
Housing Production, Preservation & Protection

The 3Ps Framework

Solving the Bay Area’s housing challenges will involve collaboration across the region. MTC and partners are using the 3Ps framework as a strategy to produce, preserve and protect housing for all residents.

Non-Profit Housing (NPH)

Currently, the Bay Area doesn’t have enough homes for the people who live here. As a result of the Bay Area’s housing shortage: 

  • In 2022, 37,000 people were unhoused in the Bay Area. 
  • 1.4 million people — 23% of Bay Area renters — spend over half their income on rent. 
  • High rents and home prices force people to live far from work, making congestion and pollution much worse, and putting a major strain on working families.
  • Too many Bay Area residents live in overcrowded and unsafe housing.
  • Vital employees and community members are leaving the area.

Individually, the region’s communities are hard-pressed to meet their housing needs. While there is no one solution, a regional approach to support Bay Area communities will help the whole region to create and preserve affordable housing opportunities and protect tenants.  

The Bay Area Housing Finance Authority's (BAHFA's) regional approach is called the 3Ps Framework:

  • Production – Investing in the construction of new affordable homes and converting non-housing structures (such as vacant shopping malls) to homes.
  • Preservation – Investments in existing buildings with the goal of preventing displacement of low-income households and stabilizing communities.
  • Protection – Tenant protection programs for low-income and moderate-income households.

The goal of this framework is to make sure housing is available for all Bay Area residents, no matter their incomes.

Planning for Change

Housing production, preservation and protection are front-and-center in Plan Bay Area 2050, the region's long-range plan for housing, transportation, the economy and the environment.

Read the Housing chapter of Plan Bay Area 2050.
Expanded Regional Housing Portfolio

BAHFA is just one component of MTC’s expanded regional housing portfolio. MTC is working closely with the Association of Bay Area Governments on solutions to create more homes for more people.

Visit the Association of Bay Area Governments website.