and the relationship between the region’s transportation and housing challenges.

2020 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting

Along with several staff, I attended the 99th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, held this year from January 12-16th. The meeting, A Century of Progress: Foundation for the Future, provided an opportunity to learn about the latest research, share best practices, and discuss hot policy topics in transportation.