MTC and the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) today issued a detailed new report, entitled Momentum for Lasting Solutions, to serve as a roadmap for private investors as well as federal...
News and Stories
This webinar will be repeated on Tuesday, January 5, 2021, at 9:30 a.m.
The Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) and the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC), in partnership with cities and counties, are stepping up collaborative efforts to meet the Bay Area...
President Trump last Friday signed into law the $2 trillion COVID-19 emergency relief package —negotiated in coordination with Speaker Pelosi — passed by Congress earlier today. The deal includes $25...
The 2019 California legislative cycle wrapped up on October 13 as Governor Newsom signed and vetoed dozens of bills, many of which will impact housing throughout the Bay Area. MTC supported 8 housing...
The 2019 California legislative cycle is in full swing, and MTC has taken positions on a number of bills that could substantially affect the Bay Area housing landscape if passed by the Legislature and...
The Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) this week approved the appointment of the first slate of local government officials to the newly-formed Housing Legislative Working Group, which will...
The ABAG Executive Board at its January 2019 meeting voted to authorize Board President David Rabbitt to sign on to the CASA Compact. This action followed MTC's vote at its December 2018 meeting to...
Taking a bold step to ease the Bay Area’s persistent shortage of affordable housing, MTC last week established a $76 million grant program known as the Housing Incentive Pool.
Governor Brown acted on bills for the final time on September 30, signing into law five housing-related bills that will affect housing production and zoning requirements in the Bay Area, while vetoing...