Diversity & Inclusion
Equity is a core focus at MTC. We strive to create a just, fair and inclusive Bay Area where everyone can participate, prosper and reach their full potential.
We embrace JEDI values — Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion — both in our hiring practices and in the work we do every day. MTC invites all voices to be heard so we can make real, positive change for the region.
Diversity is part of what makes the Bay Area a great place to live and work. MTC embraces the different perspectives that staff bring to the agency and is a professional community that values inclusivity and respect.
Learn more about the mission, vision, values, goals and objectives that guide the work of MTC staff.
Hiring Partners
MTC works with many partners to ensure a diverse workforce. Full- and part-time positions are shared with professional organizations whose membership includes people with different racial backgrounds, genders and abilities.
To help reach the next generation of Bay Area transportation and housing professionals, MTC shares internship opportunities with organizations such as the Conference of Minority Transportation Officials and Students Rising Above.
MTC’s Equity Platform is based on a commitment to meaningfully reverse disparities in access and dismantle systemic exclusion. Find out how we define, measure, listen and learn to effect change in the Bay Area.
Equal Opportunity Employer
The Metropolitan Transportation Commission is an equal-opportunity, non-discriminatory employer. MTC provides all employees and applicants with an equal opportunity in every aspect of the employment experience regardless of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, national origin, physical handicap, medical condition or marital status.