Join the Metro Talks Equity Series Wednesday, Nov. 18, at noon as expert panelists cut through the noise to examine the recent election, looking closely at the propositions and their future...
News and Stories
At a time when Bay Area residents continue to shelter-in-place, how can we adapt to the current limitations, and how might we emerge with more inclusive strategies for equitable community engagement...
MTC and ABAG are inviting the Bay Area public to provide input on the newly released Plan Bay Area 2050 Draft Blueprint, a 30-year regional vision that seeks to create a more affordable, connected...
The Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) released its Draft 2018 Public Participation Plan for a 45-day public comment period on March 23, 2018 and is inviting public review and comments. The...
How can we get more people involved in prioritizing transportation policies and investments? MTC is inviting public review and comments on its Draft 2018 Public Participation Plan.
The Metropolitan Transportation Commission and the Association of Bay Area Governments have released a new online survey, available in English, Spanish and Chinese, for the public to weigh in on what...
What should the San Francisco Bay Area of the future look like? MTC and ABAG want to hear from Bay Area residents as the two partner agencies develop a blueprint for how our region lives, works and...
MTC has released an online survey to get input from the public, partner agencies and others as the Commission prepares its next Public Participation Plan (PPP). The survey is available now through Feb...
Have you seen any recent changes in your commute? Do you want better connections with an agency that plans for the future of our road, highway and transit networks? The Metropolitan Transportation...
The meetings in Santa Clara and Sonoma counties are the final two in a series held in all nine Bay Area counties between May 4 and May 22.