
Bay Area Housing Finance Authority (BAHFA) Business Plan

The Bay Area Housing Finance Authority’s Business Plan aims to create bold, regional solutions to the Bay Area’s housing challenges.

Amie Holbrook

The BAHFA Business Plan process was launched in 2021 to develop a blueprint for how BAHFA and its partners can come together to tackle the Bay Area’s housing challenges at a regional level and create the broad changes necessary to make housing more affordable for Bay Area residents.

The Business Plan provides a comprehensive, integrated strategy for BAHFA to successfully implement its 3Ps programs and become a self-sustaining agency over the long term.

The Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) Executive Board approved the Business Plan in April 2024, and the BAHFA Board approved it shortly thereafter in June 2024.

BAHFA Business Plan

Staff Contact

If you have questions, please contact BAHFA at bahfa@bayareametro.gov.

BAHFA Workshops on Draft Equity Framework & Draft Funding Programs

After a year of stakeholder engagement and technical work, BAHFA released its Draft Equity Framework and Draft Funding Programs. 

Members of the public are invited to view the virtual public workshop recordings to learn more about BAHFA’s Draft Equity Framework and Draft Funding Programs:

The same content was covered in both workshop sessions. Written comments were accepted by email through March 6, 2023.

BAHFA Equity Framework Background

The BAHFA Equity Framework was developed in collaboration with the Othering & Belonging Institute at UC Berkeley as part of a consultant team led by Forsyth Street Advisors, and serves as the foundation of the BAHFA Business Plan. Its purpose is to:

  • Articulate BAHFA’s commitment to advancing equity;
  • Set objectives for BAHFA’s impact on equity through its funding programs, guided by overarching goals;
  • Define metrics for measuring impact of funding programs; and
  • Provide a regional framework for Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing.

Guided by BAHFA’s Equity Framework, the Funding Programs propose strong, impactful and self-sustaining funding programs that can successfully establish BAHFA as a permanent agency that consistently achieves its mission of housing protection, preservation and production.

Public comments and input received will help inform revisions to the BAHFA Draft Equity Framework and Draft Funding Programs. The BAHFA Business Plan, including the Equity Framework and Funding Programs, is anticipated for final approval in late spring 2024.