Introduced by Berkeley Mayor and ABAG President Jesse Arreguin and moderated by Oakland Mayor and MTC Commissioner Libby Schaaf, the Non-Profit Housing Association of Northern California (NPH) will...
News and Stories
MTC and the Association of Bay Area Governments this month named the integrated transit-fare system jointly proposed by Eddy Ionescu and Jason Lee as well as by Seamless Bay Area and the San Francisco...
The Metropolitan Transportation Commission and the Association of Bay Area Governments have released a new online survey, available in English, Spanish and Chinese, for the public to weigh in on what...
What should the San Francisco Bay Area of the future look like? MTC and ABAG want to hear from Bay Area residents as the two partner agencies develop a blueprint for how our region lives, works and...
MTC and ABAG today released proposed draft amendments to the long-range regional transportation and land use plan known as Plan Bay Area 2040 and to the 2017 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP).
Governor Brown today signed the 15-bill housing package passed by the California Legislature earlier this month. The bills include new permanent funding, a one-time jolt of new money and certain...
A suite of housing bills intended to begin addressing the state’s chronic housing shortage are now on the governor's desk.
The Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) and the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) last night adopted Plan Bay Area 2040 and its associated Environmental Impact Report (EIR). The...
Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) staff today released proposed revisions to the Draft Plan Bay Area 2040 and the Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for consideration by the Commission...
MTC and ABAG invite the public to an open house in Walnut Creek and a public hearing in San Francisco this week.