
Policy Advisory Council

MTC’s Policy Advisory Council — made up of 27 Bay Area residents like you — advises MTC on current and future transportation policies.

Joey Kotfica

MTC is committed to public participation on the issues that affect our region — issues like transportation and land use, air quality and climate change.

Made up of Bay Area residents, the Policy Advisory Council reflects MTC’s commitment to including the public in an open and transparent process of making transportation and housing decisions for the Bay Area.

The mission of the Policy Advisory Council is to advise the Metropolitan Transportation Commission on transportation policies in the Bay Area, incorporating diverse perspectives relating to the environment, the economy and social equity. 

The Policy Advisory Council meets the fourth Tuesday of each month.

Who is on the Council?

Council members come from Bay Area counties. They advocate on behalf of people with disabilities and residents of under-served communities. They support protecting the environment and keeping the region's economy running smoothly.

Each member's four-year commitment ensures that our diverse communities and transportation needs are being recognized.

Members have extensive life experience, work, academic or volunteer backgrounds that focus on economic, environmental and equity issues.

Meet the panel members for 2022 through 2025.

Join the Council

As a member of the Council, you'll jump into the thick of transportation, learn about the complexities of funding, and help identify the connections between transportation and land use, air quality and climate change.

Major recruitments are done every four years to fill advisory council seats. However, sometimes we need to fill interim vacancies. For more information, please contact:

MTC’s Public Information Office
Phone: 415-778-6757
Email: info@bayareametro.gov

Staff Contacts

For assistance, including information on upcoming meetings and joining the email list, please contact:

Martha Silver, Clerk to the Committee
Email: msilver@bayareametro.gov

Kỳ-Nam Miller, Staff Liaison
Email: kmiller@bayareametro.gov

Regional Network Management Customer Advisory Group

Members of the Policy Advisory Council also serve on the Regional Network Management Customer Advisory Group. Visit that page for more information.

Customer Advisory Group Staff Contact

Wally Charles, Executive Office
Phone: 415-820-7993
Email: wcharles@bayareametro.gov

Policy Advisory Council Structure

The Council’s membership is structured around interests related to the economy, the environment and social equity. The 27 members have either a work, academic or volunteer background in the subject, or are extremely familiar with related issues from life experience.

Nine economy and environment representatives are at-large seats appointed by the MTC Chair and Vice Chair.

  • Four of the nine members represent economic interests and four bring an environmental perspective. The ninth member may be selected from either category.
  • In addition, five of the nine must be from each of the five most populous Bay Area counties — Alameda, Contra Costa, San Francisco, San Mateo and Santa Clara.

Eighteen equity representatives are county-based appointments, recommended by the Commissioners in each county.

  • Nine members (one from each county) represent communities of color and issues affecting low-income communities or environmental justice. Of these, four members represent communities of color and four members represent environmental justice/low-income issues. The ninth member may be selected from either category.
  • Nine members (one from each county) represent issues related to transportation for seniors and persons with disabilities. Four members represent seniors and four members represent people with disabilities. The ninth member may be selected from either category.
Equity & Access Subcommittee

The Policy Advisory Council's Equity & Access Subcommittee advises the Metropolitan Transportation Commission on transportation policies in the San Francisco Bay Area, incorporating diverse perspectives relating to the environment, the economy and social equity.

Staff Contact

Martha Silver, Executive Office
Phone: 415-778-6693
Email: msilver@bayareametro.gov

Subcommittee Members

  • Christine Fitzgerald, Chair
  • Johnny Parker, Jr., Vice Chair
  • Dwayne Hankerson
  • Gabriela Orantes
  • Vinay Pimple
  • Terry Scott
  • Howard Wong
  • Roland Wong
  • Anne Olivia Eldred (alternate)
  • William Goodwin (alternate)
  • Vacant

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