Bay Area Regional Collaborative (BARC)
The Bay Area Regional Collaborative (BARC) is a group of four government agencies working together to address issues of regional significance.
The Bay Area Regional Collaborative (BARC) collaborates to find solutions for 21st century challenges that impact the Bay Area, including climate change and social and economic injustice.
BARC is a 20-member collaboration formerly known as the Joint Policy Committee.
Established by the California state legislature, BARC helps MTC align its regional planning efforts in concert with:
- Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG)
- Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD)
- Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC)
Current BARC initiatives focus on climate change and adaptation. Learn more on the BARC website.
BARC usually meets every other month, though meetings may be called more frequently, if needed.
Staff Contact
For assistance, including information on upcoming meetings and joining the email list, please contact:
Fred Castro, Executive Office
Phone: 415-820-7913
Membership in the Bay Area Regional Collaborative includes:
- Five members from MTC
- Five members from ABAG Executive Board
- Five members from BAAQMD Board of Directors
- Five members from BCDC
- The Secretary of the California State Transportation Agency (CalSTA) also may designate a non-voting representative