Programming & Allocations Committee

The Programming & Allocations Committee develops the policies and recommendations about how to spend state and federal funds.

Scott Graham/Unsplash

The Programming and Allocations Committee makes recommendations on how to spend available state and federal funds. The Committee:

  • Develops regional policies and recommendations for spending state and federal transportation dollars
  • Allocates funding for various transportation projects and programs
  • Reviews projects for consistency with regional priorities and air quality laws

This 10-member committee meets the second Wednesday of each month at 9:45 a.m. or immediately following the meeting of the Administration Committee, whichever comes later.

Staff Contact

For assistance, including information on upcoming meetings and joining the email list, please contact:

Carsie Bonner, Clerk
Phone: 415-778-4452


MTC invests in programs and projects that improve the transportation system, the regional economy and the lives of Bay Area residents.

Learn more.
  • Vacant, Chair
  • Nate Miley, Vice Chair
  • Margaret Abe-Koga
  • Victoria Fleming
  • Gina Papan
  • Vacant (3)
  • Non-Voting Member: Dina El-Tawansy
  • Non-Voting Member: Libby Schaaf
Funding Facts

Local and regional funding sources such as transit fares, bridge tolls and transportation sales taxes account for over two-thirds of the $292 billion revenue forecast through 2040.

State and federal transportation funds make up just 16% and 11%, respectively, of the Bay Area’s long-term investment budget.

Federal Gas Tax Facts
  • The 18.4 cents per gallon federal gas tax has remained unchanged since 1994.
  • The gas tax is the primary source of revenue for federal transportation investment.
  • To have the same purchasing power that it had back in 1994, the federal gas tax today would have to be more than 32 cents per gallon.
  • The state gasoline tax includes both a fixed portion of 18 cents per gallon, and a variable portion that adjusts each February.
  • This adjustment is based on a forecast of gas prices and consumption for the next fiscal year.

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