MTC’s award-winning StreetSaver® software helps cities and counties in the Bay Area and around the country make maintenance decisions that stretch their pavement budgets further.
MTC developed StreetSaver to help cities, counties and other roadway owners get bigger returns on their pavement maintenance investments.
Learn about the powerful tools available to local jurisdictions using the StreetSaver software platform.
This companion app for StreetSaver lets pavement inspectors collect pavement data on the go and can calculate pavement condition index scores on the spot.
StreetSaver helps pavement management teams:
- Plan and manage roadway improvement projects
- Allocate limited pavement budgets in the most cost-effective manner
- Document budget needs and shortfalls
- Predict the future condition of pavement at different levels of funding
- Demonstrate the impacts of underfunded road programs
StreetSaver is available for license by cities and counties across the country.
How well-maintained are local streets in the Bay Area?