Bay Area highway, transit and goods-movement projects today earned more than $660 million in new funding as the California Transportation Commission (CTC) finalized its first awards through a trio of...
News and Stories
MTC and ABAG are excited to announce the launch of the The Bay Link, a joint blog that will provide news, views and analysis on topics of regional interest.
Plan Bay Area 2040 marked a major milestone with the approval of the Final Preferred Scenario by MTC and ABAG. The Preferred Scenario provides a roadmap for accommodating household and employment...
All but two of the 22 local and regional transportation and housing ballot measures endorsed by the MTC Commission were approved by voters in last night's election.
MTC has endorsed 22 local ballot measures to fund transportation and affordable housing and opposes Proposition 53, a proposed statewide constitutional amendment that would create new hurdles to...
MTC and ABAG invite the public to open houses in Fairfield and Santa Rosa on Monday, June 13, and in San Francisco on Tuesday, June 14, to learn about an update to the region’s long-range...
MTC analyzes details of Governor Brown's bold new transportation funding proposal in the packet for the September 11, 2015, meeting of the Legislation and Public Affairs Committee. The memo also...
Details emerged today of a transportation funding proposal from Governor Brown aimed at shoring up the state's aging roadway system. The package reportedly calls for raising the state gas tax...
Even though the regular session of the California Legislature adjourned for the remainder of the year in September, the Transportation Funding Special Session that created a buzz this summer...
According to projections detailed in plans released today, Caltrans will need approximately $80 billion over the next ten years to address current and future needs of the state highway system—a...