Bridge Paths Counter Data
See how many cyclists and pedestrians use the paths on select Bay Area bridges.
The Bay Area Toll Authority (BATA) maintains an automatic counter system to detect and record the number of trips on select bicycle/pedestrian paths on BATA toll bridges.
The individual dashboards below display the data visually, and the data also can be exported to a spreadsheet.
View the Data
How Data are Collected
The data are recorded 24/7. Most of the counters can distinguish between bicycles and pedestrians, and will generate totals for each of the two different modes.
Since the counters were installed at different times over several years, the available information will not be consistent across the 5 bridges. There is no data for bicycle or pedestrian activity before the installation of the individual counters.
The automated counters are sometimes affected by factors such as maintenance needs, the age of the device, outside damage, interference, extreme weather or vandalism. This may result in a “no data” count for a period of time.
Additionally, if a counter is offline at any time, the results will not include the bicyclists and pedestrians who passed the counter location during that time. BATA works to limit machine downtime, and systematic and random errors.