ABAG and MTC Staff Join Forces
The staffs of the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) and MTC have consolidated and now are working as one integrated team to promote better collaboration and integration on common goals, and to achieve operating efficiencies. With some 290 staff, this combined work force is supporting the governing boards of both agencies. To reflect this new era of enhanced regional cooperation, MTC and ABAG have come together online at bayareametro.gov, a new portal for easily accessing their websites. Our new joint email address parallels this new joint portal. You can reach staff through this formula: first initial + last name@bayareametro.gov. For the near term, older agency email addresses will still function, but we are advising vendors and partners to update their email lists as soon as possible. You can find phone numbers for staff here.
Effective as of July 1, 2017, this staff partnership will enable both agencies to better address challenges like housing affordability, access to jobs and congestion across the Bay Area’s highways. The ABAG Executive Board is contracting for services with MTC to carry out its mission and statutory obligations, as well as manage regional programs, such as the San Francisco Bay Trail and the San Francisco Estuary Partnership.
MTC and ABAG have been housed in the same facilities since MTC's inception in 1970. In mid-2016, the two agencies jointly moved into the Bay Area Metro Center, located at 375 Beale Street in San Francisco. This regional agency headquarters also houses the Bay Area Air Quality Management District, with a fourth agency, the Bay Conservation and Development Commission, scheduled to move there in the future. The proximity of these four regional agencies at one building was intended to foster dialogue and collaboration, and the consolidation of ABAG's staff with MTC's is a natural outgrowth of this close interagency working partnership. One major tangible product of this MTC-ABAG partnership is Plan Bay Area 2040, a blueprint adopted in July 2017 for sustainably accommodating growth in the Bay Area over the next two-plus decades.
If you have any questions about the MTC-ABAG staff consolidation, you can write to info@bayareametro.gov.
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