Bay Area Infrastructure Financing Authority (BAIFA)
The Bay Area Infrastructure Financing Authority (BAIFA) oversees the financing, planning and operation of MTC Express Lanes and related transportation projects.
BAIFA manages MTC Express Lanes and also works with Caltrans, the California Highway Patrol and county transportation agencies on the overall Bay Area Express Lanes network.
Board Members
BAIFA is a joint powers authority between MTC and the Bay Area Toll Authority, and shares the same membership as MTC and BATA.
Staff Contact
Kimberly Ward, Executive Office
Phone: 415-778-5367
Express Lanes ease traffic congestion on Bay Area freeways with a lane especially for carpools, buses, motorcycles and solo motorists who choose to pay tolls.

FasTrak is the fast, cash-free way to pay your toll on bridges, Express Lanes, and even for parking at San Francisco International Airport.

Get your answer on Bay Area commute times when you visit MTC’s Vital Signs website … using data to make better decisions.
MTC Authorities often work together with other agencies that are not mandated by law. These are called “joint powers authority” and are partnerships between similar agencies across separate local or state governments.
- Margaret Abe-Koga
- Eddie Ahn
- David Canepa
- Dina El-Tawansy
- Victoria Fleming
- Dorene Giacopini
- Matt Mahan
- Nate Miley
- Stephanie Moulton-Peters
- Sue Noack
- Gina Papan
- David Rabbitt
- Hillary Ronen
- Jim Spering
- Vacant (6)
- Alfredo Pedroza, Chair
- Nick Josefowitz, Vice Chair
- David Canepa
- Cindy Chavez
- Stephanie Moulton-Peters
- Sue Noack
- David Rabbitt
- Jim Spering
- Non-Voting Member: Dina El-Tawansy
- Vacant
- Carol Dutra-Vernaci, Chair
- Stephanie Moulton-Peters, Vice Chair
- David Canepa
- Sue Noack
- David Rabbitt
- James P. Spering
- Dina El-Tawansy, Non-Voting Member