One Bay Area Grants: Calls for Projects Open in May
Starting in May, county transportation agencies (CTAs) throughout the nine-county Bay Area will release calls for projects for local transportation projects as part of the One Bay Area Grant (OBAG) program.
As the Bay Area’s metropolitan planning organization, MTC works with county transportation agencies (CTAs) to award Federal Highway Administration funds to local agencies. This grant program – the OBAG 3 County & Local Program – will provide $340 million in grant awards throughout the Bay Area. This is a slice of the overall OBAG 3 program, which has an approved budget of $750 million. The OBAG 3 County & Local Program is a very flexible funding source, and allows CTAs to identify which projects will be most impactful in their communities.
MTC then prioritizes the projects which will best help the Bay Area meet the environmental and equity targets of Plan Bay Area 2050, the region’s long-range transportation and housing plan.
The Metropolitan Transportation Commission adopted a framework in January 2022, which establishes the goals of the OBAG 3 program. These goals include:
- Implement Plan Bay Area 2050
- Invest in Priority Development Areas
- Advance equity and safety
In March 2022, the Commission adopted the calls for project guidelines for CTAs. Eligible applicants include counties, cities, transit operators, federally-recognized tribal governments and CTAs themselves.
MTC expects to see proposals ranging from bicycle and pedestrian improvements to programs for Equity Priority Communities to investments that improve air quality throughout the Bay Area.
OBAG 3 Timeline
CTAs will release their calls for projects beginning in May 2022 and submit project nominations to MTC for final review in fall 2022. MTC staff will identify which projects will have the biggest impact in meeting Plan Bay Area 2050 goals, and then recommend those to the Metropolitan Transportation Commission for adoption in January 2023.
Regionally Significant Projects
Fifty percent of OBAG 3 funds – totaling an additional $375 million – are reserved for regionally significant programs. This money will be distributed outside of the upcoming 2022 call for projects cycle. Programs and projects may include:
- Priority Development Area grants
- Climate protection programs
- The Clipper® card program
- Bay Area Forward commute initiatives
Visit the One Bay Area Grant 3 page for more details.
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