meeting Details
Public Hearing: Draft Plan Bay Area 2050
Wednesday, July 7, 2021
1:30 p.m.
MTC and ABAG will hold three (3) public hearings to receive oral testimony and written comments about the Draft Plan Bay Area 2050.
Passcode: 908706
Webinar ID: 854 5833 8822
Visit for additional information.
- Draft Plan Bay Area 2050 — Notice of Public Workshops and Hearing
- Borrador del Plan Bay Area 2050 — Aviso de Talleres y Audiencias Públicas
- ¿Necesita un intérprete u otra asistencia para participar? Por favor llame al 415-778-6757.
- 2050 灣區規劃草案 — 公開研討會和聽證會通知
- 您是否需要翻譯員或任何其他幫助才能參加呢?請提前三天致電415-778-6757.